// oblique_scaled_ka.hoc
objref sl, finished, sr
sl=new SectionList()
// note that for the c91662 cell the basal dendrites are equivalent to
// the dend subsection "for i=0, numbasal-1 dendrite[i] {" in
// Michele's model (accession # 55035) from which this is derived.
gbar_ka_max = 0.2826 // maximum value in Michele's absolute spatial
// current distribution. If a relative method is used where this maximum
// is achieved on each dendrite then a maximum distance dmax for that
// dendrite also needs to be determined.
// If the ramp slope is set from the longest of all the branches in
// a group that is connected through each process connecting to the
// shaft, the arbitrary assignment method of I_A in the apicals is
// perhaps as simply defined as it could be. If one tries to adopt
// a scheme where the same gmax_ka is reached at the tips of all the
// oblique dendrites then one must decide how the gmax's are computed
// up to each branch point. If there are a lot of branch points, if
// the conductance changes uniformly to the tip of the closest dendrite
// then the value at that branch point is much larger than it would have
// been if one only considered setting by the values of I_A at the dendrite that
// has the farthest point (from the soma).
finished=new SectionList() // once the section's show up in this finished list
// they are accounted for in the sense that
// their gmax_ka (gkabar_ka{p or d}) have been set.
dmax=0 // these will be the max and min distances within each sub-branch to the soma
// using crosshair in modelview on two points of gkabar_kad and finding
// the slope of the line between them (y1-y2)/(x1-x2)= 0.0003 for Migliore dist.
slope = KMULT/100 // 0.0003
t_slope = slope // the trunk and tuft slope, t_slope, is set to the Migliore et al. 2005 value
// ramp up I_A's gmax relative to each oblique dendrite rather than along whole cell
o_slope = scale_obliques * slope // reassigned in below proc to stay current
proc assign_relative_ka() { // this method uses simply the original slope in the Migliore et al.
// 2005 model to scale the gmaxa
print "Assigning ramps of I_A relative to each oblique sub-branch with (slope) scale ",scale_obliques
finished = new SectionList() // start with an empty list of finished sections
o_slope = scale_obliques*slope
for i=53,128 { // loop through every oblique section
skip_if_finished = 0 // set to 1 if the current apic[i] had gmax_ka previously assigned
apic[i] ifsec finished { skip_if_finished = 1 }
if ( skip_if_finished ) {
// do not have to assign gbar_ka if current apic[i] was done earlier
} else {
// the basic procedure is to
// find the starting conductance value at dmin on the primary trunk and then
// using the new oblique slope value calculate the conductances throughout the
// oblique subbranch connected to that dmin
apic[i] sr=new SectionRef()
sl = new SubBranch(sr) // add all of apic[i]'s SubBranch to a SectionList
// this procedure relies on the order of the index
// in apic[i] having the lowest number always closest
// to the primary dendrite. That way when the SubBranch
// class is initiated it finds the sections that are more
// distal to it. (If there was a section apic[i] that was
// the first element in this loop that was more distal to
// to the primary dendrite than the most proximal oblique
// in this subbranch
// that actually would not cause a problem because when
// the more proximal dendrites are calculated later the
// same dmin, dmax should be found
// An alternative way to loop over this would be to find the
// sections that make up all the starts of each oblique sub branch
// and iterate over those.
// Summary: at this time sl.o contains all the sections to
// iterate over to find the dmax and dmin and then on
// a second iteration assign all the gmax_ka's. Finally
// add the sections to the finished SectionList.
// diagnostic 2 lines of code: print " processing "
// sl.o.printnames()
dmax=0 // will hopefully grow from this number
dmin=1e6 // will hopefully shrink from this number
forsec sl.o {
for (x) if (x>0 && x<1) {
xdist = distance(x)
if ( xdist > dmax ) { dmax = xdist }
if ( xdist < dmin ) { dmin = xdist }
// print "determined dmax to be ",dmax," and dmin to be ", dmin
g0=KMULT // the y-intercept on the IA gmax (prox or distal) vs distance formula
forsec sl.o {
for (x) if (x>0 && x<1) { xdist = distance(x)
ghdbar_hd(x) = ghd*(1+3*xdist/100) //setting the h current same as Migliore
gstart = g0 + t_slope * dmin // assigns oblique starting IA cond. as same as trunk
if (xdist > 100){
gkabar_kad(x) = gstart + o_slope * (xdist-dmin)
} else {
//d print secname(),": x = ",distance(x),", same as ", xdist
gkabar_kap(x) = gstart + o_slope * (xdist-dmin)
//d print "gstart = ",gstart,", o_slope = ", o_slope
// gkabar_kap(x) = KMULTP*(1+xdist/100) // Migliore method
} // end of if
forsec sl.o { finished.append() } // add the finished sections to the finished SectionList
// Under development
// Alternative method to consider implementing if there is experimental
// evidence for a particular maximum density that is achieved in the
// tips of the distal dendrites.
