COMMENT Since this is an electrode current, positive values of i depolarize the cell and in the presence of the extracellular mechanism there will be a change in vext since i is not a transmembrane current but a current injected directly to the inside of the cell. ENDCOMMENT NEURON { POINT_PROCESS SinClamp RANGE delay, dur, pkamp, freq, phase, bias ELECTRODE_CURRENT i } UNITS { (nA) = (nanoamp) } PARAMETER { delay=5 (ms) dur=200 (ms) pkamp=0 (nA) freq=1 (Hz) phase=0 (rad) bias=0 (nA) PI=3.14159265358979323846 } ASSIGNED { i (nA) } BREAKPOINT { at_time(delay) at_time(delay + dur) if (t < delay) { i=0 } else { if (t < delay+dur) { i = pkamp*sin(2*PI*freq*(t-delay)+phase)+bias :printf("%g, %g | ", i, t) } else { i = 0 } } }