// Single branch, single pulse, synaptic stimulation of increasing numbers of synapses
// This experiment is used to show how A+B type stimualtion can be sublinear, linear or supralinear
// depending on the strength of stimuli A, B
// No inhibition is used in the single pulse experiments.
// The variable "times" is used to select among a set of blockade cases to test
// times: 0 = control , 1 = block_A, 2 = block_NMDA, 3 = block_A_NMDA, 4 = block_Na, 5 = block_Ca
times = 0
//load_template("ExperimentControl") // load needed templates
objref econ // initialize template parameters
econ=new ExperimentControl(show_errs,debug_lev)
econ.morphology_dir = "../../morphology/n123" // set location for morphology files
econ.add_lib_dir("Terrence","../../lib") // set location for library files
econ.generic_dir = "../../experiment/" // set location for cell-setup file
econ.data_dir = "data" // set directory to store data
sprint(econ.syscmd, "mkdir -p %s", econ.data_dir)
actual_resolution=75 // maximum nseg number
econ.xopen_geometry_dependent("cell") // load raw cell morphology
econ.xopen_geometry_dependent("cell-analysis") // load user-defined semantics on morphology
printf("Opening cell setup\n") // load cell-setup to
econ.xopen_generic("cell-setup") // specify all mechanisms,
printf("Opened. Setting up cell\n") // membrane properties etc
// Set simulation parameters for the experiment
econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "tstop", "250", "Defines when the simulation stops.")
econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "dt", "0.1", "Timestep")
econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "steps_per_ms", "10", "How many points are plotted per ms")
// open files with NMDA/AMPA ratiosn
// Open file with tuned AMPA conductance values for all sections
objref tune_epsp_list
tune_epsp_list=new List()
strdef tunings_file, select
sprint(tunings_file, "%s", "tunings")
// Open library functions that will be needed
econ.xopen_library("Terrence","choose-secs") // used to randomly select sections from a list
econ.xopen_library("Terrence","salloc") // used to allocate synapses on sections
econ.xopen_library("Terrence","deduce-ratio") // used to extract NMDA/AMPA ratios
econ.xopen_library("Terrence","basic-graphics") // used to plot graphics
econ.xopen_library("Terrence","spikecount") // used to count spikes
synapses = 100 // maximum number of AMPA/NMDA synapses
maxruns = 1 // max number of runs for each synapse group in section (averaging)
minsyn = 2 // minimum number of synapses in selected section
maxsyn = 20 // maximum number of synapses in selected section
hertz=2 // frequency of stimulation for all synapses (single pulse)
synch=1 // synapses are stimulated synchronously
perio=0 // spike trains for each synapse are NOT periodic
dendritic_spike_threshold = -25
somatic_spike_threshold = 0
objref rpid
objref ampa[synapses], nmda[synapses]
objref vrec, Cvrec, vf, dendrec, Cdendrec, meanvrec, maxvrec, meandendrec, maxdendrec, spikes, soma_spikes
objref somarecf, dendrecf
meanvrec = new Vector(maxruns) // used to store the mean somatic depolarization in each run
maxvrec = new Vector(maxruns) // used to store the max somatic depolarization in each run
meandendrec = new Vector(maxruns) // used to store the mean dendritic depolarization in each run
maxdendrec = new Vector(maxruns) // used to store the max dendritic depolarization in each run
spikes = new Vector(maxruns) // used to store number of dendritic spikes per run
soma_spikes = new Vector(maxruns) // used to store number of somatic spikes per run
//Proceedures for the different cases to be tested
proc Ca_block(){ // Block all Ca++ channels
forall if(ismembrane("cat")) {
for (x) { gcatbar_cat(x) = 0 }
forall if(ismembrane("calH")) {
for (x) { gcalbar_calH(x) = 0 }
forall if(ismembrane("cal")) {
for (x) { gcalbar_cal(x) = 0 }
forall if(ismembrane("car")) {
for (x) { gcabar_car(x) = 0 }
forall if(ismembrane("somacar")) {
for (x) { gcabar_somacar(x) = 0 }
proc Na_block(){ // Block all Na+ channels
forall if(ismembrane("hha2")) {
for (x) { gnabar_hha2(x) = 0 }
forall if(ismembrane("hha_old")) {
for (x) { gnabar_hha_old(x) = 0 }
proc NMDA_block(){ // Block NMDA current
for i=0, synapses -1 {
nmda[i].gmax = 0
proc A_block() { // Block all A-type K+ channels
f = 0
forall if(ismembrane("kad")) { // distal conductances
for(x) { gkabar_kad(x)= gkabar_kad(x)*f }
} else if(ismembrane("kap")) { // proximal conductances
for(x) { gkabar_kap(x)= gkabar_kap(x)*f }
proc A_NMDA_block(){ // block both A-current and NMDA current
objref splot
strdef csec, syscmd,temp
objref apical_tipl
objref all_branches
all_branches=new SectionList()
apical_tipl=new SectionList()
// Make a list with all terminal oblique dendrites
forsec apical_tip_list {
apical_tipl.append() // list of primary terminal obliques
forsec apical_tip_list_addendum {
all_branches.append() // list of all additional obliques
if (times == 0 || times == 2) {
temporal_offset = 10
temporal_offset = 120 // allow some time for equalibrium to be reached when channels are blocked
tstop = tstop+temporal_offset // simulation time period
addgraph_2("soma.v(0.5)",0,tstop, -72,-10) // plot voltage at the soma
forsec all_branches {
nseg = maxsyn // number of segments in each section is set equal to max number of synapses
// to avoid inserting more than one synapses at the same location
for (synapses=minsyn; synapses<=maxsyn; synapses=synapses+2) { // for increasing number for synapses in the branch
for runs = 0, maxruns-1 { // number of averaging runs
rpid=new Random(runs+synapses)
b = 0
if (synapses == minsyn && runs == 0) {
print secname(), "is where we assess potency."
