/* BeginDocumentation
 * Name: multimeter
 * Description: A multimeter records spatial or temporal evolution of connected
 * neural layers. It is also possible to define a linear-nonlinear (LN) analysis [1]
 * FFT code from the book "Numerical Recipes in C".
 * [1] Baccus, Stephen A., and Markus Meister. "Fast and slow contrast adaptation
 * in retinal circuitry." Neuron 36.5 (2002): 909-919.
 * Author: Pablo Martinez CaƱada. University of Granada. CITIC-UGR. Spain.
 * <pablomc@ugr.es>

#include "../CImg-1.6.0_rolling141127/CImg.h"

#include "vector"
#include "dirent.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>

#include "constants.h"

// FFT

using namespace cimg_library;
using namespace std;

class multimeter{
    // Image size
    int sizeX, sizeY;
    // Image display for the multimeter (windows destroyed when object deleted)
    CImgDisplay *draw_disp;
    // temporal registers
    vector <double> temporal;
    vector <double> input;
    // LN analysis
    std::ifstream fin;
    std::ofstream fout;
    std::fstream finout;
    double switchTime;

    // simulation step
    double simStep;


    // Constructor, copy, destructor.
    multimeter(int x=1,int y=1);
    multimeter(const multimeter& copy);

    // Spatial multimeter
    void showSpatialProfile(CImg<double> *img,bool rowCol,int number,string title,int col,int row,double waitTime);

    // Temporal multimeter
    void recordValue(double value);
    void showTemporalProfile(string title, int col, int row, double waitTime,const char * TempFile);

    // LN analysis
    void recordInput(double value);
    void showLNAnalysis(string title, int col, int row, double waitTime, double segment,double interval, double start, double stop, double numberTrials,const char * LNFile);
    void showLNAnalysisAvg(int col, int row,double waitTime, double segment, double start, double stop, double numberTrials, const char * LNFile, double ampl);
    // Save array in a text file with nama fileID. One value per file. If file already exit,
    // add each each value of array to each value in the file and save the resulting values.
    void saveArray(double* array, size_t arraySize, string fileID);
    void getSwitchTime(double t){switchTime=t;}
    string getWorkingDir();
    string composeResultsPath(const char * File);
    void removeFile(const char * File);

    vector<double> readSeq(const char *LNFile);
    void saveSeq(vector<double> newSeq, const char * LNFile, double maxSize);

    //Sim step
    void setSimStep(double value);

    void fft(double data[], int nn, int isign);
    void conj(double data[], double copy[], int NFFT);


#endif // MULTIMETER_H