// Assign the maximum conductance for I_A in the obliques
// based on assigning the maximum value to the tip of each
// oblique dendrite subbranch. When there are dendritic branches
// in this cell there is more than simple Y patterns (two branches off a stem).
// Find the most distal point within each 2nd order subbranch (collection) (assuming
// the primary dendrite is the 1st order and each oblique that branches off that is
// 2nd order, the collection is then all the processes connected to the distal end of the
// 2nd order branch:scale gmax_ka to that subbranches distal point.
// This method is in contrast to a method that assigns the
// parameters of the single gmax_ka ramp based on the most distal dendritic
// compartment of the entire cell. With the new method there are
// multiple gmax ramps, one for each branch off the main apical trunk.
proc assign_relative_ka_underdev() { // this method uses the absolute max's on the distal tips
// of each dendrite to scale the gmax values on each branch.
print "Assigning ramps of I_A relative to each oblique sub-branch with scale ",scale_obliques
// ramp up I_A's gmax relative to each dendrite rather than along whole cell
finished = new SectionList() // start with an empty list of finished sections
for i=53,128 { // loop through every oblique section
skip_if_finished = 0 // set to 1 if the current apic[i] had gmax_ka previously assigned
apic[i] ifsec finished { skip_if_finished = 1 }
if ( skip_if_finished ) {
// do not have to assign gbar_ka if current apic[i] was done earlier
} else {
// the basic procedure is to
// find dmax the farthest length out each 2nd order oblique dendrite
// group and then assign the gbar_ka based on that
apic[i] sr=new SectionRef()
sl = new SubBranch(sr) // add all of apic[i]'s SubBranch to a SectionList
// this procedure relies on the order of the index
// in apic[i] having the lowest number always closest
// to the primary dendrite. That way when the SubBranch
// class is initiated it finds the sections that are more
// distal to it. (If there was a section apic[i] that was
// the first element in this loop that was more distal to
// to the primary dendrite than the most proximal oblique
// that actually would not cause a problem because when
// the more proximal dendrites are calculated later the
// same dmax should be found
// An alternative way to loop over this would be to find the
// sections that make up all the starts of each oblique sub branch
// and iterate over those.
// Anyway, at this time sl.o contains all the sections to
// iterate over to find the dmax and dmin and then on
// a second iteration assign all the gmax_ka's. Finally
// add the sections to the finished SectionList.
// diagnostic 2 lines of code: print " processing "
// sl.o.printnames()
dmax=0 // will hopefully grow from this number
dmin=1e6 // will hopefully shrink from this number
forsec sl.o {
for (x) if (x>0 && x<1) {
xdist = distance(x)
if ( xdist > dmax ) { dmax = xdist }
if ( xdist < dmin ) { dmin = xdist }
// print "determined dmax to be ",dmax," and dmin to be ", dmin
slope_proximal = 0.03/100 // 0.06 is gmax from the orig formulas when KMULTP is 0.03
// and xdist=100
forsec sl.o {
for (x) if (x>0 && x<1) { xdist = distance(x)
ghdbar_hd(x) = ghd*(1+3*xdist/100) //setting the h current same as Migliore
if (xdist > 100){
if (dmin>100) {
gkabar_kad_old_start = KMULT*(1+scale_ka*dmin/100)
slope_distal = (gbar_ka_max-gkabar_kad_old_start)/(dmax-dmin)
gkabar_kad(x) = gkabar_kad_old_start + scale_obliques*slope_distal * (xdist-dmin)
} else {
// the below provides for no discontinuities for obliques
// that have points both < and > 100 microns from soma
gkabar_kad_old_start = KMULT*(1+100/100)
slope_distal = (gbar_ka_max-gkabar_kad_old_start)/(dmax-100)
gkabar_kad(x) = gkabar_kad_old_start + scale_obliques*slope_distal * (xdist-100)
// gkabar_kad(x) = KMULT + slope_distal * xdist
// gkabar_kad(x) = KMULT*(1+xdist/100) // Migliore method
} else {
gkabar_kap(x) = KMULTP + slope_proximal * xdist
// gkabar_kap(x) = KMULTP*(1+xdist/100) // Migliore method
} // end of if
forsec sl.o { finished.append() } // add the finished sections to the finished SectionList