/* BeginDocumentation
* Name: GratingGenerator
* Description: Sinusoidal grating generator
* Parameters:
* type -> 0=drifting. 1=static, oscillating. 2=static, reversing.
* step -> time length of one frame, in seconds.
* lengthB -> length of time before grating apparition, in seconds.
* length -> length of first grating apparition.
* length2 -> length of reversed grating apparition, in case of type=2.
* X -> x_size of video, in pixels.
* Y -> y_size of video, in pixels.
* freq -> temporal frequency, in hertz.
* T -> spatial period, in pixels.
* Lum -> mean luminance of the grating.
* Cont -> contrast of the grating. Between 0 and 1. If 1, then the image reaches luminance level 0.
* phi -> spatial phase of central pixel at time zero, in multiples of Pi, for a COSINUS.
* phi_t -> temporal phase of signal at time zero, in multiples of Pi, for a COSINUS. (only if type=1.)
* theta -> theta. orientation of the grating.
* r,g,b -> weight of each color channel.
* red_phi,green_phi,blue_phi -> initial phase for each color channel.
* Source code adapted from Virtual Retina[1] (licensed under CeCILL-C)
* [1] Wohrer, Adrien, and Pierre Kornprobst. "Virtual Retina: a biological retina
* model and simulator, with contrast gain control." Journal of computational
* neuroscience 26.2 (2009): 219-249.
* Author: Pablo Martinez CaƱada. University of Granada. CITIC-UGR. Spain.
* <pablomc@ugr.es>
* SeeAlso: fixationalMovGrating, impulse, whiteNoise
#include "../CImg-1.6.0_rolling141127/CImg.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cimg_library;
using namespace std;
class GratingGenerator{
// Grating parameters
int type;
double step;
double lengthB;
double length;
double length2;
int X;
int Y;
double freq;
double T;
double Lum;
double Cont;
double phi;
double phi_t;
double theta;
double r,g,b;
double Bsize;
double first_grating_size;
double second_grating_size;
int x0;
int y0;
double cos_theta;
double sin_theta;
double A;
double red_phi,green_phi,blue_phi;
// Aux matrix
CImg <double> aux;
// Constructor, copy, destructor.
GratingGenerator(int ptype,double pstep,double plengthB,double plength,double plength2,int pX,int pY,double pfreq,double pT,double pLum,double pCont,double pphi,double pphi_t,double ptheta,double red, double green, double blue,double pred_phi, double pgreen_phi,double pblue_phi);
GratingGenerator(const GratingGenerator& copy);
// update the grating
CImg<double> *compute_grating(double t);