import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
__all__ = ['double_exp', 'fit_epsp']
def double_exp(t1, t2, d, t):
out = double_exp(t1, t2, d, t)
t1 [s] : rising time constant
t2 [s] : decaying time constant
d [s] : delay
t [s] : time axis
out --> double exponential, with max amplitude == 1,
regardless of the combination {t1, t2}..
fun = lambda t1, t2, t: (np.exp(-t/t1) - np.exp(-t/t2)) / (t1 - t2)
# Let's consider the function f(t) = (exp(-t/t1)-exp(-t/t2))/(t1-t2)
# I compute the time 'tt' at which the first derivative of f(t) is zero
tt = (t1 * t2 / (t2 - t1)) * np.log(t2 / t1);
y = np.zeros(t.shape)
idx = t >= d
y[idx] = fun(t1, t2, t[idx] - d) / fun(t1, t2, tt)
return y
def fit_epsp(t, V, t0, duration, slope_window=2.5, ax=None):
tr_min,tr_max = 0.1e-3,10e-3
td_min,td_max = 0.5e-3,500e-3
dly_min,dly_max = 0.1e-3,200e-3
#idx, = np.where((t > t0 - 50e-3) & (t < t0 - 10e-3))
idx, = np.where((t > t0 + duration - 50e-3) & (t < t0 + duration))
baseline = np.mean(V[:, idx], axis=1)
idx, = np.where((t > t0) & (t < t0 + duration))
# start EPSP time at zero
t_EPSP = t[idx] - t[idx[0]]
# the EPSPs
EPSPs = V[:,idx]
n_EPSPs,n_samples = EPSPs.shape
# set the baseline to (approximately) zero
EPSPs = EPSPs - np.tile(baseline, (1, n_samples))
# peak amplitudes
amplitudes = np.max(EPSPs, 1)
idx_max = np.argmax(EPSPs, 1)
# normalise the amplitude
EPSPs /= np.tile(amplitudes, (1, n_samples))
tau_rise = np.zeros(n_EPSPs)
tau_decay = np.zeros(n_EPSPs)
slope = np.zeros(n_EPSPs)
delay = np.zeros(n_EPSPs)
fun = lambda x, voltage, time: voltage - double_exp(x[0], x[1], x[2], time)
for k in range(n_EPSPs):
# initial conditions for the rise time, the
# decay time, and the axonal propagation delay
EPSP_pars = np.array([t_EPSP[idx_max[k]] / 5, \
(duration - t_EPSP[idx_max[k]]) / 10, \
t_EPSP[idx_max[k]] / 10])
res = least_squares(fun, EPSP_pars, \
bounds=((tr_min, td_min, dly_min), (tr_max, td_max, dly_max)), \
args=(EPSPs[k,:], t_EPSP))
x0 = np.mean(EPSPs[k,t_EPSP < res['x'][2]])
if x0 < 0.05:
EPSPs[k,:] = (EPSPs[k,:] - x0) / (1 + np.abs(x0))
EPSP_pars = res['x']
res = least_squares(fun, EPSP_pars, \
bounds=((tr_min, td_min, dly_min), (tr_max, td_max, dly_max)), \
args=(EPSPs[k,:], t_EPSP))
amplitudes[k] *= (1 + np.abs(x0))
tau_rise[k] = np.min(res['x'][:2])
tau_decay[k] = np.max(res['x'][:2])
delay[k] = res['x'][2]
idx, = np.where((t > t0 + delay[k]) & (t < t0 + delay[k] + slope_window * 1e-3))
p = np.polyfit(t[idx], V[k,idx], 1) # [mV/s]
slope[k] = p[0]
if ax is not None:
ax.plot(t_EPSP, EPSPs[k,:], 'k')
ax.plot(t_EPSP, double_exp(res['x'][0], res['x'][1], res['x'][2], t_EPSP), 'r')
return tau_rise, tau_decay, amplitudes, slope, delay