# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Rewriting in python of the basal ganglia CBG model (Girard et al., 2008, Neural Netwk.)
# This is the thalamus-frontal cortex module
# author : BenoƮt Girard <benoit.girard@isir.fr>
# 9th March 2009
import math
import numpy
class thalamusFC:
def __init__(self,model,NbChannels,opt_params=[]):
self.NbChannels = NbChannels # number of channels in competition
self.model = model # model type, can be :
# * GPR : the (Prescott et al., 2006, Neural Netwk) model,
# * CBG : the (Girard et al., 2008, Neural Netwk.) model,
# * CBGcustom : a model with the CBG connections, using lPDS neurons,
# whose precise parameters are specified by the opt_param list.
self.paramInit(opt_params) # parameter initialisation (connection weights, neuron biases)
self.stateReset() # reset to 0 of all the internal variables
self.f=open('log/ThFC_'+model,'w') # log file where the internal state will be stored if logAll function is used
def __del__(self):
def stateReset(self):
self.Th = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels)) # Neurons of the thalamic nucleus implied in the considered loop
self.FC = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels)) # Neurons of the frontal cortex area implied in the considered loop
# Variables named "variable_old" are buffers used to store the previous output of the considered neurons
self.old_Th = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels))
self.old_FC = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels))
# TRN: Thalmic Reticular Nucleus
# The TRN is made of NbChannels neurons in the GPR,
# while it is one neuron only in the CBG:
if (self.model == 'CBG') or (self.model == 'customCBG'):
self.old_TRN = 0
self.TRN = 0
elif self.model =='GPR':
self.TRN = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels))
self.old_TRN = numpy.zeros((self.NbChannels))
print 'stateReset(): ', self.model, ' model type unknown'
def paramInit(self,opt_params):
# invTau are 1/tau, tau being the neurons' time constants
# W_A_B is the projection weight from neuron A to neuron B
# I_A is the bias applied to neuron A
if self.model == 'CBG':
self.invTau = 1./0.080
self.invTauSmall = 1./0.005
self.W_BG_Th = 0.18
self.W_BG_TRN = 0
self.W_FC_Th = 0.6
self.W_FC_TRN = 0.35
self.W_Th_FC = 0.6
self.W_Th_TRN = 0.35
self.W_TRN_Th = 0.35
self.W_TRN_Th_self = 0
self.I_Th = 0.1
elif self.model == 'customCBG':
if len(opt_params)<7:
print 'customBG : parameter list absent or incomplete.'
self.invTau = 1./0.080
self.invTauSmall = 1./0.005
self.W_BG_Th = opt_params[0]
self.W_FC_Th = opt_params[1]
self.W_FC_TRN = opt_params[2]
self.W_Th_FC = opt_params[3]
self.W_Th_TRN = opt_params[4]
self.W_TRN_Th = opt_params[5]
self.I_Th = opt_params[6]
elif self.model =='GPR':
self.invTau = 1./0.040
self.W_BG_Th = 1
self.W_BG_TRN= 0.2
self.W_FC_Th = 1
self.W_FC_TRN = 1
self.W_Th_FC = 1
self.W_Th_TRN = 1
self.W_TRN_Th = 0.4
self.W_TRN_Th_self = 0.125
self.I_Th = 0.
self.I_FC = 0.
self.I_TRN = 0.
print 'paramInit(): ', self.model, ' model type unknown'
# updates the model state, integrating over timestep "dt" and salience input "salience",
# using the (very) basic Euler method.
# "BG_Input" : inhibitory input from the BG (from the GPi/SNr)
# the update for the CBG and CBGcustom is based on lPDS neurons
# the update for the GPR is based on leaky-integrator neurons
def stepCompute(self,dt,saliences,BG_Input):
if (self.model == 'CBG') or (self.model == 'customCBG'):
saturation = 2 # set it to 1 for the original model, use 2 to have sound contrast amplification scores
self.TRN = min(max(self.TRN + self.invTauSmall * ( self.W_FC_TRN * self.old_FC.sum()
+ self.W_Th_TRN * self.old_Th.sum()
- self.TRN
) * dt,0),saturation)
self.Th = numpy.minimum(
numpy.maximum(self.Th + self.invTauSmall * ( self.W_FC_Th * self.old_FC
- self.W_TRN_Th * self.old_TRN
- self.W_BG_Th * BG_Input
- self.Th + self.I_Th
) * dt,
self.FC = numpy.minimum(
numpy.maximum(self.FC + self.invTau * ( self.W_Th_FC * self.old_Th
+ saliences
- self.FC
) * dt,
self.old_TRN = self.TRN
self.old_Th = numpy.copy(self.Th)
self.old_FC = numpy.copy(self.FC)
elif self.model =='GPR':
# Computation of tau da/dt = I - a
sumTRN = self.old_TRN.sum()
self.Th = self.Th + self.invTau * ( self.W_FC_Th * self.old_FC
- self.W_TRN_Th * sumTRN
- (self.W_TRN_Th_self - self.W_TRN_Th) * self.old_TRN
- self.W_BG_Th * BG_Input
- self.Th
) * dt
self.FC = self.FC + self.invTau * ( self.W_Th_FC * self.old_Th
+ saliences
- self.FC
) * dt
self.TRN = self.TRN + self.invTau * ( self.W_FC_TRN * self.old_FC
+ self.W_Th_TRN * self.old_Th
- self.W_BG_TRN * BG_Input
- self.TRN
) * dt
# Computation of y=f(a)
self.old_Th = numpy.minimum(
numpy.maximum( self.Th + numpy.ones(self.NbChannels) * self.I_Th,
self.old_FC = numpy.minimum(
numpy.maximum( self.FC + numpy.ones(self.NbChannels) * self.I_FC,
self.old_TRN = numpy.minimum(
numpy.maximum( self.TRN + numpy.ones(self.NbChannels) * self.I_TRN,
print 'paramInit(): ', self.model, ' model type unknown'
def readFC(self):
return self.FC
def logAll(self):
# logs the internal state of the module
# easily visualized with gnuplot : splot 'log/BG' matriw with lines
self.f.writelines(str(self.old_TRN)+' ')
self.f.writelines(' '.join([str(self.old_Th[i]) for i in range(self.NbChannels)])+' ')
self.f.writelines(' '.join([str(self.old_FC[i]) for i in range(self.NbChannels)])+'\n')
def main():
dt = 0.001
THFC = thalamusFC('CBG',6)
saliences = numpy.zeros((6))
saliences[0] = 0.4
BG_Input = numpy.zeros((6))
for t in range(200):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Import Psyco if available
import psyco
except ImportError:
print 'Psyco not available.'