Simulation of a 2D Poincaré oscillator network as a model of the Choroid Plexus
Reference: Myung J, Schmal C et al. (2018) The Choroid Plexus is an Important
Circadian Clock Component. Nat Commun, in press.
Written by Christoph Schmal, Institute for Theoretical Biology, Humboldt Universität
Correspondence: Christoph Schmal (christoph.schmal@charite.de)
February 9, 2018
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import seed, normal
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, imshow, xticks, yticks, tight_layout, show
def phase_diff_on_circle(x, y):
return arctan2(sin(x-y), cos(x-y))
def mean_circular_variable(x):
return arctan2(sum(sin(x)), sum(cos(x)))
def make_adjacency_vNn(c_mask_res, image_height, image_width, grid_edge_length):
y_grid = int(image_height/grid_edge_length)
x_grid = int(image_width/grid_edge_length)
coordinates_array = [[]]*y_grid*x_grid
for i in xrange(y_grid):
for j in xrange(x_grid):
coordinates_array[i*x_grid + j] = [i, j]
masked_coordinates = array(coordinates_array)[c_mask_res]
adj_array = zeros(len(masked_coordinates)*len(masked_coordinates)).reshape(len(masked_coordinates), len(masked_coordinates))
for i in xrange(len(masked_coordinates)):
adj_array[i][argwhere((sum(abs(masked_coordinates-masked_coordinates[i]), axis=1)) <= 1)] = 1.
return adj_array
# Properties of the original image
image_width = 415
image_height = 198
grid_element_size = 5
# Define an adjacency matrix, based on a nearest neighbor van-Neumann neighborhood and an experimentally observed geometry.
c_mask = genfromtxt("ChoroidPlexus_Mask.txt", dtype=bool)
N = sum(c_mask)
adj_array = make_adjacency_vNn(c_mask, image_height, image_width, grid_element_size)*(~identity(N, dtype=int)+2)
seed(9546) # Uncomment this line if you want to model an intrinsic period distribution different from the one used in our paper.
# Random sample intrinsic free-running periods from a normal distribution.
N = sum(c_mask)
per_mu = 25.5
per_std = 1.
per = normal(loc=per_mu, scale=per_std, size=N)
# Load initial conditions for the phases from the experimental data.
c_phases = loadtxt("Phase_InitialConditions.txt")
# Choose radial initial conditions as r=1 for all oscillators and convert the Polar coordinates into Cartesian coordinates.
X0 = array(list(cos(c_phases[:])) + list(sin(c_phases[:])) )
# Single Cell Oscillator Properties
gamma = 0.05
eps = -0.01
A = 1.
K = 0.1
KArray = adj_array*K
# Define the right-hand side of the dynamical system. Note that we define a 2xN dimensional Dynamical System in numpy-array format.
def RHS(X, t):
X1 = X[0:N]
X2 = X[N:]
dX1 = ( A - sqrt(X1**2 + X2**2) ) * ( gamma*X1 - eps*X2 ) - 2.*pi*X2/per + 0.5*sum(KArray*X1, axis=1)
dX2 = ( A - sqrt(X1**2 + X2**2) ) * ( gamma*X2 + eps*X2 ) + 2.*pi*X1/per + 0.5*sum(KArray*X2, axis=1)
return array([dX1, dX2]).flatten()
# Solve the system of differential equations numerically.
dt = 0.1
t = arange(0, 24*10, dt)
sol = odeint(RHS, X0, t)
# Easy calculation of phase and amplitude (without Hilbert transformation)
Phase = ( arctan2(sol.T[N:], sol.T[:N]) ).T
Amp = ( sqrt( sol.T[:N]**2+sol.T[N:]**2 ) ).T
# We aim to plot the mean centered 2D phase-distribution after the decay of transient dynamics, here at t=24x6 h.
pic_num = int(24*6/dt)
PhaseDiffFromMean = phase_diff_on_circle(Phase[pic_num], mean_circular_variable(Phase[pic_num]))
# Plotting commands that reproduce Figure S11 C of the Supplementary Text
template = array(c_mask[:], dtype=float)
template[argwhere(c_mask == 0)] = inf
template[argwhere(c_mask != 0)] = PhaseDiffFromMean.reshape(len(PhaseDiffFromMean), 1)
fig = figure(figsize=(6, 2.5))
imgplot = imshow(template.reshape(image_height/grid_element_size, image_width/grid_element_size), interpolation="nearest", vmin=-pi/2, vmax=pi/2)
xticks([], [])
yticks([], [])