 #  File        : inpaint.h
 #                ( C++ header file - CImg plug-in )
 #  Copyright   : David Tschumperlé
 #  License     : CeCILL v2.0
 #                ( http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html )
 # Description  :
 # This plug-in implements the patch-based inpainting algorithm for 2d images, as
 # described in the two following publications :
 # "A Smarter Examplar-based Inpainting Algorithm using Local and Global Heuristics
 #  for more Geometric Coherence."
 # (M. Daisy, P. Buyssens, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
 # IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'14), Paris/France, Oct. 2014
 # and
 # "A Fast Spatial Patch Blending Algorithm for Artefact Reduction in Pattern-based
 #  Image Inpainting."
 # (M. Daisy, D. Tschumperlé, O. Lezoray).
 # SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Briefs, Hong-Kong, November 2013.
 #  This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
 #  abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
 #  modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
 #  license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
 #  "http://www.cecill.info".
 #  As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
 #  modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
 #  with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
 #  economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
 #  liability.
 #  In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
 #  with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
 #  software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
 #  that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
 #  therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
 #  professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
 #  encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
 #  requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
 #  data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
 #  same conditions as regards security.
 #  The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 #  knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#ifndef cimg_plugin_inpaint
#define cimg_plugin_inpaint

template<typename t>
CImg<T>& inpaint_patch(const CImg<t>& mask, const unsigned int patch_size=11,
                       const unsigned int lookup_size=22, const float lookup_factor=1,
                       const int lookup_increment=1,
                       const unsigned int blend_size=0, const float blend_threshold=0.5f,
                       const float blend_decay=0.02, const unsigned int blend_scales=10,
                       const bool is_blend_outer=false) {
  if (depth()>1)
    throw CImgInstanceException(_cimg_instance
                                "inpaint_patch(): Instance image is volumetric (should be 2d).",
  if (!is_sameXYZ(mask))
    throw CImgArgumentException(_cimg_instance
                                "inpaint_patch() : Sizes of instance image and specified mask "
                                "(%u,%u,%u,%u) do not match.",
  if (!patch_size)
    throw CImgArgumentException(_cimg_instance
                                "inpaint_patch() : Specified patch size is 0, must be strictly "
  if (!lookup_size)
    throw CImgArgumentException(_cimg_instance
                                "inpaint_patch() : Specified lookup size is 0, must be strictly "
  if (lookup_factor<0)
    throw CImgArgumentException(_cimg_instance
                                "inpaint_patch() : Specified lookup factor %g is negative, must be "
  if (!lookup_increment)
    throw CImgArgumentException(_cimg_instance
                                "inpaint_patch() : Specified lookup increment is 0, must be "
                                "strictly positive.",
  if (blend_decay<0)
    throw CImgArgumentException(_cimg_instance
                                "inpaint_patch() : Specified blend decay %g is negative, must be "

  // Find (dilated by 2) bounding box for the inpainting mask.
  unsigned int xm0 = _width, ym0 = _height, xm1 = 0, ym1 = 0;
  bool is_mask_found = false;
  cimg_forXY(mask,x,y) if (mask(x,y)) {
    is_mask_found = true;
    if (x<(int)xm0) xm0 = (unsigned int)x;
    if (x>(int)xm1) xm1 = (unsigned int)x;
    if (y<(int)ym0) ym0 = (unsigned int)y;
    if (y>(int)ym1) ym1 = (unsigned int)y;
  if (!is_mask_found) return *this;
  xm0 = xm0>2?xm0-2:0;
  ym0 = ym0>2?ym0-2:0;
  xm1 = xm1<_width-3?xm1+2:_width-1;
  ym1 = ym1<_height-3?ym1+2:_height-1;
  int ox = xm0, oy = ym0;
  unsigned int dx = xm1 - xm0 + 1U, dy = ym1 - ym0 + 1U;

  // Construct normalized version of the mask.
  CImg<ucharT> nmask(dx,dy);
  unsigned char *ptrM = nmask.data();
  cimg_for_inXY(mask,xm0,ym0,xm1,ym1,x,y) *(ptrM++) = mask(x,y)?0:1;
  xm0 = ym0 = 0; xm1 = dx - 1; ym1 = dy - 1;

