For the paper:

Brette R. and Gerstner W. (2005), Adaptive Exponential
Integrate-and-Fire Model as an Effective Description of Neuronal
Activity, J. Neurophysiol. 94: 3637 - 3642.


We introduce a two-dimensional integrate-and-fire model that combines
an exponential spike mechanism with an adaptation equation, based on
recent theoretical findings.  We describe a systematic method to
estimate its parameters with simple electrophysiological protocols
(current-clamp injection of pulses and ramps) and apply it to a
detailed conductance-based model of a regular spiking neuron. Our
simple model predicts correctly the timing of 96% of the spikes (+/-2
ms) of the detailed model in response to injection of noisy synaptic
conductances.  The model is especially reliable in high-conductance
states, typical of cortical activity in vivo, in which intrinsic
conductances were found to have a reduced role in shaping spike
trains. These results are promising because this simple model has
enough expressive power to reproduce qualitatively several
electrophysiological classes described in vitro.

A brian simulator model is available at this web page:

The default setting is the parameters of the regular spiking neuron
model in table 1 in the paper (however other settings are available)
and generates the following demo figure:


This simulation requires Brian which can be downloaded and installed
from the instructions available at

For support on installing and using Brian simulations there is a
support group at