/* BeginDocumentation
* Name: ShortTermPlasticity
* Description: dynamic nonlinearity that includes a STP term
* Author: Pablo Martinez CaƱada. University of Granada. CITIC-UGR. Spain.
* <pablomc@ugr.es>
* SeeAlso: module
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "module.h"
#define DBL_EPSILON_STP 1.0e-2
using namespace cimg_library;
using namespace std;
class ShortTermPlasticity:public module{
// nonlinearity parameters
double slope,offset,exponent,threshold;
bool isThreshold;
// STP parameters
double kf,kd,tau;
// Buffers
CImg<double> **inputImage;
CImg<double> *outputImage;
// Constructor, copy, destructor.
ShortTermPlasticity(int x=1,int y=1,double temporal_step=1.0,double Am=1.0,double Vm=0.0,double Em=1.0, double th = 0.0, bool isTh=false);
ShortTermPlasticity(const ShortTermPlasticity& copy);
// Set functions
bool setSlope(double s);
bool setOffset(double o);
bool setExponent(double e);
bool setThreshold(double t);
bool setkf(double p1);
bool setkd(double p2);
bool setTau(double p3);
bool setVInf(double p4);
// Allocate values
virtual bool allocateValues();
// New input and update of equations
virtual void feedInput(double sim_time, const CImg<double> &new_input, bool isCurrent, int port);
virtual void update();
// set Parameters
virtual bool setParameters(vector<double> params, vector<string> paramID);
// Get output image (y(k))
virtual CImg<double>* getOutput();