  // Start patch filling algorithm.
  const int p2 = (int)patch_size/2, p1 = (int)patch_size - p2 - 1;
  const unsigned int patch_size2 = patch_size*patch_size;
  unsigned int _lookup_size = lookup_size, nb_lookups = 0, nb_fails = 0, nb_saved_patches = 0;
  bool is_strict_search = true;
  const float one = 1;

  CImg<floatT> confidences(nmask), priorities(dx,dy,1,2,-1), pC;
  CImg<unsigned int> saved_patches(4,256), is_visited(width(),height(),1,1,0);
  CImg<ucharT> pM, pN;  // Pre-declare patch variables (avoid iterative memory alloc/dealloc).
  CImg<T> pP, pbest;
  CImg<floatT> weights(patch_size,patch_size,1,1,0);
  unsigned int target_index = 0;

  while (true) {

    // Extract mask border points and compute priorities to find target point.
    unsigned int nb_border_points = 0;
    float target_confidence = -1, target_priority = -1;
    int target_x = -1, target_y = -1;
    CImg_5x5(M,unsigned char);

    cimg_for_in5x5(nmask,xm0,ym0,xm1,ym1,x,y,0,0,M,unsigned char)
      if (!Mcc && (Mcp || Mcn || Mpc || Mnc)) { // Found mask border point.

        float confidence_term = -1, data_term = -1;
        if (priorities(x,y)>=0) { // If priority has already been computed.
          confidence_term = priorities(x,y,0);
          data_term = priorities(x,y,1);
        } else { // If priority must be computed/updated.

          // Compute smoothed normal vector.
          const float
            // N = smoothed 3x3 neighborhood of M.
            Npc = (4.0f*Mpc + 2.0f*Mbc + 2.0f*Mcc + 2.0f*Mpp + 2.0f*Mpn + Mbp + Mbn + Mcp + Mcn)/16,
            Nnc = (4.0f*Mnc + 2.0f*Mac + 2.0f*Mcc + 2.0f*Mnp + 2.0f*Mnn + Map + Man + Mcp + Mcn)/16,
            Ncp = (4.0f*Mcp + 2.0f*Mcb + 2.0f*Mcc + 2.0f*Mpp + 2.0f*Mnp + Mpb + Mnb + Mpc + Mnc)/16,
            Ncn = (4.0f*Mcn + 2.0f*Mca + 2.0f*Mcc + 2.0f*Mpn + 2.0f*Mnn + Mpa + Mna + Mpc + Mnc)/16,
            _nx = 0.5f*(Nnc - Npc),
            _ny = 0.5f*(Ncn - Ncp),
            nn = std::sqrt(1e-8f + _nx*_nx + _ny*_ny),
            nx = _nx/nn,
            ny = _ny/nn;

          // Compute confidence term.
          confidence_term = 0;
          const unsigned char *ptrM = pM.data();
          cimg_for(pC,ptrC,float) confidence_term+=*ptrC**(ptrM++);
          priorities(x,y,0) = confidence_term;

          // Compute data term.
          float mean_ix2 = 0, mean_ixiy = 0, mean_iy2 = 0;

          CImg_3x3(_M, unsigned char);
          cimg_forC(pP,c) cimg_for3x3(pP,p,q,0,c,I,T) {
            // Compute weight-mean of structure tensor inside patch.
            cimg_get3x3(pM,p,q,0,0,_M,unsigned char);
            const float
              ixf = (float)(_Mnc*_Mcc*(Inc-Icc)),
              iyf = (float)(_Mcn*_Mcc*(Icn-Icc)),
              ixb = (float)(_Mcc*_Mpc*(Icc-Ipc)),
              iyb = (float)(_Mcc*_Mcp*(Icc-Icp)),
              ix = cimg::abs(ixf)>cimg::abs(ixb)?ixf:ixb,
              iy = cimg::abs(iyf)>cimg::abs(iyb)?iyf:iyb,
              w = weights(p,q);
            mean_ix2 += w*ix*ix;
            mean_ixiy += w*ix*iy;
            mean_iy2 += w*iy*iy;
          const float // Compute tensor-directed data term.
            ux = mean_ix2*(-ny) + mean_ixiy*nx,
            uy = mean_ixiy*(-ny) + mean_iy2*nx;
          data_term = std::sqrt(ux*ux + uy*uy);
          priorities(x,y,1) = data_term;
        const float priority = confidence_term*data_term;
        if (priority>target_priority) {
          target_priority = priority; target_confidence = confidence_term;
          target_x = ox + x; target_y = oy + y;
    if (!nb_border_points) break; // No more mask border points to inpaint!

