import os
import sys
import json
import pickle
import argparse as arg
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors

# the name of this script
progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])


def measure_input_resistance(cell, segment, stim_pars, neuron, full_output=False):

    recorders = {}
    for lbl in 't', 'v':
        recorders[lbl] = neuron.h.Vector()

    stim = neuron.h.IClamp(segment)

    stim.delay = stim_pars['delay']
    stim.dur = stim_pars['duration']
    stim.amp = stim_pars['amplitude']

    neuron.h.v_init = -60
    neuron.h.tstop = stim.delay + stim.dur + 200
    neuron.h.t = 0

    t = np.array(recorders['t'])
    v = np.array(recorders['v'])

    idx, = np.where((t > stim.delay) & (t < stim.delay + stim.dur))
    v0 = v[idx[0] - 10]
    v1 = v[idx[-1]]
    dv = (v1 - v0) * 1e-3 # [mV]
    di = stim.amp * 1e-9  # [A]
    R = dv / di * 1e-6    # [MOhm]

    if full_output:
        return R, t, v

    return R

def worker(segment_num, segment_group, stim_pars, swc_file, parameters,
           mechanisms, replace_axon, add_axon_if_missing, passive_cell,
           cell_id=0, full_output=False):

    import neuron
    from dlutils.cell import Cell


    cell_name = '{}_{:03d}_{}_{}'.format(segment_group, segment_num, cell_id, np.random.randint(0, 1000000000))

    cell = Cell(cell_name, swc_file, parameters, mechanisms)
    cell.instantiate(replace_axon, add_axon_if_missing, force_passive=passive_cell)

    if segment_group == 'soma':
        segments = cell.somatic_segments
    elif segment_group == 'basal':
        segments = cell.basal_segments
    elif segment_group == 'apical':
        segments = cell.apical_segments

        res = measure_input_resistance(cell, segments[segment_num]['seg'], stim_pars, neuron, full_output)
        if full_output:
            res = -1, None, None
            res = -1

    neuron.h('forall delete_section()')

    return res

def plot_morpho(data, n_levels=64):
    from dlutils.morpho import Tree
    from import plot_tree

    tree = Tree(data['swc_file'])
    morpho = np.loadtxt(data['swc_file'])
    xyz = morpho[:,2:5]
    idx, = np.where(morpho[:,1] != 2)
    x_min,x_max = np.min(xyz[idx,0]),np.max(xyz[idx,0])
    y_min,y_max = np.min(xyz[idx,1]),np.max(xyz[idx,1])
    dx = (x_max - x_min) * 1.1
    dy = (y_max - y_min) * 1.1
    x_lim = [x_min, x_max]
    y_lim = [y_min, y_max]
    x_lim[0] -= (x_lim[1] - x_lim[0]) * 0.05
    x_lim[1] += (x_lim[1] - x_lim[0]) * 0.05
    y_lim[0] -= (y_lim[1] - y_lim[0]) * 0.05
    y_lim[1] += (y_lim[1] - y_lim[0]) * 0.05

    height = 0.5
    width = (x_lim[1] - x_lim[0]) / (y_lim[1] - y_lim[0]) * height
    height += 0.3
    x_offset = 0.07
    y_offset = (1 - height) / 2
    x_spacing = 0.07

    X = np.concatenate(list(data['centers'].values()))
    R = np.concatenate(list(data['R'].values()))

    R_min = 10 # R.min()
    R_max = 2000 # R.max()

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4))
    ticks = np.concatenate([[R_min], np.arange(500, R_max+1, 500)])
    levels = np.linspace(R_min, R_max, n_levels)

    # linear plot
    Y = (R - R_min) / (R_max - R_min)
    norm = colors.Normalize(vmin = R_min, vmax = R_max)
    ax1 = plt.axes([x_offset, y_offset, width, height])
    plt.contourf([[0,0], [0,0]], levels, norm=norm, cmap=cm.jet)
    plot_tree(tree, type_ids=(1,3,4), cmap=cm.jet, points=X, values=Y, ax=ax1)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.1, shrink=1, aspect=20, ticks=ticks, orientation='horizontal')
    cbar.set_label(r'Input resistance (M$\Omega$)')