strdef recordsec
sprint(recordsec, "%s.v(0.5)",secname())
addgraph_2(recordsec,0,tstop,-72,-10) // plot trace at current branch
for si=1,synapses {
posn=(2*si -1)/(2*synapses) //explicitly specify synapse position
printf("ampa[%d] = new GLU(%g)\n", si-1, posn)
ampa[si-1] = new GLU(posn) // add an AMPA receptor at location posn
nmda[si-1] = new NMDA(posn) // add an NMDA receptor at location posn
// Plot all synapses in a shape graph
splot=new Shape()
for i=0,synapses-1 {
GABA_flag = 0 // Don't make both AMPA/NMDA and GABA trains in shiftsyn_init
// create the stimulation trains for AMPA & NMDA synapses
shiftsyn_init(synapses,tstop,dt,hertz,synch,perio,PID,temporal_offset, GABA_flag,"ampa","nmda")
vrec=new Vector(tstop/dt) // prepare to record somatic voltage
dendrec=new Vector(tstop/dt) // prepare to record dendritic voltage
// Execute current-blockade proceedure specified
if (times == 0) {
sprint(select, "%s", "control")}
if (times == 1 || times == 6) {
sprint(select, "%s", "block_A")}
if (times == 2 || times == 6) {
sprint(select, "%s", "block_NMDA")}
if (times == 3 || times == 6) {
sprint(select, "%s", "block_A_NMDA")}
if (times == 4 || times == 6) {
sprint(select, "%s", "block_Na")}
if (times == 5) {
sprint(select, "%s", "block_Ca")}
print "case = ", select, " secname = ", secname(), " synapses = ", synapses, " runs =", runs
meanvrec.x(runs) = vrec.mean(temporal_offset/dt,tstop/dt -1) // mean somatic depolarization
maxvrec.x(runs) = vrec.max(temporal_offset/dt,tstop/dt -1) // max somatic depolarization
meandendrec.x(runs)= dendrec.mean(temporal_offset/dt,tstop/dt -1) // mean dendritic depolarization
maxdendrec.x(runs) = dendrec.max(temporal_offset/dt,tstop/dt -1) // max dendritic depolarization
spikes.x(runs) = spikecount(dendrec, dendritic_spike_threshold) // count current number of dendritic spikes
soma_spikes.x(runs) = spikecount(vrec, somatic_spike_threshold) // count current number of somatic spikes
// create the output file and prepare to write data
sprint(econ.tmp_str, "data/%s/Apical_Tips/Shock/Single_Tips/%s/",tunings_file,secname())
sprint(econ.syscmd, "mkdir -p %s", econ.tmp_str)
sprint(econ.tmp_str2, "%s/%s_shock_%d_%d", econ.tmp_str, select, minsyn, maxsyn)
vf=new File()
// print recordings and spike counts to the specified file
vf.printf("%d %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", synapses, meanvrec.mean(), meanvrec.stdev(), maxvrec.mean(), maxvrec.stdev(), meandendrec.mean(), meandendrec.stdev(), maxdendrec.mean(), maxdendrec.stdev(), spikes.mean(), spikes.stdev(), soma_spikes.mean(), soma_spikes.stdev())
sprint(econ.tmp_str, "data/%s/Apical_Tips/Shock/Single_Tips/%s/",tunings_file, secname())
// Use only to print graphics to eps files
for i=0,windex {
sprint(econ.tmp_str2, "%s/graph-%d-%d.eps",econ.tmp_str, synapses, i)
sprint(econ.tmp_str, "data/%s/Apical_Tips/Shock/Single_Tips/%s/",tunings_file,secname())
somarecf=new File()
sprint(temp, "%s/Vsoma_%d", econ.tmp_str, synapses)
vrec.printf(somarecf, "%g\n")
sprint(econ.tmp_str, "data/%s/Apical_Tips/Shock/Single_Tips/%s/",tunings_file,secname())
dendrecf=new File()
sprint(temp, "%s/Vdend_%d", econ.tmp_str, synapses)
dendrec.printf(dendrecf, "%g\n")