    // Locate already reconstructed neighbors (if any), to get good origins for patch lookup.
    CImg<unsigned int> lookup_candidates(2,256);
    unsigned int nb_lookup_candidates = 0, *ptr_lookup_candidates = lookup_candidates.data();
    const unsigned int *ptr_saved_patches = saved_patches.data();
    const int
      x0 = target_x - (int)patch_size, y0 = target_y - (int)patch_size,
      x1 = target_x + (int)patch_size, y1 = target_y + (int)patch_size;
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k<nb_saved_patches; ++k) {
      const unsigned int
        src_x = *(ptr_saved_patches++), src_y = *(ptr_saved_patches++),
        dest_x = *(ptr_saved_patches++), dest_y = *(ptr_saved_patches++);
      if ((int)dest_x>=x0 && (int)dest_y>=y0 && (int)dest_x<=x1 && (int)dest_y<=y1) {
        const int off_x = target_x - dest_x, off_y = target_y - dest_y;
        *(ptr_lookup_candidates++) = src_x + off_x;
        *(ptr_lookup_candidates++) = src_y + off_y;
        if (++nb_lookup_candidates>=lookup_candidates._height)
    // Add also target point as a center for the patch lookup.
    *(ptr_lookup_candidates++) = target_x;
    *(ptr_lookup_candidates++) = target_y;

    // Divide size of lookup regions if several lookup sources have been detected.
    unsigned int final_lookup_size = _lookup_size;
    if (nb_lookup_candidates>1) {
      const unsigned int
        _final_lookup_size = (unsigned int)cimg::round(_lookup_size*lookup_factor/
      final_lookup_size = _final_lookup_size + 1 - (_final_lookup_size%2);
    const int l2 = (int)final_lookup_size/2, l1 = (int)final_lookup_size - l2 - 1;

#ifdef gmic_debug
    CImg<ucharT> visu(*this,false);
    for (unsigned int C = 0; C<nb_lookup_candidates; ++C) {
      const int
        xl = lookup_candidates(0,C),
        yl = lookup_candidates(1,C);
    static int foo = 0;
    if (!(foo%1)) {
      //      visu.save("video.ppm",foo);
      static CImgDisplay disp_debug;
#endif // #ifdef gmic_debug

    // Find best patch candidate to fill target point.
    const unsigned int
      _lookup_increment = (unsigned int)(lookup_increment>0?lookup_increment:
    float best_ssd = cimg::type<float>::max();
    int best_x = -1, best_y = -1;
    for (unsigned int C = 0; C<nb_lookup_candidates; ++C) {
      const int
        xl = (int)lookup_candidates(0,C),
        yl = (int)lookup_candidates(1,C),
        x0 = cimg::max(p1,xl-l1), y0 = cimg::max(p1,yl-l1),
        x1 = cimg::min(width()-1-p2,xl+l2), y1 = cimg::min(height()-1-p2,yl+l2);
      for (int y = y0; y<=y1; y+=_lookup_increment)
        for (int x = x0; x<=x1; x+=_lookup_increment) if (is_visited(x,y)!=target_index) {
            if (is_strict_search) mask._inpaint_patch_crop(x-p1,y-p1,x+p2,y+p2,1).move_to(pN);
            else nmask._inpaint_patch_crop(x-ox-p1,y-oy-p1,x-ox+p2,y-oy+p2,0).move_to(pN);
            if ((is_strict_search && pN.sum()==0) || (!is_strict_search && pN.sum()==patch_size2)) {
              float ssd = 0;
              const T *_pP = pP._data;
              const float *_pC = pC._data;
              cimg_for(pM,_pM,unsigned char) { if (*_pM) {
                  cimg_forC(pC,c) {
                    ssd+=cimg::sqr((Tfloat)*_pC-(Tfloat)*_pP); _pC+=patch_size2; _pP+=patch_size2;
                  if (ssd>=best_ssd) break;
                ++_pC; ++_pP;
              if (ssd<best_ssd) { best_ssd = ssd; best_x = x; best_y = y; }
            is_visited(x,y) = target_index;

