import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import animation
plt.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg'
import matplotlib.colors as colorz
import as clrm
import brian2 as br2
from brian2 import uF, cm, um, ohm, ms, siemens, mV, nA, us,psiemens
def get_swc(filename):
Reads a SWC file containing a neuronal morphology.
Store compartment number of the file in a dictionary with the coordinates as key.
This dictionary will be used later to assign the compartment number to the sections of the neuron.
Information below from
SWC File Format
The format of an SWC file is fairly simple. It is a text file consisting of a header with various fields beginning with a # character, and a series of three dimensional points containing an index, radius, type, and connectivity information. The lines in the text file representing points have the following layout.
n T x y z R P
n is an integer label that identifies the current point and increments by one from one line to the next.
T is an integer representing the type of neuronal segment, such as soma, axon, apical dendrite, etc. The standard accepted integer values are given below:
* 0 = undefined
* 1 = soma
* 2 = axon
* 3 = dendrite
* 4 = apical dendrite
* 5 = fork point
* 6 = end point
* 7 = custom
x, y, z gives the cartesian coordinates of each node.
R is the radius at that node.
P indicates the parent (the integer label) of the current point or -1 to indicate an origin (soma).
By default, the soma is assumed to have spherical geometry.
lines = open(filename).read().splitlines() #create array of the lines in the swc file
types = ['undefined', 'soma', 'axon', 'dend', 'apical', 'fork',
'end', 'custom']
previousn = -1
segment_swc = {} # list of segments, coordinates as in SWC file
segment = {} # list of segments, coordinates are averages of initial and final value
for line in lines:
if line[0] != '#':
numbers = line.split() #create array of the values in a line
n = int(numbers[0]) - 1 # 0-based indexing
T = types[int(numbers[1])]
x = int(round(float(numbers[2])*1e3))
y = int(round(float(numbers[3])*1e3))
z = int(round(float(numbers[4])*1e3))
R = float(numbers[5])*1e-6
P = int(numbers[6]) - 1 # 0-based indexing
if (n != previousn + 1):
raise ValueError( "Bad format in file " + filename)
if (x,y,z) in segment_swc:
error_n = segment_swc[(x,y,z)]
print('Segmentswc ' + str(n) + ' same xyz as ' + str(error_n) + ' !!')
if n > 0:
b = [key for key, value in segment_swc.items() if value == P][0]
#calculate half-way distance between parent section and child section:
xhalf = int(round(0.5*(b[0]+x)))
yhalf = int(round(0.5*(b[1]+y)))
zhalf = int(round(0.5*(b[2]+z)))
if (xhalf,yhalf,zhalf) in segment:
error_n = segment[(xhalf,yhalf,zhalf)]
print('Segment ' + str(n) + ' same xyz as ' + str(error_n) + ' !!')
segment[(xhalf,yhalf,zhalf)] = n
segment_swc[(x,y,z)] = n
segment[(x,y,z)] = n
segment_swc[(x,y,z)] = n
previousn = n
return segment,segment_swc
def add_line(ax, lines, sec):
"""Add a line to a 2-D shape plot"""
diams = br2.asarray(sec.diameter)
xs = br2.asarray(sec.x)*1e6
ys = br2.asarray(sec.y)*1e6
# include the last point of the parent section:
xs = [sec.f_x*1e6] + xs.tolist()
ys = [sec.f_y*1e6] + ys.tolist()
linewdth = 1.5
for i in range(len(xs[1:])):
if != "soma":
if in lines:
'-k', color='black',
lines[] = [ax.plot(xs[i:i+2],
'-k', color='black',
# Plot soma segment(s) as a circle(s)
circle = plt.Circle((sec.f_x*1e6, sec.f_y*1e6), 0.5*diams[i]*1e6, color='black', alpha=1)
lines[] = [circle]
# Add the soma
return lines
def add_line3d(ax, lines, sec):
"""Add a line to a 3-D shape plot"""
diams = br2.asarray(sec.diameter)
xs = br2.asarray(sec.x)*1e6
ys = br2.asarray(sec.y)*1e6
zs = br2.asarray(sec.z)*1e6
