//  Neuron model for Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus Pyramidal cell
//	Somatic model with multiple potassium conductances
//	Version 1.0: 8/3/98. Paul B. Manis
//	Version using Patrick Kanold's parameters from
//	measured K currents (Kanold and Manis, 1999) and ad-hoc sodium channel.
//	1/8/99	Added routines to do hyp and hyp2 protocols
//	1/15/99 Modified to incorporate MCna - Moore and Cox state sodium channel
//	1/15/99 Added Ih current +
//	1/25/99 Added routines to calculate rmp and adjust leak Vrev to make
//			RMP go to specific value.
//	1/28/99 Set to Patrick's default model performance for specific simulation
//			Generated pyrpbmcc.nrn for my modifications.
//	1/27/2000 Updated to include voltage-dependence of Ikif and Ikis
//	1/29/2000 Split to several hoc files for better modularity
//  This file defines the variables, initializes the cell, and provides
//	a gui to control the execution of simulations.
//	pok4.mod defines the model mechanisms for the cell 
//		(in windows, compile with mknrndll; in linux, compile with nrnivmodl) 
//	mcna.mod defines the Moore-Cox state sodium channel if needed
//	ih.mod defines the Dextesche Ih current model
//	Added two-pulse protocol to compare with experimental data
//	5/17/2000 PB Manis
//	Added noise protocol - use noise (gaussian) to drive cell.


tstop = 250		// final time in run 

maxout = 2048 	// subsample data for output 

ndend = 1
create soma
access soma
create dend[ndend]

objectvar istim
// objref glypyr
objref stim_list
objref caplist
objref linlist

objref fsl, fisi, fsinj, fsv, fapn, spikes, spiket, mystim, fcap, fdel
strdef basename, filename, runtype, spikefile, hypfile
objref gv, gfsl, gfisi, vgraph, vigraph, spkgraph
objref h[3]

init_vec_size=25000 // points in initial vectors for data (large... to minimize resizing)
outstep = 1

// output data sets
// idat, vdat and tdat vectors are updated for each run - they hold
// current, voltage and time data respectively

objref idat, vdat, tdat
idat = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
vdat = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
tdat = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)

// state variable arrays - store the time course of the state variables
// pyr_m and _h are the sodium channel state variables
// pyr_ kifa, kifi are the Ikif activation and inactivation state variables
// pyr_ kisa, kisi are the Ikis activation and inactivation state variables
// ih_h is the activation variable for the hyperpolarization-activated cationic current
// state is the selected one in the monitor list - note it may be empty; check monitor flag first

objref pyr_m, pyr_h, pyr_n, pyr_kifa, pyr_kifi, pyr_kisa, pyr_kisi, pyr_kh, ih_h, pyr_state
pyr_m = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_h = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_n = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_kifa = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_kifi = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_kisa = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_kisi = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_kh = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
pyr_state = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)

// spike detection and analysis arrays

objref sdat, tsdat
sdat = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)
tsdat = new Vector(init_vec_size, 0)

// output analysis arrays for spikes across all runs
// init_sp_size is the array size for the max expected spikes per trial

init_sp_size = 200

fsl = new Vector(init_sp_size)
fisi = new Vector(init_sp_size)
fsv = new Vector(init_sp_size)
fapn = new Vector(init_sp_size)
spikes = new Vector(init_sp_size)
spiket = new Vector(init_sp_size)
fsinj = new Vector(init_sp_size)
mystim = new Vector(init_sp_size)
fcap = new Vector(init_sp_size)
fdel = new Vector(init_sp_size)

// define vectors holding variables for
// parameterized runs

stim_list = new Vector(10)
caplist = new Vector(10)

// define file descriptors

objref fid, f, flog

fid = new File()

iv_mini = -0.3
iv_maxi = 0.4
iv_nstepi = 12
variable_domain(&iv_nstepi, 2, 50)

hyp_condi = 0.02 // it was 0
variable_domain(&hyp_condi, -2, 2)
hyp_mini = -0.3
hyp_maxi = 0.0
hyp_nstepi = 60
variable_domain(&hyp_nstepi, 2, 50)
hyp_testi = 0.1 // it was 0.047
variable_domain(&hyp_testi, 0, 2)
hyp_inti  = -0.0
variable_domain(&hyp_inti, -2, 2)

hyp_mint = 1
variable_domain(&hyp_mint, 0.001, 1000)
hyp_maxt = 100
variable_domain(&hyp_maxt, 0.001, 1000)
hyp_nstept = 30
variable_domain(&hyp_nstept, 2, 50)

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
//  The following routines and helpers are used to 
//	define the pyramidal cell model
//	The model is for a point cell, 300 Mohm input R, 12 pF cap
//	This resembles an isolated neuron (about 20x20 micron cylinder)
//	The cell can be scaled by changing scalefactor (10 would be about right
//	for a full-sized somatic model, except Rin is too low - should be about 50 Mohm)
//  routine to convert conductances from nS as given elsewhere
//  to mho/cm2 as required by NEURON 1/28/99 P. Manis

func nstomho() {
	return (1E-9*$1/somaarea)

func mho2ns() {
	return ($1*somaarea/1E-9)

objectvar random
random = new Random()
proc poisson_syn() { local i, t

// Onset times for synapse obey Poisson statistics
// poisson_syn(KSyn100 object, maximum duration of onsets, mean interval)

	t = 0
	i = 0
	while (t < $2) {
		t = t + random.negexp($3) // we could adjust the rate here to match that of AN fibers
		$o1.onset[i] = t
		i = i+1
	$o1.onset[i+1] = 1e20

proc regular_syn() { local i, t

// Onset times for synapse and regular firing
// fillsyn(KSyn100 object, delay to first, maximum duration of onsets, interval)

	t = $2
	i = 0
	tmax = $3+$2
	while (t <= tmax) {
		$o1.onset[i] = t
		t = t + $4 // we could adjust the rate here to match that of AN fibers
		i = i+1
	$o1.onset[i] = 1e20 // way beyond anything we look at 

// Set up the cell geometry and conductances 

proc init_cell() {

// if arg $1 is 1, then we also define the current stimulus for this instance

	scalefactor=1 // This determines the relative size of the cell
	rinsf=1			// input resistance adjustment (also current...)
	totcap = scalefactor * 12 // cap in pF for cell 
	effcap = totcap // sometimes we change capacitance - that's effcap
	somaarea = totcap *1E-6 / cm // pf -> uF, cm = 1uf/cm^2 nominal; result is in cm2 
	lstd = 1E4*sqrt(somaarea/3.14159) // convert from cm to um 
// set temperature and axial resistivity (ra) later set to correct Ra for segment 

	gnab = nstomho(350)*scalefactor
	gkb = nstomho(80)*scalefactor // used to be 20 - changed to make ap width correct
	gkfb = nstomho(150)*scalefactor
	gksb = nstomho(40)*scalefactor
	ghb = nstomho(3)*scalefactor
	stdrin = 300*rinsf/scalefactor
	stdrmp = -60

// set up soma like a pyramidal cell 
    soma {
		nseg = 1
		diam = lstd
		L = lstd // these are expressed in microns... 
		insert pyr
		gnabar_pyr =  gnab 
        gkbar_pyr =  gkb 
		gkifbar_pyr = gkfb
        gkisbar_pyr = gksb 
		ghbar_pyr = ghb  // Setting this to 0 turns ih-current off.
		kif_vh_pyr = -89.6

// define the current clamp electrode and default settings

	if($1 == 1) {
		istim = new IClamp2(0.5) // use our new iclamp method
		istim.dur1 = 2
		istim.amp1 = 0
		istim.dur2 = 50
		istim.amp2 = 0
		istim.dur3 = 100
		istim.amp3 = 0.120
		istim.dur4 = 0
		istim.amp4 = 0
		istim.dur5 = 0
		istim.amp5 = 0


// build the display and do actions for the display
// Initialize the cell, get the session, and print the   
// default RMP and ajdust Erev Eleak for appropriate RMP                   
// load our specific routines

load_file("util_vm.hoc") // utilities - findrmp, setrin, etc.
init_cell(1) // initialize cell including electrode
load_file("util_run.hoc") // utilities for running (rununtil and runlog)
load_file("util_iv.hoc")  // utilities for running ivs - linspace and logspace for example
load_file("runiv.hoc")  // procedure to run a standard IV (parameterized current injection)
load_file("runhyp.hoc") // hyp (prepulse level protocol)
load_file("showgate.hoc") // show the gating files
load_file("setcond.hoc") // set the conductance levels

// the following ling changes a value normally set in nrn/lib/stdrun.hoc

forall Ra = 70  //  set_ra(70)

set_v_init(stdrmp) // change default rmp to stdrmp (nominally -60 mV for this model)
ek = -81.5
eh = -43
ena = 50
setrin(-60, stdrin) // make sure Rin is correctly set before proceeding

natype = 1	// 1 is Na with fixed taus (Bernander), 0 is normal Moore-Cox state model

// then build a control panel for this system...

   h[1]= new HBox()

	xpanel("Pyramidal Cell Paremeter Control")
	xlabel("Run Protocols")
	xbutton("Fig 2","runiv()")        
	xbutton("Fig 3A","runhyp(1,0,0,0)")
	xbutton("Fig 3B","runhyp(1,0,1,0)")        
	xbutton("Fig 4A","runhyp(1,1,0,0)") 
	xbutton("Fig 4B","runhyp(1,1,1,0)")
	xbutton("Fig 10A","runhyp(1,0,0,1)")
	xbutton("Fig 10B","runhyp(1,1,0,1)")
	xbutton("Show gating functions", "showgate()")
	xbutton("Set conductance params", "setcond()")
	xbutton("Restore Defaults", "init_cell(0)")   
	xbutton("Turn ih-current off","ghbar_pyr = 0")
	xlabel("Stop the run")

   xpanel("Pyramidal cell run control",0)
   xlabel("Currents in nA")
   xvalue("IV I-min","iv_mini", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("IV I-max","iv_maxi", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("IV steps","iv_nstepi", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xlabel("Currents in nA")
   xvalue("Hyp CondI","hyp_condi",1,"",0,0)
   xvalue("Hyp I-min","hyp_mini", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("Hyp I-max","hyp_maxi", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("Hyp steps","hyp_nstepi", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("Hyp I-int", "hyp_inti", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("Hyp testI","hyp_testi", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xlabel("Times in msec")
   xvalue("Hyp2 t-min","hyp_mint", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("Hyp2 t-max","hyp_maxt", 1, "", 0, 0)
   xvalue("Hyp2 steps","hyp_nstept", 1, "", 0, 0)

   h[1].map("Experiments: Main Control", 0, 190, 390, 400)

// after this we're in the hands of the user