    if (best_x<0) { // If no best patch found.
      priorities(target_x-ox,target_y-oy,0)/=10; // Reduce its priority (lower data_term).
      if (++nb_fails>=4) { // If too much consecutive fails :
        nb_fails = 0;
        _lookup_size+=_lookup_size/2; // Try to expand the lookup size.
        if (++nb_lookups>=3) {
          if (is_strict_search) { // If still fails, switch to non-strict search mode.
            is_strict_search = false;
            _lookup_size = lookup_size;
            nb_lookups = 0;
          else return *this; // Pathological case, probably a weird mask.
    } else { // Best patch found -> reconstruct missing part on the target patch.
      _lookup_size = lookup_size;
      nb_lookups = nb_fails = 0;
      cimg_for(pM,ptr,unsigned char) *ptr=1-*ptr;
      // Remember patch positions.
      unsigned int *ptr_saved_patches = saved_patches.data(0,nb_saved_patches);
      *(ptr_saved_patches++) = best_x;
      *(ptr_saved_patches++) = best_y;
      *(ptr_saved_patches++) = target_x;
      *ptr_saved_patches = target_y;
      if (++nb_saved_patches>=saved_patches._height) saved_patches.resize(4,-200,1,1,0);
  nmask.assign();  // Free some unused memory resources.

  // Blend inpainting result (if requested), using multi-scale blending algorithm.
  if (blend_size && blend_scales) {
    const float _blend_threshold = cimg::max(0.0f,cimg::min(1.0f,blend_threshold));
    saved_patches._height = nb_saved_patches;

    // Re-crop image and mask if outer blending is activated.
    if (is_blend_outer) {
      const int
        b2 = (int)blend_size/2, b1 = (int)blend_size - b2 - 1,
        xb0 = cimg::max(0,ox-b1),
        yb0 = cimg::max(0,oy-b1),
        xb1 = cimg::min(_width-1,xb0 + dx + b1 + b2),
        yb1 = cimg::min(_height-1,yb0 + dy + b1 + b2);
      ox = xb0; oy = yb0; dx = xb1 - xb0 + 1U, dy = yb1 - yb0 + 1U;

    // Generate map of source offsets.
    CImg<unsigned int> offsets(dx,dy,1,2);
    unsigned int *ptr = saved_patches.end();
    cimg_forY(saved_patches,i) {
      const unsigned int yd = *(--ptr), xd = *(--ptr), ys = *(--ptr), xs = *(--ptr);
      for (int l=-p1; l<=p2; ++l)
        for (int k=-p1; k<=p2; ++k) {
          const int xdk = xd+k, ydl = yd+l;
          if (xdk>=0 && xdk<=width()-1 && ydl>=0 && ydl<=height()-1 && mask(xd+k,yd+l)) {
            offsets(xd-ox+k,yd-oy+l,0) = xs+k;
            offsets(xd-ox+k,yd-oy+l,1) = ys+l;
    unsigned int *ptrx = offsets.data(0,0,0,0), *ptry = offsets.data(0,0,0,1);
    cimg_forXY(offsets,x,y) {
      if (!mask(x+ox,y+oy)) { *ptrx = x+ox; *ptry = y+oy; }
      ++ptrx; ++ptry;

    // Generate map of local blending amplitudes.
    CImg<floatT> blend_map(dx,dy,1,1,0);
    cimg_for3XY(offsets,x,y) if (mask(x+ox,y+oy)) {
      const float
        iox = cimg::max((float)offsets(_n1x,y,0)-offsets(x,y,0),
        ioy = cimg::max((float)offsets(x,_n1y,1)-offsets(x,y,1),
        ion = std::sqrt(iox*iox+ioy*ioy);
      float iin = 0;
      cimg_forC(*this,c) {
        const float
          iix = (float)cimg::max(Inc-Icc,Icc-Ipc),
          iiy = (float)cimg::max(Icn-Icc,Icc-Icp);
      blend_map(x,y) = ion*iin;
    cimg_forXY(blend_map,x,y) blend_map(x,y) = 1/(1+blend_decay*blend_map(x,y));
    float bm, bM = blend_map.max_min(bm);
    if (bm==bM) blend_map.fill((float)blend_scales);