    # log plot
    R_log = np.log10(R)
    Y = (R_log - np.log10(R_min)) / (np.log10(R_max) - np.log10(R_min))
    norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin = R_min, vmax = R_max)
    ax2 = plt.axes([x_offset+width+x_spacing, y_offset, width, height])
    plt.contourf([[0,0], [0,0]], levels, norm=norm, cmap=cm.jet)
    plot_tree(tree, type_ids=(1,3,4), cmap=cm.jet, points=X, values=Y, ax=ax2)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.1, shrink=1, aspect=20, ticks=ticks, orientation='horizontal')
    cbar.set_label(r'Input resistance (M$\Omega$)')

    # other panel
    x0 = width * 2 + x_spacing * 2 + x_offset
    w = 1 - x0 - 0.01
    ax3 = plt.axes([x0, 0.2, w, 0.7])

    X = np.concatenate(list(data['diameters'].values()))
    ax3.plot(X[1:], R[1:], 'ko', markerfacecolor='w', linewidth=1, markersize=4)
    ax3.set_xlabel(r'Diameter ($\mu$m)')
    ax3.set_ylabel(r'Input resistance (M$\Omega$)')

    for ax in ax1,ax2,ax3:
        for side in 'right','top':

def plot(*args, **kwargs):

    if len(args) == 0:
        parser = arg.ArgumentParser(description='Plot results of an input resistance measurement experiment')
        parser.add_argument('file', type=str, action='store', help='pickle file containing the results of the experiment')
        parser.add_argument('--levels', type=int, default=64, help='number of colormap levels')
        args = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv[2:])
        pkl_file = args.file
        n_levels = args.levels
        pkl_file = args[0]
            n_levels = kwargs['n_levels']
            n_levels = 64

    if not os.path.isfile(pkl_file):
        print('{}: {}: no such file.'.format(progname, pkl_file))

    data = pickle.load(open(pkl_file, 'rb'))
    plot_morpho(data, n_levels)
    pdf_file = os.path.splitext(pkl_file)[0] + '.pdf'

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if sys.argv[1] == 'plot':
    parser = arg.ArgumentParser(description='Measure the input resistance of each compartment in a neuron model.')
    parser.add_argument('I', type=float, action='store', default=-50, nargs='?', help='current value in pA')
    parser.add_argument('-P','--pickle-file', type=str, default='', help='Pickle file containing the parameters of a population of individuals')
    parser.add_argument('-e','--evaluator-file', type=str, default='evaluator.pkl', help='Pickle file containing the evaluator')
    parser.add_argument('-f','--swc-file', type=str, help='SWC file defining the cell morphology', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-p','--params-files', type=str, default='', help='JSON file(s) containing the parameters of the cell(s)')
    parser.add_argument('-m','--mech-file', type=str, default=None,
                        help='JSON file containing the mechanisms to be inserted into the cell')
    parser.add_argument('-c','--config-file', type=str, default=None,
                        help='JSON file containing the configuration of the model')
    parser.add_argument('-n','--cell-name', type=str, default=None,
                        help='name of the cell as it appears in the configuration file')
    parser.add_argument('-R','--replace-axon', type=str, default=None,
                        help='whether to replace the axon (accepted values: "yes" or "no")')
    parser.add_argument('-A', '--add-axon-if-missing', type=str, default=None,
                        help='whether to add an axon if the cell does not have one (accepted values: "yes" or "no")')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, default=None, help='output file name')
    parser.add_argument('--delay', default=500., type=float, help='delay before stimulation onset (default: 500 ms)')
    parser.add_argument('--dur', default=500., type=float, help='stimulation duration (default: 500 ms)')
    parser.add_argument('--serial', action='store_true', help='do not use SCOOP')
    parser.add_argument('--trial-run', action='store_true', help='measure Rin in a random sample of ' +
                        '{} basal and {} apical synapses'.format(TRIAL_RUN_NUM, TRIAL_RUN_NUM))
    parser.add_argument('--model-type', type=str, default='active',
                        help='whether to use a passive or active model (accepted values: "active" (default) or "passive")')
    parser.add_argument('--full-output', action='store_true', help='save also voltage traces')
    parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true', help='plot a summary figure')

