"Computational Analysis of Network Activity and Spatial Reach of Sharp Wave-Ripples" README file =========================================================================== This model creates the hippocampal model in: Canakci S, Inci AF, Toy MF, Liu X, and Kuzum D. "Computational Analysis of Network Activity and Spatial Reach of Sharp Wave-Ripples". PLOS ONE 2017. ModelDB Accession Number 230861 -- This model is derived from earlier model published in: Fink CG, Gliske S, Catoni N, and Stacey WC. "Network mechanisms generating abnormal and normal hippocampal high-frequency oscillations: A computational analysis." eNeuro 2015, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0024-15.2015 ModelDB Accession Number 182134 To run the simulation --------------------- 1. Should be run in the normal (serial) installation of NEURON 7.3. Most of the code is actually written for parallel implementation, but several functions were added that are not able to run in parallel. 2. Unzip the zip file, keeping the file structure intact (see below). 3. To compile the mod files, (in Windows) cd to the mod folder, and execute the command mknrndll. Move the resulting file (nrnmech.dll), to the root directory. (in Linux) execute "nrnivmod mod" at top level folder, then "nrngui simulation.hoc". 4. Run simulation.hoc. 5. The model can generate simulated sharp waves (as in Figs. 2 and 3) by running the simulation for a single point electrode. The model simulates micro electrode arrays and larger electrode sizes (as in Figs. 5 and 6) by uncommenting the for loops at the end of simulation.hoc file. Electrode sizes in x axis and y axis ans also spatial difference between point electrode are determined inside the for loops. Data files are written in data folder. extraactive file includes LFP from active pyramidal cells and extraantenna file includes LFP from inactive pyramidal cells. extra file includes LFP from all neurons. When simulation is run for multiple electrodes, LFPs of different electrodes are written in concatenated form(one followed by another) in the files ending with _SUM. We set pyrspiketau_vec=0.1, pyr_nospike_tau=1.0, and baskspike_tau=bask_nospike_tau=6.0 in all of the simulations excepts results in Fig. 2 d,e and f. In Fig. 2 d,e and f, pyrspiketau_vec= pyr_nospike_tau=1.0, and baskspike_tau=0.60, and bask_nospike_tau=6.0. We set the number of antenna cells (in Fig. 3) in manycells.par file inside the parameters folders. We set the distance of electrode to the network in the first argument of setelec function inside simulation.hoc file. We set baskconnvector=100 which means basket cells make synapses with 100% of pyramidal cells. For other simulation details, please see the documentation accompanying the earlier model (ModelDB accession numbers 182134).