Author: Christopher L Buckley
Institute: Centre for Computational Neuroscience and Robotics
University of Sussex
FcondNetworkmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, UK
email to: c.l.buckley@sussex.ac.uk
version: 2009-11-02
//w[i][j] source i and target j
class neuroSynNetworkRate {
list<neuron *> neurs;
list<synapse *> syns;
list<neuron *>::iterator niter;
list<synapse *>::iterator siter;
NeuroSynRate **theLNs;
Emptysynapse **theSynapses;
DCInput **directLNInput;
NeuronModel *model;
rk65n *machine;
double *x, *xn;
double dt, dtx;
int N;
Array2D<double> mWeights;
Array1D<double> mSeqArray;
Array1D<double> vrestMod;
Array1D<double> mCCBias;
void GenNetwork(void);
void generateNetwork();
void generateConnect();
void init();
void enable();
void PrintThetaValues();
void PrintWeights();
void PrintMaxEig();
Array1D<double> run(double tme, double inputCurr,Array1D<int> inputStart);
double TransferInv(double in, double *params);
double Transfer(double in, double *params);
double TransferDeriv(double in, double *params);
Array2D<double> getJacobian(void);
void SetWeights(Array2D<double> weights, Array1D<double> SeqArray);
void ScaleWeights(double factor);
Array2D<double> SetCritical(double epsilon);
Array1D<double> SetCC();
double GetMaxEig();
neuroSynNetworkRate::neuroSynNetworkRate() {
dt = 0.0001;
dtx = 0.0;
N = 0.0;
directLNInput = new DCInput*[NoLNs];
theLNs = new NeuroSynRate*[NoLNs];
//Set up network memory and space
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
theLNs[i] = new NeuroSynRate(i, PARAMS_LN);
directLNInput[i] = new DCInput(theLNs[i], 0);
//set up connections
theSynapses = new Emptysynapse*[NoLNs * NoLNs];
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++) {
if (i != j) {
theSynapses[j * NoLNs + i] = new Emptysynapse(theLNs[i],
theLNs[j], 0.0);
//enable integaror
neuroSynNetworkRate::~neuroSynNetworkRate() {
list<neuron *>::iterator i;
list<synapse *>::iterator j;
for (i = neurs.begin(); i != neurs.end(); i++) {
delete *i;
for (j = syns.begin(); j != syns.end(); j++) {
delete *j;
delete[] theLNs;
delete[] directLNInput;
void neuroSynNetworkRate::enable() {
model = new NeuronModel(&neurs, &syns, N, cerr);
x = new double[N];
xn = new double[N];
machine = new rk65n(N, rk65_MINDT, rk65_eps, rk65_absEps, rk65_relEps);
void neuroSynNetworkRate::SetWeights(Array2D<double> weights,
Array1D<double> SeqArray) {
mWeights = weights;
mSeqArray = SeqArray;
double beta = PARAMS_LN[15];
//this code alters the wigtsh absed on the rest potetial.
Array1D<double> setter(NoLNs, 0.0);
vrestMod = setter;
double P2[NEUROSYN_PNO];
for (int i = 0; i < NEUROSYN_PNO; i++)
P2[i] = PARAMS_LN[i];
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
double Iin = TransferInv(beta * mSeqArray[i], P2);
vrestMod[i] = a * Iin * Iin + b * Iin + c;
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
//cout << endl << "All the sme rest p[oetials" << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
if (i != j)
theSynapses[j * NoLNs + i]->set_gsyn(mWeights[i][j]);
vrestArray = vrestMod;
void neuroSynNetworkRate::ScaleWeights(double factor) {
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
if (i != j)
theSynapses[j * NoLNs + i]->set_gsyn(mWeights[i][j]*factor);
void neuroSynNetworkRate::PrintWeights()
cout << "The weighst are: (rate)" << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
cout << mWeights[i][j] * (vrestMod[j] - PARAMS_LN[12]) << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
Array1D<double> neuroSynNetworkRate::SetCC() {
Array1D<double> ccBias(NoLNs, 0.0);
double beta = PARAMS_LN[15];
double Parameters[NEUROSYN_PNO];
for (int i = 0; i < NEUROSYN_PNO; i++)
Parameters[i] = PARAMS_LN[i];
vector<double> summer(NoLNs, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++)
summer[j] = summer[j] + mWeights[i][j] * (vrestMod[j]
- PARAMS_LN[12]) * mSeqArray[i];
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
Parameters[11] = TransferInv(beta * mSeqArray[i], Parameters)
- summer[i];
ccBias[i] = Parameters[11];
mCCBias = ccBias;
return ccBias;
void neuroSynNetworkRate::PrintThetaValues()
cout << "The theta values are (rate):" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
cout <<mCCBias[i]<< " ";
cout << endl;
Array2D<double> neuroSynNetworkRate::SetCritical(double epsilon) {
Array2D<double> modWeigths(NoLNs, NoLNs, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++) {
modWeigths[i][j] = mWeights[i][j] * (vrestMod[j] - PARAMS_LN[12]);
double maxeig = GetMaxEig();
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++)
mWeights[i][j] = mWeights[i][j] * PARAMS_LN[15] / (maxeig)
* (epsilon);
SetWeights(mWeights, mSeqArray);
return mWeights;
double neuroSynNetworkRate::GetMaxEig() {
Array2D<double> lWeigths(NoLNs, NoLNs, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++) {
double gammaDeriv = TransferDeriv(TransferInv(PARAMS_LN[15]
* mSeqArray[j], PARAMS_LN), PARAMS_LN);
lWeigths[i][j] = mWeights[i][j] * (vrestMod[j] - PARAMS_LN[12])
* gammaDeriv;
// cout << gammaDeriv<< endl;
JAMA::Eigenvalue<double> eigenDecomposition(lWeigths);
TNT::Array1D<double> eigenValues;
double maxeig = -100000.0;
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
if (eigenValues[i] > maxeig)
maxeig = eigenValues[i];
return maxeig;
void neuroSynNetworkRate::PrintMaxEig()
double lMaxEig = GetMaxEig();
cout << " The max eig is:" << lMaxEig << endl;
void neuroSynNetworkRate::init() {
dt = 0.0001;
dtx = 0.0;
N = 0.0;
int counter = 0;
int counter2 = 0;
for (niter = neurs.begin(); niter != neurs.end(); niter++) {
double temp[1];
if (counter < NoLNs) {
temp[0] = mSeqArray[counter2];
counter = counter + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < NoDirectLNInput; i++)
Array2D<double> neuroSynNetworkRate::getJacobian(void) {
Array2D<double> jacobian(NoLNs, NoLNs, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NoLNs; j++) {
double gammaDeriv = TransferDeriv(TransferInv(PARAMS_LN[15]
* mSeqArray[j], PARAMS_LN), PARAMS_LN);
jacobian[i][j] = mWeights[i][j] * (vrestMod[j] - PARAMS_LN[12])
* gammaDeriv;
if (i == j) {
jacobian[i][j] = -PARAMS_LN[15];
JAMA::Eigenvalue<double> eigenDecomposition(jacobian);
TNT::Array1D<double> eigenValues;
cout << "Its eignevalue is:";
double marker = -100000.0;
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
if (eigenValues[i] > marker)
marker = eigenValues[i];
cout << marker << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << flush;
return jacobian;
Array1D<double> neuroSynNetworkRate::run(double tme, double inputCurr,Array1D<int> inputStart) {
Array1D<double> endPoints(NoLNs * 2, 0.0);
stringstream name;
char thename[80];
ofstream NSRateDataN, NSRateDataS;
int fileInt = int(inputCurr);
name << "NS"<< 100*percentCritical << "RateDataF" << int(10000000* inputCurr ) << ".dat" << ends;
name << "RateF"<< "N" << "fs" << ".dat" << ends;
// name << "NS" << "RateDataN" << ".dat" << ends;
name >> thename;
if (OutDat)
name << "NS"<< 100*percentCritical << "RateDataS" << int(10000000* inputCurr ) << ".dat" << ends;
name << "RateS"<< "N" << "fs" << ".dat" << ends;
// name << "NS" << "RateDataS" << ".dat" << ends;
name >> thename;
if (OutDat)
double *tmp;
x[0] = 0;
bool once = true;
while (x[0] < tme) {
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
// cerr << theLNs[i]->E(x) << " ";
if (isnan(theLNs[i]->E(x))) {
// cerr << "nan encountered!" << endl;
// cerr << endl;
double tdt = 0.0;
while (abs(tdt - 0.1) > 1e-9) {
for (int i = 0; i < NoDirectLNInput; i++){
if ((x[0] > IMPULSESTART+inputStart[i]) && (x[0] < (IMPULSESTART+inputStart[i] + 1.0)))
for (int i = 0; i < NoDirectLNInput; i++){
if (x[0] > IMPULSESTART+inputStart[i] + IMPULSEDUR && (x[0] < (IMPULSESTART+inputStart[i]
+ IMPULSEDUR + 1.0)))
dt = min(dt, 0.1 - tdt);
dtx = machine->integrate(x, xn, model, dt);
dtx = min(dtx, 2.0 * dt);
tmp = x;
x = xn;
xn = tmp;
tdt += dt;
dt = dtx;
// cout << x[0] << endl;
if (OutDat) {
NSRateDataN << x[0];
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
NSRateDataN << " " << theLNs[i]->F(x);
NSRateDataN << endl;
NSRateDataS << x[0];
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
NSRateDataS << " " << theLNs[i]->S(x);
NSRateDataS << endl;
if (once) {
for (int i = 0; i < NoLNs; i++) {
endPoints[i] = theLNs[i]->F(x);
once = false;
if (OutDat) {
for (int i = NoLNs; i < 2* NoLNs ; i++) {
endPoints[i] = theLNs[i - NoLNs]->F(x);
return endPoints;
double neuroSynNetworkRate::TransferInv(double in, double *params) {
double alpha = params[14];
double beta = params[15];
double tr = params[16];
double lF;
lF = in / alpha / tr;
double out;
if (theTrout)
out = (pow((2* lF + A2 * B), 2) - pow(A2 * B, 2)) / 4 / A2 + Ic;
out = (lF - C) / M;
out = max(out, 0.0);
return out;
double neuroSynNetworkRate::TransferDeriv(double in, double *params) {
return (Transfer(in + 0.00005, PARAMS_LN) - Transfer(in - 0.00005,
PARAMS_LN)) / 0.0001;
double neuroSynNetworkRate::Transfer(double in, double *params) {
double alpha = params[14];
double beta = params[15];
double tr = params[16];
double currentIn = max(in, 0.0);
double lF;
if (theTrout) {
lF = (sqrt(4 * A2 * (currentIn) + pow((A2 * B), 2)) - A2 * B) / 2;
} else
lF = M * currentIn + C;
lF = max(lF, 0.0);
double synConst = PARAMS_LN[14]
* (exp(PARAMS_LN[15] * PARAMS_LN[16]) - 1.0);
return alpha * tr * lF;