function varargout = imresize_old_CONFIGR(varargin)
%IMRESIZE Resize image.
% IMRESIZE resizes an image of any type using the specified
% interpolation method. Supported interpolation methods
% include:
% 'nearest' (default) nearest neighbor interpolation
% 'bilinear' bilinear interpolation
% 'bicubic' bicubic interpolation
% B = IMRESIZE(A,M,METHOD) returns an image that is M times the
% size of A. If M is between 0 and 1.0, B is smaller than A. If
% M is greater than 1.0, B is larger than A. If METHOD is
% omitted, IMRESIZE uses nearest neighbor interpolation.
% B = IMRESIZE(A,[MROWS MCOLS],METHOD) returns an image of size
% MROWS-by-MCOLS. If the specified size does not produce the
% same aspect ratio as the input image has, the output image is
% distorted.
% When the specified output size is smaller than the size of
% the input image, and METHOD is 'bilinear' or 'bicubic',
% IMRESIZE applies a lowpass filter before interpolation to
% reduce aliasing. The default filter size is 11-by-11.
% You can specify a different length for the default filter
% using:
% [...] = IMRESIZE(...,METHOD,N)
% N is an integer scalar specifying the size of the filter,
% which is N-by-N. If N is 0, IMRESIZE omits the filtering
% step.
% You can also specify your own filter H using:
% [...] = IMRESIZE(...,METHOD,H)
% H is any two-dimensional FIR filter (such as those returned
% Class Support
% -------------
% The input image A can be numeric or logical and it must be
% nonsparse. The output image is of the same class as the
% input image.
% Example
% -------
% I = imread('rice.png');
% J = imresize(I,.5);
% figure, imshow(I), figure, imshow(J)
% Obsolete Syntaxes:
% [R1,G1,B1] = IMRESIZE(R,G,B,M,'method') or
% [R1,G1,B1] = IMRESIZE(R,G,B,[MROWS NCOLS],'method') resizes
% the RGB image in the matrices R,G,B. 'bilinear' is the
% default interpolation method.
% Copyright 1992-2006 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/11/08 17:49:03 $
[A,m,method,h] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
% Preserve classes
inputClass = class(A);
classChanged = 0;
logicalIn = islogical(A);
% Define old and new image sizes, and actual scaling
% sc is a two-element vector: [vert_scale_factor, horiz_scale_factor].
[so(1),so(2),thirdD] = size(A); % old image size
if isscalar(m)
% m is the scale factor.
sn = max(floor(m*so(1:2)),1); % new image size=(integer>0)
sc = [m m];
% m is new image size
sn = m;
sc = sn ./ so;
if switch_to_nearest_method(sn, so, method)
warning('Images:imresize:inputTooSmall', ...
'Input is too small for bilinear or bicubic method; using nearest-neighbor method instead.');
method = 'nearest';
% Filtering is under the following conditions
bi_interp = (method(1)=='b'); % non-default interpolation only
defflt_reducedim=(length(h)<2)&any(sn<so);%default filter & reduced image
if length(h)==1,
nonzero_odr = (h~=0); % non-zero filter order
nonzero_odr = 1;
custm_flt = (length(h)>1);%custom supplied filter H
if bi_interp && nonzero_odr && any([defflt_reducedim,custm_flt]),
if (~isa(A,'double')),%change format to double to perform imfilter
A = im2double(A);
classChanged = 1;
if defflt_reducedim,%Design anti-aliasing filter for reduced image
drec = find(sn<so);% find direction of filtering
for k = drec,% create filter for drec-direction
if isempty(h),% make filter order corresponding to scale
h = 11;
hh(k,:) = DesignFilter(h,sn(k)/so(k));
if length(drec)==1,%filters in one direction only
% first direction is column, second is row
h = reshape(hh(k,:),(h-1)*(k==1)+1,(h-1)*(k==2)+1);
else % filters in both directions
for k=1:thirdD,%loop if A matrix is 3D
A(:,:,k) = imfilter(imfilter(A(:,:,k), hh(2,:),'replicate'),...
if custm_flt || (defflt_reducedim && (length(drec)==1)), % filters in one direction
for k=1:thirdD,%loop if A matrix is 3D
A(:,:,k) = imfilter(A(:,:,k),h,'replicate');
% Construct an affine tform that:
% * maps (u,v) = (0.5,0.5) in input space to (x,y) = (0.5,0.5) in
% output space.
