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\cf2 Modeling somatic and dendritic spike mediated plasticity at the single neuron and network level\
\cf2 ================================================================================================\
Figures 1-5:\
(-) The folder '0. Model' contains general scripts concerning the biophysical model used in simulations for Figs. 1-5: model morphology, model equations, model parameters, ... \
(-) Folders Fig 1 to Fig 5 contain scripts to generate the necessary data used for respective figures in the article, using the biophysical neuron model the from '0. Model' folder.\
(-) All scripts were written to be compatible with Python3.5 and Brian2 v2.0.\
Figure 6:\cf2 \
(-) The folders \'91Model CPU\'92 and \'91Model GPU\'92 contain general scripts concerning the reduced model used in simulations for Fig 6. \cf2 \
(-) The folder Fig 6 contains scripts \cf2 to generate the necessary data used for figure 6\cf2 . \
(-) All scripts were written to be compatible with Python3.5 with the tensorflow package (to run on GPU).\
Jacopo Bono\
September 2017\