# include the last point of the parent section
xs = [sec.f_x*1e6] + xs.tolist()
ys = [sec.f_y*1e6] + ys.tolist()
zs = [sec.f_z*1e6] + zs.tolist()
cval = 'black'
for i in range(len(xs[1:])):
diam = diams[i]*1e2
if != "soma":
if in lines:
'-k', color=cval,
lines[] = [ax.plot(xs[i:i+2],
'-k', color=cval,
# Plot soma segment(s) as a circle(s)
circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), diam, color=cval, alpha=1)
lines[] = [circle]
# Add the soma
return lines
def calc_dist(distances, sec):
"""Calculate the distance from soma"""
xs = br2.asarray(sec.x)*1e6
ys = br2.asarray(sec.y)*1e6
zs = br2.asarray(sec.z)*1e6
#the last point of the parent section:
xs = [sec.f_x*1e6] + xs.tolist()
ys = [sec.f_y*1e6] + ys.tolist()
zs = [sec.f_z*1e6] + zs.tolist()
#distance to soma of the parent section:
parent_dist = sec.dist
#initiate the distance of current section:
sect_dist = parent_dist
for i in range(len(xs[1:])): #length should be one less, since below we have i+1
sect_dist += np.sqrt((xs[i]-xs[i+1])**2+(ys[i]-ys[i+1])**2+(zs[i]-zs[i+1])**2)
if in distances:
distances[] = [sect_dist]
return distances
def show_property2(tm, var_to_show):
"""Show a 2D plot of the morphology, highlight the distribution of a parameter 'var_to_show' """
data = var_to_show
cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow') #coolwarm, seismic,bwr,afmhot
minmin = np.amin(data)
maxmax = np.amax(data)
cNorm = colorz.Normalize(vmin=minmin, vmax= maxmax ) # np.amin(data) np.amax(data)
scalarMap = clrm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cmap)
for sec in tm.sections:
sec_nr = tm.sections[sec][2]
for ii in range(len(tm.lines[sec])):
vsec = var_to_show[sec_nr+ii]
cval = scalarMap.to_rgba(vsec)
def shiftedColorMap(cmap, start=0, midpoint=0.5, stop=1.0, name='shiftedcmap',
Function to offset the "center" of a colormap. Useful for
data with a negative min and positive max and you want the
middle of the colormap's dynamic range to be at zero
cmap : The matplotlib colormap to be altered
start : Offset from lowest point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 0.0 (no lower ofset). Should be between
0.0 and `midpoint`.
midpoint : The new center of the colormap. Defaults to
0.5 (no shift). Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. In
general, this should be 1 - vmax/(vmax + abs(vmin))
For example if your data range from -15.0 to +5.0 and
you want the center of the colormap at 0.0, `midpoint`
should be set to 1 - 5/(5 + 15)) or 0.75
stop : Offset from highets point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 1.0 (no upper ofset). Should be between
`midpoint` and 1.0.
cdict = {
'red': [],
'green': [],
'blue': [],
'alpha': []
# regular index to compute the colors
reg_index = np.linspace(start, stop, 257)
# shifted index to match the data
shift_index = np.hstack([
np.linspace(0.0, midpoint, 128, endpoint=False),
np.linspace(midpoint, 1.0, 129, endpoint=True)
indv = 0
for ri, si in zip(reg_index, shift_index):
r, g, b, a = cmap(ri)
steps1 = 128/somspike
steps2 = 128/nmdaspike
vec1 = np.arange(steps1/2,128,steps1)
vec2 = np.arange(128+steps2/2,256,steps2)
cvec = np.append(vec1,vec2,axis=0)/257
if indv+1 < len(cvec)-1:
if ri>cvec[indv+1]:
indv = indv+1
if ri>=cvec[indv] and ri<cvec[indv+1]:
avgi = np.mean([cvec[indv],cvec[indv+1]])
r,g,b,a = cmap(avgi)
elif ri<cvec[indv]:
r,g,b,a = cmap(0.001)
elif ri>=cvec[indv+1]:
r,g,b,a = cmap(.999)
if indv==somspike-1:
# if ri >120/257 and ri<130/257:
# r=.1
# g=.1
# b=.1
cdict['red'].append((si, r, r))
cdict['green'].append((si, g, g))
cdict['blue'].append((si, b, b))
cdict['alpha'].append((si, a, a))
newcmap = colorz.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)
return newcmap