    args = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv[1:])

    from dlutils.utils import individuals_from_pickle, extract_mechanisms

    if args.serial:
        map_fun = map
            from scoop import futures
            map_fun =
            map_fun = map
            print('SCOOP not found: will run sequentially')

    if not os.path.isfile(args.swc_file):
        print('{}: {}: no such file.'.format(progname,args.swc_file))

    if args.mech_file is not None:
        if not os.path.isfile(args.mech_file):
            print('{}: {}: no such file.'.format(progname,args.mech_file))
        mechanisms = json.load(open(args.mech_file,'r'))
        cell_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(swc_file))[0]
    elif args.config_file is not None:
        if not os.path.isfile(args.config_file):
            print('{}: {}: no such file.'.format(progname,args.config_file))
        if args.cell_name is None:
            print('--cell-name must be present with --config-file option.')
        mechanisms = extract_mechanisms(args.config_file, args.cell_name)
        cell_name = args.cell_name

    if '*' in args.params_files:
        import glob
        params_files = glob.glob(args.params_files)
        params_files = args.params_files.split(',')
    if params_files[0] == '':
        params_files = []

    if args.pickle_file == '':
        population = [json.load(open(params_file,'r')) for params_file in params_files]
        working_dir = os.path.split(params_files[0])[0]
        if len(params_files) > 0:
            print('You cannot simultaneously specify parameter and pickle files.')
        population,individual_ids = individuals_from_pickle(args.pickle_file, args.config_file, cell_name, args.evaluator_file)
        working_dir = os.path.split(args.pickle_file)[0]

    if working_dir == '':
        working_dir = '.'

    if cell_name[-1] == '_':
        cell_name = cell_name[:-1]

        sim_pars = pickle.load(open(working_dir + '/simulation_parameters.pkl','rb'))
        if working_dir == '.':
            print('Found pickle file with simulation parameters in current directory.')
            print('Found pickle file with simulation parameters in {}.'.format(working_dir))
        sim_pars = None
        if args.replace_axon is None and args.add_axon_if_missing is None:
            print('No pickle file with simulation parameters in {}.'.format(working_dir))

    if args.replace_axon is None:
        if sim_pars is None:
            replace_axon = False
            replace_axon = sim_pars['replace_axon']
            print('Setting replace_axon = {} as per original optimization.'.format(replace_axon))
        if args.replace_axon.lower() in ('y','yes'):
            replace_axon = True
        elif args.replace_axon.lower() in ('n','no'):
            replace_axon = False
            print('Unknown value for --replace-axon: "{}".'.format(args.replace_axon))

    if args.add_axon_if_missing is None:
        if sim_pars is None:
            add_axon_if_missing = True
            add_axon_if_missing = not sim_pars['no_add_axon']
            print('Setting add_axon_if_missing = {} as per original optimization.'.format(add_axon_if_missing))
        if args.add_axon_if_missing.lower() in ('y','yes'):
            add_axon_if_missing = True
        elif args.add_axon_if_missing.lower() in ('n','no'):
            add_axon_if_missing = False
            print('Unknown value for --add-axon-if-missing: "{}".'.format(args.add_axon_if_missing))

    if args.model_type == 'passive':
        passive_cell = True
    elif args.model_type == 'active':
        passive_cell = False
        print('Unknown value for --model-type: "{}". Accepted values are `active` and `passive`.'.format(args.model_type))

    import neuron
    from dlutils.cell import Cell


    swc_file = args.swc_file
    stim_pars = {'delay': args.delay, 'duration': args.dur, 'amplitude': args.I * 1e-3}

