// This function loads all morphology-related files and templates that will
// most probably be needed in the experiments to follow.
// written by Terrence Brannon, modified Yiota Poirazi, July 2001, poirazi@LNC.usc.edu
objref vRP, vAPEX
proc cell_analysis() {
forall insert d3 // mod file to enable 3-D mapping of each point along the cell
$o1.defvar("Distance Calculation", "adjustment", "41.1*2", "This adjustment factor is supplied to the vector distance function so that distance calculations are measured at the cell body.")
vRP=new Vector()
access apical_dendrite[4] // set point of reference (if adjustment=0). With adjustment factor = 41.1
vcreate(vRP) // the point of reference is the soma
vAPEX=new Vector()
access apical_dendrite[92] // set the apex point
//sprint($o1.syscmd, "mv soma-list.eps axon-sec-list.eps %s", $o1.generic_dir)
//sprint($o1.syscmd, "mv apical-tip-list.eps %s", $o1.generic_dir)
//sprint($o1.syscmd, "mv apical-tip-list-addendum.eps %s", $o1.generic_dir)
//sprint($o1.syscmd, "mv apical-trunk-list.eps %s", $o1.generic_dir)
//sprint($o1.syscmd, "mv apical-non-trunk-list.eps %s", $o1.generic_dir)
//sprint($o1.syscmd, "mv basal-tree-list.eps %s", $o1.generic_dir)