// Run a basic "iv". This routine varies the stimulating current over the defined
// range and collects the resulting voltages.
// Paul B. Manis. 1996.
// procedure as a separate file , Jan 28, 2000.

objref gs, gap, gi

proc runiv() {

/* set up stimulus timing and basics */

    stoprun = 0
    vgraph = new VBox() // create a vertical box
	vgraph.intercept(1) // capture all graphics-directed input to the box
	gv = new Graph() // put a graph in the box
	gv.label(0.05, 0.95, "Voltage")  // simplicity - label in upper left corner
	gi = new Graph() // current plot
	gi.label(0.5, 0.95, "Current") //
	gap = new Graph() // put a graph in the box
	gap.label(0.05, 0.95, "AP count")  // simplicity - label in upper left corner
	vgraph.map("IV", 400, 190, 350, 300)

    istim.dur1 = 5 /* 1 msec at rmp */
    istim.dur2=100	/* 50 msec step */
    istim.amp3=0	/* rest is at I=0 */

// now set up IV protocol

	nstep = iv_nstepi
	linspace(iv_mini*scalefactor, iv_maxi*scalefactor, nstep) // generate results in stim_list
    basename="res" // base name for iv is res for result
    tmax = 140

	totaldelay = istim.dur1
	pulsewidth = istim.dur2

	gv.size(0, tmax, -140, 40)
	gi.size(0, tmax, stim_list.min, stim_list.max)
	gap.size(stim_list.min, stim_list.max, 0, 20)
	for j = 0, ns {
		istim.amp2 = stim_list.x[j] // update the variable we are parameterizing
        rununtil(200, j)
        vdat.line(gv, tdat, j+1, 0) // plot the voltage traces
		idat.line(gi, tdat, j+1, 0) // plot the current traces
		fapn.cl(0,j).mark(gap, stim_list.cl(0,j), "O", 6, 2, 1)
		if(fapn.x[j]> 20) {
			gap.size(stim_list.min, stim_list.max, 0, fapn.x[j])
		if(monitor==1)	pyr_m.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		if(monitor==2)  pyr_h.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		if(monitor==3)  pyr_n.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		if(monitor==4)  pyr_kifa.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		if(monitor==5)  pyr_kifi.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		if(monitor==6)  pyr_kisa.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		if(monitor==7)  pyr_kisi.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		if(monitor==8)  pyr_kh.line(gs, tdat, j+1, 0)
		gv.flush() // and force the window to update
   		if(stoprun == 1) {
			printf("\n RUN STOPPED \n")
	fapn.line(gap, stim_list, 2, 1)
	doEvents() // completion
