/* BeginDocumentation
* Name: SequenceOutput
* Description: Special retina module in charge of saving the retina output in a file as a image sequence.
* In particular it can create an INR video file containing one image per simulation time step.
* Author: Pablo Martinez CaƱada. University of Granada. CITIC-UGR. Spain.
* <pablomc@ugr.es>
* Author: Richard R. Carrillo. University of Granada. CITIC-UGR. Spain.
* SeeAlso: module
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "module.h"
using namespace cimg_library;
using namespace std;
#define INR_HEADER_LEN 256 // Header length of a INRIMAGE-4 file
class SequenceOutput:public module{
// image buffers
CImg<double> *inputImage; // Buffer used to temporally store the input values which will be saved
string out_seq_filename; // filename (including path) to the movie output file to create
ofstream out_seq_file_handle; // The out_seq_filename file is created when the object is created and this handle is set
unsigned int num_written_frames; // Number of frames currently added to out_seq_file_handle
unsigned int num_skipped_frames; // Number of frames currently skipped (following user specification)
double Start_time, End_time; // These recording parameters define the simulation time interval when the images must be saved
// parameters of output file
double Voxel_X_size, Voxel_Y_size; // Size of a voxel (pixel) in X and Y dimensions. The size in Z (time) is always set to 1
unsigned int InFramesPerOut; // Number of input frames waited until an output frame is generated
// Constructor, copy, destructor.
SequenceOutput(int x=1, int y=1, double temporal_step=1.0, string output_filename="");
SequenceOutput(const SequenceOutput& copy);
// Allocate values and set protected parameters
virtual bool allocateValues();
// These functions are mainly used by setParameters() to set object parameter properties after the object is created
bool set_Voxel_X_size(double voxel_x_size);
bool set_Voxel_Y_size(double voxel_y_size);
bool set_Start_time(double start_time);
bool set_End_time(double end_time);
bool set_InFramesPerOut(unsigned int n_frames);
// Get new input
virtual void feedInput(double sim_time, const CImg<double> &new_input, bool isCurrent, int port);
// update of state and write output frame to file
virtual void update();
// set Parameters
virtual bool setParameters(vector<double> params, vector<string> paramID);
// Return a pointer to a string identifying the endianness of the architecture in which
// the method is being executed: "pc" or "sun"
const char *getEndianness();
// This method creates (or overwrites) out_spk_filename with an empty header
// It returns true when it could be successfully written
bool CreateINRFile();
// Save the input buffer into a file as a new frame
bool WriteINRFrame();
// Write a file header with INRIMAGE-4 format in out_spk_filename considering
// the current class properties
bool CloseINRFile();
// Get output image (y(k)) (not used)
virtual CImg<double>* getOutput();
// Returns false to indicate that this class performs computation
virtual bool isDummy();