    for i,parameters in enumerate(population):
        print('>>> individual {:02d}/{:02d} <<<'.format(i+1, len(population)))

        cell = Cell('CA3_cell_{}'.format(i), swc_file, parameters, mechanisms)
        cell.instantiate(replace_axon, add_axon_if_missing, force_passive=passive_cell)

        res = measure_input_resistance(cell, cell.somatic_segments[0]['seg'], stim_pars, neuron, args.full_output)
        if args.full_output:
            R = {'soma': np.array(res[:1])}
            time = {'soma': [res[1]]}
            Vm = {'soma': [res[2]]}
            R = {'soma': np.array([res])}
        print('Somatic input resistance: {:.2f} MOhm.'.format(R['soma'][0]))

        centers = {'soma': np.array([cell.somatic_segments[0]['center']])}
        centers['basal'] = np.array([seg['center'] for seg in cell.basal_segments])
        centers['apical'] = np.array([seg['center'] for seg in cell.apical_segments])

        diameters = {'soma': np.array([cell.somatic_segments[0]['sec'].diam])}
        diameters['basal'] = np.array([seg['sec'].diam for seg in cell.basal_segments])
        diameters['apical'] = np.array([seg['sec'].diam for seg in cell.apical_segments])

        areas = {'soma': np.array([cell.somatic_segments[0]['area']])}
        areas['basal'] = np.array([seg['area'] for seg in cell.basal_segments])
        areas['apical'] = np.array([seg['area'] for seg in cell.apical_segments])

        N = {'basal': len(cell.basal_segments), 'apical': len(cell.apical_segments)}
        print('The cell has {} basal and {} apical segments.'.format(N['basal'], N['apical']))
        idx = {k: np.arange(v) for k,v in N.items()}
        if args.trial_run:
            idx = {k: np.random.choice(v, size=TRIAL_RUN_NUM, replace=False) for k,v in idx.items()}

        neuron.h('forall delete_section()')

        for dend_type in idx:
            centers[dend_type] = centers[dend_type][idx[dend_type],:]
            diameters[dend_type] = diameters[dend_type][idx[dend_type]]
            areas[dend_type] = areas[dend_type][idx[dend_type]]
            fun = lambda num: worker(num, dend_type, stim_pars, swc_file, parameters,
                                     mechanisms, replace_axon, add_axon_if_missing,
                                     passive_cell, i, args.full_output)
            res = list(map_fun(fun, idx[dend_type]))
            if args.full_output:
                R[dend_type] = np.array([_[0] for _ in res])
                time[dend_type] = [_[1] for _ in res]
                Vm[dend_type] = [_[2] for _ in res]
                R[dend_type] = np.array(res)

        data = {
            'N': N,
            'centers': centers,
            'diameters': diameters,
            'areas': areas,
            'morphology': np.loadtxt(swc_file),
            'R': R,
            'swc_file': swc_file,
            'stim_delay': args.delay,
            'stim_dur': args.dur,
            'stim_amp': args.I * 1e-3,
            'segment_indexes': idx,
            'parameters': parameters,
            'mechanisms': mechanisms,
            'replace_axon': replace_axon,
            'add_axon_if_missing': add_axon_if_missing,
            'cell_name': cell_name,
            'passive_cell': passive_cell

        if args.config_file is not None:
            data['config_file'] = args.config_file
            data['mech_file'] = args.mech_file

        if len(params_files) > 0:
            data['params_file'] = args.params_files[i]
            suffix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(params_files[i]))[0]
            data['pickle_file'] = args.pickle_file
            data['individual'] = individual_ids[i]
            suffix = 'individual_{}'.format(individual_ids[i])

        if args.full_output:
            data['time'] = time
            data['Vm'] = Vm

        if args.output is None:
            outfile = working_dir + '/' + cell_name + '_Rin_' + suffix + '_' + args.model_type + '.pkl'
            outfile = args.output
            if os.path.splitext(outfile)[1] == '':
                outfile += '.pkl'

        pickle.dump(data, open(outfile, 'wb'))
        if args.plot: