// The goal of this experiment is to insure that our cell responses
// have a similar dependance on A current and Ca++ currents to data
// by Hofman, D. A., Magee, J. C., Colbert, C. M., & Johnston, D. (1997). 
// K+ channel regulation of signal propagation in dendrites of hippocampal 
// pyramidal neurons. Nature, 387, 869:875.

//load_proc("nrnmainmenu")             // load main NEURON library
//load_template("ExperimentControl")   // load a custom made library function that centralizes parameters so as to 

strdef accstr                                                // not confuse experimental variable bindings with neurophysiological variable bindings
objref econ                         			     // Create an experiment object
econ=new ExperimentControl(show_errs,debug_lev)
econ.self_define(econ) // points the object at itself
econ.morphology_dir = "../../morphology/n123"                             // Setup morphology directory
econ.generic_dir = "../../experiment/"                                    // Setup directory with cell-setup file
econ.add_lib_dir("Terrence","../../lib")                                  // Setup directory with library functions 

//Define data directory
econ.data_dir       = "data"                       // Define directory to save produced data

if (unix_mac_pc() ==1 ) {
	sprint(econ.syscmd, "mkdir -p %s", econ.data_dir)  // make the data directory

// Setup cell

econ.xopen_geometry_dependent("cell")              // load the raw cell morphology
econ.xopen_geometry_dependent("cell-analysis")     // load user-defined semantics on morphology 

printf("Opening cell setup\n")
econ.xopen_generic("cell-setup")                   // load the cell-setup file (define specific 
printf("Opened. Setting up cell\n")                // channels, membrane properties etc)

// Set simulation parameters for the experiment 

econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "tstop", "175", "Defines when the simulation stops.")
econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "dt", "0.1", "Timestep")
econ.defvar("Simulation Control", "steps_per_ms", "10", "How many points are plotted per ms")

//Proceedures for the different cases to be tested

proc Ca_block(){   // Block all Ca++ channels
f = 0.25
  forall if(ismembrane("cat")) { 
     for (x) { gcatbar_cat(x) = f*gcatbar_cat(x) }
  forall if(ismembrane("calH")) { 
     for (x) { gcalbar_calH(x) = f*gcalbar_calH(x) }
  forall if(ismembrane("cal")) { 
     for (x) { gcalbar_cal(x) = f*gcalbar_cal(x) }
  forall if(ismembrane("car")) { 
     for (x) { gcabar_car(x) = f*gcabar_car(x) }
  forall if(ismembrane("somacar")) { 
     for (x) { gcabar_somacar(x) = f*gcabar_somacar(x) }

proc A_block() {  // Block all A-type K+ channels 
f = 0
forall if(ismembrane("kad")) { // distal conductances
     for(x) { gkabar_kad(x)= gkabar_kad(x)*f }
  } else if(ismembrane("kap")) { // proximal conductances
     for(x) { gkabar_kap(x)= gkabar_kap(x)*f }

// Call the blockade proceedure tested

strdef data_dir
data_dir       = "data/Hofman/control"                  // Define directory to save produced data for control case 
//data_dir       = "data/Hofman/A-blocked"                // Define directory to save produced data for A-blocked case 
//data_dir       = "data/Hofman/A_Ca-blocked"               // Define directory to save produced data for Ca-blocked case 

if (unix_mac_pc() ==1 ) {
	sprint(econ.syscmd,  "mkdir -p %s", data_dir)                               // make directory

// Insert current clamp into soma or dendritic section

access soma
objref ic,ic2
ic = new IClamp(0.5)

// Configure current clamp
//allow enough time for voltage to reach a steady state in the blockade cases
econ.defvar("Current Clamp Control", "ic.del", "140", "Determines the delay before onset of the current clamp.")
econ.defvar("Current Clamp Control", "ic.dur", "50", "Determines the duration of the current clamp.")
econ.defvar("Current Clamp Control", "ic.amp", ".3", "Determines the amplitude of the current clamp.")  

// Create basic graphics

addgraph_2("soma.v(0.5)",              150,175,-72,20)
addgraph_2("apical_dendrite[65].v(0.5)", 150,175,-72,20)     // 252.67 um from soma

// Initialize and run the experiment


// Dump the graphical output to .eps files

for i=0,windex {

  sprint(econ.tmp_str, "%s/graph-%d.eps",data_dir, i)    // define the name of the .eps file  