    // Generate blending scales.
    CImg<T> result = _inpaint_patch_crop(ox,oy,ox+dx-1,oy+dy-1,0);
    for (unsigned int blend_iter = 1; blend_iter<=blend_scales; ++blend_iter) {
      const unsigned int
        _blend_width = blend_iter*blend_size/blend_scales,
        blend_width = _blend_width?_blend_width+1-(_blend_width%2):0;
      if (!blend_width) continue;
      const int b2 = (int)blend_width/2, b1 = (int)blend_width - b2 - 1;
        blended = _inpaint_patch_crop(ox,oy,ox+dx-1,oy+dy-1,0),
      cimg_forXY(cumul,x,y) cumul(x,y) = mask(x+ox,y+oy)?0.0f:1.0f;

      cimg_forY(saved_patches,l) {
        const unsigned int *ptr = saved_patches.data(0,l);
        const int
          xs = (int)*(ptr++),
          ys = (int)*(ptr++),
          xd = (int)*(ptr++),
          yd = (int)*(ptr++);
        if (xs-b1<0 || ys-b1<0 || xs+b2>=width() || ys+b2>=height()) { // Blend with partial patch.
          const int
            xs0 = cimg::max(0,xs - b1),
            ys0 = cimg::max(0,ys - b1),
            xs1 = cimg::min(width()-1,xs + b2),
            ys1 = cimg::min(height()-1,ys + b2);
        } else { // Blend with full-size patch.

      if (is_blend_outer) {
        cimg_forXY(blended,x,y) if (blend_map(x,y)==blend_iter) {
          const float cum = cumul(x,y);
          if (cum>0) cimg_forC(*this,c) result(x,y,c) = (T)(blended(x,y,c)/cum);
      } else { cimg_forXY(blended,x,y) if (mask(x+ox,y+oy) && blend_map(x,y)==blend_iter) {
          const float cum = cumul(x,y);
          if (cum>0) cimg_forC(*this,c) result(x,y,c) = (T)(blended(x,y,c)/cum);
    if (is_blend_outer) draw_image(ox,oy,result);
    else cimg_forXY(result,x,y) if (mask(x+ox,y+oy))
           cimg_forC(*this,c) (*this)(x+ox,y+oy,c) = (T)result(x,y,c);
  return *this;

// Special crop function that supports more boundary conditions :
// 0=dirichlet (with value 0), 1=dirichlet (with value 1) and 2=neumann.
CImg<T> _inpaint_patch_crop(const int x0, const int y0, const int x1, const int y1,
                            const unsigned int boundary=0) const {
  const int
    nx0 = x0<x1?x0:x1, nx1 = x0^x1^nx0,
    ny0 = y0<y1?y0:y1, ny1 = y0^y1^ny0;
  CImg<T> res(1U + nx1 - nx0,1U + ny1 - ny0,1,_spectrum);
  if (nx0<0 || nx1>=width() || ny0<0 || ny1>=height()) {
    if (boundary>=2) cimg_forXYZC(res,x,y,z,c) res(x,y,z,c) = _atXY(nx0+x,ny0+y,z,c);
    else res.fill((T)boundary).draw_image(-nx0,-ny0,*this);
  } else res.draw_image(-nx0,-ny0,*this);
  return res;

template<typename t>
CImg<T> get_inpaint_patch(const CImg<t>& mask, const unsigned int patch_size=11,
                          const unsigned int lookup_size=22, const float lookup_factor=1,
                          const int lookup_increment=1,
                          const unsigned int blend_size=0, const float blend_threshold=0.5,
                          const float blend_decay=0.02f, const unsigned int blend_scales=10,
                          const bool is_blend_outer=false) const {
  return (+*this).inpaint_patch(mask,patch_size,lookup_size,lookup_factor,lookup_increment,

#endif /* cimg_plugin_inpaint */