#include "fixationalMovGrating.h"
fixationalMovGrating::fixationalMovGrating(int X,int Y,double radius,double jitter,double period,double step,double luminance,double contrast,double orientation,double red_weight,double green_weigh, double blue_weight,int t1,int t2,int ts)
unsigned seed1,seed2,seed3,seed4;
seed1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
seed3 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
// Fixed seed to lower processing time when optimizing parameters:
// it is not necessary to average several trials, only one trial
// per individual to optimize. Random distributions wouldn't be used
// seed1 = 10;
// seed2 = 20;
// seed3 = 30;
// seed4 = 40;
sizeX = X;
sizeY = Y;
type1 = t1;
type2 = t2;
tswitch = ts;
circle_radius = radius;
jitter_period = jitter;
spatial_period = period;
step_size = step;
Lum = luminance;
Cont = contrast;
theta = orientation;
r = red_weight;
g = green_weigh;
b = blue_weight;
x0= (int)(X/2);
y0 =(int)(Y/2);
aux = *(new CImg <double>(Y,X,1,3));
generator1 = *(new default_random_engine(seed1));
distribution1 = *(new normal_distribution<double>(0.0,step_size));
if(type1 == 0){
seed2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
seed2 = seed1;
generator2 = *(new default_random_engine(seed2));
distribution2 = *(new normal_distribution<double>(0.0,step_size));
generator3 = *(new default_random_engine(seed3));
if(type2 == 0){
seed4 = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
seed4 = seed3;
generator4 = *(new default_random_engine(seed4));
Pi = 3.14159265;
jitter1 = 0.0;
jitter2 = 0.0;
j1 = -step_size;
value1=value2=value3 = 0.0;
fixationalMovGrating::fixationalMovGrating(const fixationalMovGrating& copy){
CImg <double>* fixationalMovGrating::compute_grating(double t){
if((int)t%(int)jitter_period == 0){
if(t < tswitch){
j1 = distribution1(generator1);
j2 = distribution2(generator2);
// shift fixed
// if(type1 == 0){
// j1 = -j1;
// j2 = -j1;
// }else{
// j1 = -j1;
// j2 = j1;
// }
j1 = distribution1(generator3);
j2 = distribution2(generator4);
// shift fixed
// if(type2 == 0){
// j1 = -j1;
// j2 = -j1;
// }else{
// j1 = -j1;
// j2 = j1;
// }
jitter1 = j1;
jitter2 = j2;
cimg_forXY(aux,x,y) {
radius = sqrt((double(x) - double(x0))*(double(x) - double(x0)) + (double(y) - double(y0))*(double(y) - double(y0)));
if(radius < circle_radius){
value3 = b*Lum + b * A *cos(Pi/2 + (((x-x0+jitter1)*cos_theta+(y-y0+jitter1)*sin_theta)/spatial_period)*2*Pi);
value2 = g*Lum + g * A *cos(Pi/2 + (((x-x0+jitter1)*cos_theta+(y-y0+jitter1)*sin_theta)/spatial_period)*2*Pi);
value1 = r*Lum + r * A *cos(Pi/2 + (((x-x0+jitter1)*cos_theta+(y-y0+jitter1)*sin_theta)/spatial_period)*2*Pi);
value3 = b*Lum + b * A *cos(Pi/2 + (((x-x0+jitter2)*cos_theta+(y-y0+jitter2)*sin_theta)/spatial_period)*2*Pi);
value2 = g*Lum + g * A *cos(Pi/2 + (((x-x0+jitter2)*cos_theta+(y-y0+jitter2)*sin_theta)/spatial_period)*2*Pi);
value1 = r*Lum + r * A *cos(Pi/2 + (((x-x0+jitter2)*cos_theta+(y-y0+jitter2)*sin_theta)/spatial_period)*2*Pi);
return &aux;