# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Simulation of a whole cortico-baso-thalamo-cortical loop (CBGTC)
# author : BenoƮt Girard <benoit.girard@isir.fr>
# 25th September 2009
import math
import random
import numpy
import numpy.random
import basalganglia
import thalamusFC
class CBGTC:
def __init__(self,model='CBG',NbChannels=6,opt_params=[]):
self.model = model
self.NbChannels = NbChannels
# creates the BG and Th-FC modules :
self.BG = basalganglia.BasalGanglia(model,NbChannels,opt_params[:18])
self.THFC = thalamusFC.thalamusFC(model,NbChannels,opt_params[18:])
# computes the inhibition at rest : any inhibition below this
# level is considered as partial selection
self.restInhibition = self.getInhibRest(0.001)
print "============="
print model+' model created'
print self.NbChannels,'channels'
print 'Inhibition at rest',self.restInhibition
print "============="
# updates the model state, integrating over timestep "dt" and salience input "salience",
# using the (very) basic Euler method.
def stepCompute(self,dt,saliences):
inhibs = self.BG.readGPi()
FCout = self.THFC.readFC()
# simulates the CBGTC for a given number of steps (NbSteps)
# logs the state of the model at each timestep if verbosity[0]=='v'
# returns inhibition levels
def nbStepsCompute(self,dt,NbSteps,saliences,verbosity='stfu'):
for t in range(NbSteps):
if verbosity[0] == 'v':
return self.BG.readGPi()
# simulates the CBGTC loop until convergence of all channels
# i.e. until |GPi(t+dt)-GPi(t)| < threshold
# stops before convergence if t>3s
# logs the state of the model at each timestep if verbosity[0]=='v'
# returns time to convergence and inhibition levels
def CvgCompute(self,dt,threshold,saliences,verbosity='stfu'):
t = dt
if verbosity[0] == 'v':
cvg = False
while ((cvg == False) or (t<0.1)) and (t<3.0):
inhibs = self.BG.readGPi()
if verbosity[0] == 'v':
new_inhibs = self.BG.readGPi()
cvg = True
for i in range(len(inhibs)) :
if abs(inhibs[i]-new_inhibs[i]) >= threshold :
cvg = False
#print t,new_inhibs
return t,new_inhibs
# returns the level of inhibition at rest in the GPi, GPe, STN
def getInhibRest(self,dt):
saliences = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels))
inh = self.nbStepsCompute(dt,1000,saliences,'stfu')
return inh[0]
# logs the internal state of the loop
# easily visualized with gnuplot : splot 'log/moduleName' matrix with lines
def logAll(self):
# simulates the selection test from the (Gurney et al, 2001b) paper
# returns a score between 0 and 1, depending on the completion of the success criteria
# verbosity 'v' logs internal state
# verbosity 'vv' prints step results on the terminal
def simpleTest(self,dt,verbosity='stfu'):
score = 0
# STEP 1
saliences = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels))
inhibs = self.nbStepsCompute(dt,2000,saliences,verbosity)
if inhibs[0] > 0.01:
score += 0.2
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 1 : inhibitory output at rest',inhibs[0]
else :
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 1 : no inhibitory output at rest'
# STEP 2
saliences[0] = 0.4
inhibs = self.nbStepsCompute(dt,2000,saliences,verbosity)
if (inhibs[0] < self.restInhibition) and (inhibs[1] >= self.restInhibition):
score += 0.2
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 2 : channel 1 selected'
else :
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 2 : channel 1 not selected'
# STEP 3
saliences[1] = 0.6
inhibs = self.nbStepsCompute(dt,2000,saliences,verbosity)
if (inhibs[0] > inhibs[1]) and (inhibs[1] < self.restInhibition) :
if inhibs[0] >= self.restInhibition:
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 3 : Channel 2 selected alone'
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 3 : Channel 2 more selected than channel 1'
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 3 : Channel 2 not selected, or channel 1 more selected than channel 2'
# STEP 4
saliences[0] = 0.6
inhibs = self.nbStepsCompute(dt,2000,saliences,verbosity)
if (inhibs[0] < self.restInhibition) and (inhibs[1] < self.restInhibition):
if (inhibs[0]-inhibs[1]<0.005):
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 4 : Channels 1 and 2 similarly selected'
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 4 : Channels 1 or 2 not similarly selected'
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 4 : Channels 1 or 2 not selected'
# STEP 5
saliences[0] = 0.4
inhibs = self.nbStepsCompute(dt,2000,saliences,verbosity)
if (inhibs[0] > inhibs[1]) and (inhibs[1] < self.restInhibition) :
if inhibs[0] >= self.restInhibition:
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 5 : Channel 2 selected alone'
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 5 : Channel 2 more selected than channel 1'
if verbosity=='vv':
print 'step 5 : Channel 2 not selected, or channel 1 more selected than channel 2'
return score
# Computes the multiple successive vectors test
# * score[0] evaluates the capacity of the system of selecting the
# channel with the highest input
# * score[1] evaluates the capacity of the system of separating the
# channel with the highest input from the channel with the second
# highest input
# * score[2] evaluates the amplification of the salience signal in the
# winning FC channel
# * score[3] evaluates the contrast of amplification between highest and second highest input
# * score[4] is the average time of convergence
# * score[5] is an histogram of the time of convergence (values longer than 1s are grouped in the last bin)
def TwoHundredMotelsTest(self,dt, steps, verbosity='stfu'):
score = [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,numpy.zeros((100))]
numpy.random.seed(17) # you may change the seed at your convenience
for i in range(steps):
saliences = numpy.random.random_sample((self.NbChannels))
tcvg, inhibs = self.CvgCompute(dt,1e-5,saliences,'stfu')
score[4] += tcvg
max1 = 0. # maximum salience
max2 = 0. # second maximum
i1 = [] # list of the indexes of the salience maximum in the salience vector
i2 = [] # the same for the second maximum
for j in range(len(saliences)):
if saliences[j]>max1:
max2 = max1
i2 = i1
max1 = saliences[j]
i1 = [j]
elif saliences[j] == max1:
elif saliences[j]>max2:
max2 = saliences[j]
i2 = [j]
elif saliences[j] == max2:
if verbosity=='vv':
print '---------------------------'
print 'Step :',i
print 'Saliences :',saliences
print 'Inhibitions :',inhibs
print 'FC :',self.THFC.readFC()
print 'Amplification Contrast :', ((float(self.THFC.readFC()[i1[0]]-max1) / max1) - (float(self.THFC.readFC()[i2[0]]-max2) / max2))/ (float(self.THFC.readFC()[i1[0]]-max1) / max1)
if (saliences.max() < self.restInhibition) :
score[0] += 1.
