Author: Thomas Nowotny
Institute: Institute for Nonlinear Dynamics
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0402
email to: tnowotny@ucsd.edu
initial version: 2005-08-17
// This is the base class for all types of plastic synapses with smooth
// changes in their maximal conductance. This class is abstract due to
// a lacking stdp function
#include "CN_absynapse_smSTDP.h"
#include "CN_neuron.h"
#define SMSTDP1PNO 13
double stdSMSTDP1_p[SMSTDP1PNO]= {
0.0, // 0 - Erev: reversal potential
-20.0, // 1 - Esyn: presynaptic threshold
0.5, // 2 - asyn: alpha (rise rate)
0.1, // 3 - bsyn: beta (fall rate)
10.0, // 4 - Vslope: Slope of activation curve
0.01, // 5 - decay: rate of STDP action time window
10.0, // 6 - gmax: maximal g
0.01, // 7 - g0: equilibrium g
0.001, // 8 - gdecay: time scale of g decay towards g0
0.01, // 9 - Aplus: amplitude of positive STDP curve
0.01, // 10 - Aminus: amplitude of negative STDP curve
20.0, // 11 - tauplus: time scale of positive STDP curve
30.0 // 12 - tauminus: time scale of negative STDP curve
class absynapse_smSTDP1: public absynapse_smSTDP
absynapse_smSTDP1(neuron *, neuron *, double, double, double,
double, double, double, double, double, double, double,
double, double, double);
absynapse_smSTDP1(neuron *, neuron *, double *);
virtual double stdp_fn(double);