% * maps (u,v) = (1.5,1.5) in input space to (x,y) =
% (0.5+sc(2),0.5+sc(1)) in output space.
a = [sc(2), 0, 0
0, sc(1), 0
0.5*(1-sc(2)), 0.5*(1-sc(1)), 1];
T = maketform('affine', a);
% Interpolation
if method(1)=='n',
% nearest neighbor (default)
subscripts = repmat({':'}, [1 ndims(A)]);
X = [(1:sn(2)).', ones(sn(2), 1)];
U = tforminv(T, X);
c = min(round(U(:,1)), so(2));
X = [ones(sn(1), 1), (1:sn(1)).'];
U = tforminv(T, X);
r = min(round(U(:,2)), so(1));
subscripts{1} = r;
subscripts{2} = c;
A = A(subscripts{:});
% bilinear or bicubic
if strcmp(method,'bicubic')
R = makeresampler('cubic','replicate');
R = makeresampler('linear','replicate');
% In the construction of the affine transform matrix above, the first coordinate
% lies along the horizontal dimensions, and the second coordinate lies along
% the vertical dimension. However, the default coordinate convention for
% tformarray follows MATLAB's array indexing ordering. That is, the first
% spatial transform dimension corresponds to the rows, the second spatial
% transform dimension corresponds to the columns, etc. That's the reason for
% specifying [2 1], [2 1], and [sn(2) sn(1)] in the call to tformarray
% below.
A = tformarray(A, T, R, [2 1], [2 1], [sn(2) sn(1)], [], []);
% Change format from double back to the original
if logicalIn, % output should be logical (i.e. binary image)
if ~islogical(A) % A became double because of imfilter, turn it back to logical
A = A>.5;
elseif classChanged,
A = changeclass(inputClass, A);
% Output
if (nargout == 0)
varargout{1} = A;
% Function: parse_inputs
function [A,m,method,h] = parse_inputs(varargin)
% Outputs: A the input image
% m the resize scaling factor or the new size
% method interpolation method (nearest,bilinear,bicubic)
% h if 0, skip filtering; if non-zero scalar, use filter
% of size h; if empty, use filter of size 11;
% otherwise h is the anti-aliasing filter provided by user
% Defaults:
method = 'nearest';
h = [];
switch nargin
case 2, % imresize(A,m)
A = varargin{1};
m = varargin{2};
case 3, % imresize(A,m,method)
A = varargin{1};
m = varargin{2};
method = varargin{3};
case 4, % imresize(A,m,method,h)
A = varargin{1};
m = varargin{2};
method = varargin{3};
h = varargin{4};
eid = 'Images:imresize:invalidInputs';
error(eid, '%s', 'Invalid input arguments.');
iptcheckinput(A,{'numeric', 'logical'},{'nonsparse'},mfilename,'A',1);
% Check validity of the input parameters
if isempty(m) || (ndims(m)>2) || any(m<=0) || length(m(:))>2,
eid = 'Images:imresize:invalidScaleFactor';
error(eid, '%s', 'M must be either a scalar multiplier or a 1-by-2 size vector.');
elseif length(m)==2,% make sure that m is a row of non-negative integers
m = ceil(m(:).');
if ischar(method),
strings = {'nearest','bilinear','bicubic'};
idx = find(strncmpi(method, strings, numel(method)));
if isempty(idx),
eid = 'Images:imresize:unrecognizedInterpolationMethod';
error(eid, 'Unknown interpolation method: %s', method);
elseif length(idx)>1,
eid = 'Images:imresize:ambiguousInterpolationMethod';
error(eid, '%s', 'Ambiguous interpolation method: %s',method);
method = strings{idx};
eid = 'Images:imresize:expectedString';
error(eid, '%s', 'Interpolation method has to be a string.');
if length(h)==1,% represents filter order
if (h<0) || (h~=round(h)),
eid = 'Images:imresize:invalidFilterOrder';
error(eid, 'Filter order has to be a non-negative integer, not %g',h);
elseif (length(h)>1) && (ndims(h)>2),% custom supplied filter
eid = 'Images:imresize:expected2DFilter';
error(eid, '%s', 'Filter has to be a 2-D array.');
function b = DesignFilter(N,Wn)
% Modified from SPT v3 fir1.m and hanning.m
% first creates only first half of the filter
% and later mirrows it to the other half
odd = rem(N,2);
vec = 1:floor(N/2);
vec2 = pi*(vec-(1-odd)/2);
wind = .54-.46*cos(2*pi*(vec-1)/(N-1));
b = [fliplr(sin(Wn*vec2)./vec2).*wind Wn];% first half is ready
b = b([vec floor(N/2)+(1:odd) fliplr(vec)]);% entire filter
b = b/abs(polyval(b,1));% norm
function tf = switch_to_nearest_method(new_size, old_size, method)
% Returns true if method is not 'nearest' but 'nearest' must be used
% because of the input and output image sizes.
tf = any(new_size < 4) && any(new_size < old_size) && ...
(method(1) ~= 'n');