score[1] += 1.
for m1 in i1:
if (inhibs[m1]<self.restInhibition) and (inhibs[saliences.argmin()]>inhibs[m1]):
score[0] += 1. / len(i1)
for m2 in i2:
#print inhibs, min(max(0.,(inhibs[m2]-inhibs[m1])/(self.restInhibition-inhibs[m1])),1) / (len(i1)*len(i2))
score[1] += min(max(0.,(inhibs[m2]-inhibs[m1])/(self.restInhibition-inhibs[m1])),1) / (len(i1)*len(i2))
if (max1>0.) and (max2>0.) and (score[2]>0.) :
score[3] += ( (float(self.THFC.readFC()[m1]-max1) / max1)
- (float(self.THFC.readFC()[m2]-max2) / max2)
) \
/ (len(i1)*len(i2)) \
/ (float(self.THFC.readFC()[m1]-max1) / max1)
if max1>0. :
score[2] += float(self.THFC.readFC()[m1]-max1) / max1 / len(i1)
if verbosity[0]=='v':
print '=============================='
print 'Selection of the max input:',score[0]/steps
print 'Selection contrast: ',score[1]/steps
print 'Amplification of the max: ',score[2]/steps
print 'Amplification Contrast: ',score[3]/steps
print 'T cvg: ',score[4]*1000./steps
return score[0]/steps, score[1]/steps, score[2]/steps, score[3]/steps, score[4]/steps, score[5]/steps
# computes selection efficiency as in the test defined in (Prescott et al 2006 Neural Netw)
def evaluate2ChannelsCompetition(self,dt):
nbsteps = 21
saliences = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels))
for c1 in range(0,nbsteps):
print 'column',c1
for c2 in range(0,nbsteps):
saliences[0]= c1/float(nbsteps-1)
saliences[1]= c2/float(nbsteps-1)
tcvg, inhibs = self.CvgCompute(dt,1e-5,saliences,'stfu')
#inhibs = self.nbStepsCompute(dt,2000,saliences,'stfu')
e1[c1,c2] = min(1,max(1 - inhibs[0]/self.restInhibition,0))
e2[c1,c2] = min(1,max(1 - inhibs[1]/self.restInhibition,0))
f1 = open('log/e1_'+self.model,'w')
f1.writelines(' '.join([str(e1[i,j]) for i in range(0,nbsteps)]) + '\n' for j in range(0,nbsteps))
f2 = open('log/e2_'+self.model,'w')
f2.writelines(' '.join([str(e2[i,j]) for i in range(0,nbsteps)]) + '\n' for j in range(0,nbsteps))
def main():
dt = 0.001
NbChannels = 6
modeltype = 'CBG' # change this to GPR to simulate (Prescott et al, 2006) model
if modeltype == 'CBG':
myCBGTC.evaluate2ChannelsCompetition(dt) # can be pretty long
# CBGcustom models can be derived from the following original CBG parameters :
CBGparams = [
0.9, # S -> D1/D2 synaptic weight
0.1, # FC -> D1/D2 synaptic weight
0.09, # S -> FS
0.01, # FC -> FS
0.7, # STN -> GPE/GPi
0.45, # GPe -> STN
1., # GPe -> D1
1., # GPe -> D2
0.05, # GPe -> FS
0.08, # GPe -> GPi
0.4, # D1 -> GPe
0.4, # D1 -> GPi
0.4, # D2 -> GPe
0.5, # FS -> D1/D2
0.58, # FC -> STN
0.1, # -I_D1/D2
0.5, # I_STN
0.1, # I_GPe/GPi
0.18, # BG-> Th
0.6, # FC -> Th
0.35, # FC -> TRN
0.6, # Th -> FC
0.35, # Th -> TRN
0.35, # TRN -> Th
0.1 # I_Th
] * numpy.ones([25])
model = 'customCBG'
customCBG = CBGTC(model,6,CBGparams)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Import Psyco if available
import psyco
except ImportError:
print 'Psyco not available.'