#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> // std::sort
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "SequenceInput.h"
SequenceInput::SequenceInput(int x, int y, double temporal_step, string input_file_path):module(x,y,temporal_step){
// Default input parameters
InputFilePath = input_file_path;
SkipNInitFrames = 0; // No frame skipped by default
RepeatLastFrame = false; // Sim. is terminted after end of input
InputFramePeriod = 1; // by default one new frame is used each simulation millisecond
CurrentInFrameInd = 0; // First frame to load is number 0
verbose = true;
// Allocate image buffers buffer
outputImage = new CImg<double> (sizeY, sizeX, 1, 1, 0);
// Init. internal vars
NextFrameTime = 0; // First frame must be received at time 0
endOfInput = false;
// This method will probably not be used
SequenceInput::SequenceInput(const SequenceInput ©):module(copy){
InputFilePath = copy.InputFilePath;
SkipNInitFrames = copy.SkipNInitFrames;
RepeatLastFrame = copy.RepeatLastFrame;
InputFramePeriod = copy.InputFramePeriod;
NextFrameTime = copy.NextFrameTime;
CurrentInFrameInd = copy.CurrentInFrameInd;
inputFileList = copy.inputFileList;
inputMovie = copy.inputMovie;
endOfInput = copy.endOfInput;
outputImage=new CImg<double>(*copy.outputImage);
if(outputImage != NULL)
delete outputImage;
bool SequenceInput::openInput(){
bool ret_correct;
struct stat input_seq_path_stat;
ret_correct = false; // default return value
// Check if the specified input-sequence path is a directory or a movie file
if(stat(InputFilePath.c_str(), &input_seq_path_stat) == 0){
cout << "Opening image sequence: " << InputFilePath << "..." << endl;
if(S_ISDIR(input_seq_path_stat.st_mode)){ // The user has specified a directory as input sequence: load all the directory files
DIR *dp; // Pointer to the opened input-directiry stream
dp = opendir(InputFilePath.c_str());
if(dp != NULL){
dirent* de;
do{ // For each directory entry:
de = readdir(dp);
if(de != NULL){ // We got a valid entry
string curr_input_file_path(InputFilePath + de->d_name); // Compose the entire current dir entry path
if(stat(curr_input_file_path.c_str(), &input_seq_path_stat) == 0){ // Try to get information about the de->d_name
if(!S_ISDIR(input_seq_path_stat.st_mode)){ // Subdirectories (including . and ..) are not included in the input file sequence
ret_correct = true; // At least one image was found, proceed
perror("Error accessing the specified input sequence directory: ");
}while (de != NULL); // Continue while we get valid directory entries
sort(inputFileList.begin(), inputFileList.end()); // File will be load in alphabetical order
cout << inputFileList.size() << " files in directory" << endl;
cout << "Error reading retina script: Cannot open input sequence directory " << InputFilePath << endl;
} else { // The user has specified a file as input sequence: load the whole movie file
inputMovie.load_inr(InputFilePath.c_str()); // We assume that the specified file is a movie (sequence of images)
ret_correct = true;
cout << inputMovie.depth() << " frames in movie file" << endl;
} else
perror("Error accessing the specified input sequence: ");
void SequenceInput::closeInput(){
// Nothing to do for the current implementation
void SequenceInput::skipFrame(){
bool SequenceInput::allocateValues(){
bool ret_correct;
module::allocateValues(); // Call the allocateValues() method of the base class
ret_correct = openInput(); // Load INR file or open directory
cout << "Skipping " << SkipNInitFrames << " input frames" << endl;
for(int n_skipped_frames=0;n_skipped_frames<SkipNInitFrames;n_skipped_frames++)
skipFrame(); // Skip frame
// Use the first frame to find out the new dimensions of retina image size
get_new_frame(); // Get first valid frame
NextFrameTime=InputFramePeriod; // Next frame must be read at this time
// output image should have been automatically resized after first frame load
bool SequenceInput::set_SkipNInitFrames(int n_frames){
bool ret_correct;
if (n_frames>=0) {
SkipNInitFrames = n_frames;
} else
bool SequenceInput::set_RepeatLastFrame(bool repeat_flag){
RepeatLastFrame = repeat_flag;
bool SequenceInput::set_InputFramePeriod(double sim_time_period){
bool ret_correct;
if (sim_time_period>0) {
InputFramePeriod = sim_time_period;
} else
bool SequenceInput::setParameters(vector<double> params, vector<string> paramID){
bool correct = true;
for (vector<double>::size_type i = 0;i < params.size() && correct;i++){
const char * s = paramID[i].c_str();
if (strcmp(s,"SkipNInitFrames")==0){
correct = set_SkipNInitFrames((int)(params[i]));
} else if (strcmp(s,"RepeatLastFrame")==0){
correct = set_RepeatLastFrame(params[i] != 0.0);
} else if (strcmp(s,"InputFramePeriod")==0){
correct = set_InputFramePeriod(params[i]);
} else{
correct = false;
return correct;
// This method can only be used to set the simulation time
void SequenceInput::feedInput(double sim_time, const CImg<double> &new_input, bool isCurrent, int port){
// Update the current simulation time (although it is currently not used)
simTime = sim_time;
void SequenceInput::get_new_frame(){
if(inputFileList.size() == 0){ // filename list is empty, so input was a movie file
if(CurrentInFrameInd < (unsigned long)inputMovie.depth()) // Some frames still availables to be read
*outputImage = inputMovie.get_slice(CurrentInFrameInd++);
if(!endOfInput && !RepeatLastFrame){
cout << "\rNo more input frames: terminating simulation" << endl;
endOfInput=true; // Indicate an end of input and simulation
} else { // Input was a directory
if(CurrentInFrameInd < inputFileList.size()) // Some files still availables to be read
else {
if(!endOfInput && !RepeatLastFrame){
cout << "\rNo more input images: terminating simulation" << endl;
endOfInput=true; // Indicate an end of input and simulation
void SequenceInput::update(){
while(simTime >= NextFrameTime){ // It is time to get a new frame?:
NextFrameTime += InputFramePeriod; // Update start time of the next frame
// This method returns the last received image which is stored in the output buffer
CImg<double>* SequenceInput::getOutput(){
return NULL;
return outputImage;
bool SequenceInput::isDummy() {
return false;