// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Redefinition of the standard hoc procedure for initialization
// that allows for pre-equilibration of currents and translation
// of "rho" and "kappa" parameters into proper dendrite L and Ra
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Taken from Zach Mainen's init routine - finds the initial RMP
// at the "steady state" with zero current
// 1/25/99 P. Manis
// Note that this is no longer a "redefinition".

proc findrmp() {

  st_amp_save = istim.amp1   // preserve stimulus amplitude
  istim.amp1 = 0             // turn stimulus off
  old_el = el_pyr
  el_pyr = $1 // try a new leak value and get the v...

  t = -1e5               // back up in time
  finitialize(v_init)    // initialize
  temp_dt = dt           
  dt = 200                // take a few very large steps (allow Ih to settle)
  for i=0,50 fadvance()  // to allow currents to reach steady state

  t = 0                  // restore t,dt
  dt = temp_dt

  finitialize(v)         // initialize again

  istim.amp1 = st_amp_save   // restore stimulus
  el_pyr = old_el  // restore old leak

// adjust leak to set cell at rmp as specified
// 2/9/99 P. Manis
// Uses current balance eq'n (per NEURON manual), better choice than interative method
proc adjleak() {
	finitialize($1) // sets v to target rmp, init's state variables to inf values
	fcurrent()	// set all assigned variables consistent with states
	// use current balance: 0 = ina + ik + ih + ica + gl_pyr*(v - el_pyr)		
	el_pyr = (ina + ik + ih + gl_pyr*v)/gl_pyr
	fcurrent()	// recalculate currents (il_hh)

// set Rin at V to a particular value by adjusting gl_pyr
// requires 2 input values: v and Rin (in Mohm!)
// 2/9/99 P. Manis
proc setrin() {
	ar=L*1E-4*diam*1E-4*3.14159 /* area of soma in cm2 */
	gtarget = 1/($2*ar*1e6) // make g from Rin, but assume input uints are Mohm
	gtest = gtarget - (gna_pyr + gk_pyr + gkif_pyr + gkis_pyr + gh_pyr)
	if(gtest < 0) {
		printf("setRin: R=%7.1f requires negative gl_pyr (of %7.1f)\n", $2, 1/gtest)
	gl_pyr = gtest
	// verify by calling the standard routine

// compute Rin and Tau_m by summing all conductances at rest and inverting result 
// Tau_m is calculated as Rin*Cm, assuming 1 uF/cm2 (could specify cm to get actual value?)
proc findRin() {
	finitialize($1)	/* make sure parameters are set for the new voltage */
	gin = gna_pyr + gk_pyr + gkif_pyr + gkis_pyr + gl_pyr + gh_pyr
	ar=L*1E-4*diam*1E-4*3.14159 /* area of soma in cm2 */
	rin = 1/(gin*ar)
	cm_soma = ar*1E-6	/* in farads, assuming 1 uF/cm2 */
	taum = rin * cm_soma * 1E3 /* convert to msec */