// Copyright 2007, The University Of Pennsylvania
// 	School of Engineering & Applied Science.
//   All rights reserved.
//   For research use only; commercial use prohibited.
//   Distribution without permission of Maciej T. Lazarewicz not permitted.
//   mlazarew@seas.upenn.edu

// Definition of the synaptic properties in the network

begintemplate SynParam

public preCell, postCell, synName, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLocSec, synLoc, Npre, gmax, gmaxUnits, delay, synID, globalID, modFileName, r, start, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean

strdef preCell, postCell, synName, modFileName

proc init() {
	preCell     = $s1 // Name of the presynaptic cell, e.g. Pyr
	postCell    = $s2 // Name of the postsynaptic cell, e.g Pyr
	synName     = $s3 // Usually the type of the synamse eg. AMPA
	tao1        = $4 
	tao2        = $5
	Erev        = $6
	modFileName = $s7 // name of the used mod file, it is used in the syn.tmp
	synLocSec   = $8  // ID 0->soma, 1->dendrite
	synLoc      = $9  // [0-1]
	Npre        = $10 // Number of the presynaptic connections from Pyr
	gmax        = $11 // gmax for connections from Pyr
	gmaxUnits   = $12 // gmax for connections from Pyr
	delay       = $13 // delay for connections from Pyr
	r           = $14 // NMDA/AMPA ratio
	synID       = -2 //$14 // synaptic ID used to define the connections in the conn.dat files
	globalID    = $15  // Global ID to identify the entity in SynParamSet


endtemplate SynParam

// This object keeps the description of synapses in the public list "synSet"

begintemplate SynParamSet

public synSet
objref synSet
strdef preCell, postCell, synName, tmpstr, tmpstr2, modFileName

proc init() { local i localobj fo, strFun
	tao1      = 0
	tao2      = 0
	Erev      = 0
	synLocSec = 0
	synLoc    = 0
	Npre      = 0
	gmax      = 0
	gmaxUnits = 0
	delay     = 0
	r         = 0
	synSet   = new List()
	strFun   = new StringFunctions()
	// READ synapses
	fo = new File("parameters/synapses.par")
	while(!fo.eof()) {
		// Find in tmpstr all that follows non-blank character, and store it in tmpstr2
		strFun.tail(tmpstr, "[^\t]", tmpstr2)
		// Remove end of the line
		strFun.head(tmpstr2, "\n", tmpstr2)
		// Process data if nonepty line
		if (strFun.len(tmpstr2)>0 && strFun.substr(tmpstr, "//")==-1) {
			sscanf(tmpstr, "%[^,], %[^,], %[^,], %lf, %lf, %lf, %[^,], %d, %lf, %d, %lf, %d, %*lf, %*lf\n", preCell, postCell, synName, &tao1, &tao2, &Erev, modFileName, &synLocSec, &synLoc, &Npre, &gmax, &gmaxUnits)
			sscanf(tmpstr, "%*[^,], %*[^,], %*[^,], %*lf, %*lf, %*lf, %*[^,], %*d, %*lf, %*d, %*lf, %*d, %lf\n, %lf", &delay, &r)
			synSet.append(new SynParam( preCell, postCell, synName, tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLocSec, synLoc, Npre, gmax, gmaxUnits, delay, r, synSet.count()))
			//printf("%s, %s, %s, %lf, %lf, %lf, %s, %d, %lf, %d, %lf, %d, %lf\n", preCell, postCell, synName, tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLocSec, synLoc, Npre, gmax, gmaxUnits, delay, synSet.count())

endtemplate SynParamSet

begintemplate NoisySynParam

public postCell, modFileName, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLocSec, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean

strdef postCell, modFileName

proc init() {
	postCell    	= $s1 // Name of the postsynaptic cell, e.g Pyr
	modFileName 	= $s2 // name of the used mod file, it is used in the syn.tmp
	start			= $3
	tao1        	= $4 
	tao2        	= $5
	Erev        	= $6
	synLocSec   	= $7  
	synLoc      	= $8  
	spikedur        = $9 
	spikefreq       = $10 
	normalmean   	= $11 
	normalstd       = $12 
	weight			= $13 
	poisson_mean 	= $14


endtemplate NoisySynParam

begintemplate NoisySynParamSet

public noisySynSet
objref noisySynSet
strdef postCell, tmpstr, tmpstr2, modFileName

proc init() { local i localobj fo, strFun
	start			= 0
	tao1			= 0
	tao2			= 0
	Erev			= 0
	synLocSec		= 0
	synLoc			= 0
	spikedur		= 0
	spikefreq		= 0
	normalmean		= 0
	normalstd		= 0
	weight			= 0
	poisson_mean	= 0
	noisySynSet   = new List()
	strFun   = new StringFunctions()
	// READ synapses
	fo = new File("parameters/noisysynapses.par")
	while(!fo.eof()) {
		// Find in tmpstr all that follows non-blank character, and store it in tmpstr2
		strFun.tail(tmpstr, "[^\t]", tmpstr2)
		// Remove end of the line
		strFun.head(tmpstr2, "\n", tmpstr2)
		//print tempstr, tempstr2
		// Process data if nonepty line
		if (strFun.len(tmpstr2)>0 && strFun.substr(tmpstr, "//")==-1) {
			sscanf(tmpstr, "%[^,], %[^,], %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %d, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %*lf, %*lf\n", postCell, modFileName, &start, &tao1, &tao2, &Erev, &synLocSec, &synLoc, &spikedur, &spikefreq, &normalmean, &normalstd, &weight, &poisson_mean)
			//why this second line? the '*' consumes an element, but I don' understandn the point here...and why the placement of '\n'?
			sscanf(tmpstr, "%*[^,], %*[^,], %*lf, %*lf, %*lf, %*lf, %*d, %*lf, %*lf, %*lf, %*lf, %*lf, %lf\n, %lf", &weight, &poisson_mean)
			//template for 'SynParam' defined above
			noisySynSet.append(new NoisySynParam( postCell, modFileName, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLocSec, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean))
			//printf("%s, %s, %s, %lf, %lf, %lf, %s, %d, %lf, %d, %lf, %d, %lf\n", preCell, postCell, synName, tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLocSec, synLoc, Npre, gmax, gmaxUnits, delay, synSet.count())

endtemplate NoisySynParamSet