// Copyright 2010, The University Of Michigan
//   All rights reserved.
//   For research use only; commercial use prohibited.
//   No Distribution without permission of William Stacey
//   wstacey@umich.edu

{load_file("../parameters/manycells.tem")} */

begintemplate TGbignet2

external cvode


public pnm,mm,mm2  

public setScatteredVoltages, activeSynapses, pr, signalSynapse, activeSynapsesRandom, activeSynapsesZero, connectNetwork, writeVoltages, recordVoltages, noiseStim, nc, nil, noiselist, signallist, par_gaps, shortspikes, shortnonrandomspikes, singlecellnonrandom //, ncstim
public randomPyrThenStim, writesingleVoltage, writenoise, recordnoise, manualParamsg, addAntennaDC, activatePyrSynapses, activateBaskSynapses, activateAntSynapses, writeParameters, setSeed
public sado
objref pnm
objref synParamSet, noisySynParamSet, synCellSet, noisepyrlist, noisebasklist, nc, nil, noiselist, signallist, par_gaps, weightedvec, iapps, rrr
strdef xyzStr
objref s

weightedvec= new Vector()

	//dipoleFlag=1  //FLAGS DON'T WORK HERE!!! Must be in init() 
	gmax_pyrgap=0   //For manual parameter entry

// =================================================================================================
// init(Npyr, Nbask, Nolm)
// =================================================================================================
proc init() {
	//print manParamFlag, "entered init"

	print "init"
	oneCell = 0   //I don't know 
	nModules  = 1    // set up for # of cell columns, was 4 in paper  ###changed to 1 on 3/11/08
	debugFlag = 1   //to show where in the sim you are
	dFlag = 1	//to print 3d information when cells are created
	synCellSet = new CellParamSet()  //reads in the cells.par into synCellSet
    Npyr  = synCellSet.cellSet.object(0).N 
    Nbask = synCellSet.cellSet.object(1).N
		print "Number of bask cells=", Nbask
    Nolm  = synCellSet.cellSet.object(2).N
   	Nant = synCellSet.cellSet.object(3).N
    Nnoise  = Npyr + Nbask + Nant //one noise synapse on each pyr and bask AND ANT
    print Nnoise
    Npyr  = Npyr      
    Nbask = Nbask 
    Nolm  = Nolm  
	Nant = Nant //I have no idea what the purpose of this is
	print "Number of Nant cells=", Nant
    Nnoise = Nnoise  //added
    N     = Npyr+Nbask+Nant+Nolm//+Nnoise   //added the Nnoise
	pnm = new ParallelNetManager(nModules*N)
    if (debugFlag) print "Assigning GIDs"
	if (debugFlag) print "Creating cells"
      if (debugFlag) print "Connecting network"

    //connectNetwork()   //****placed in realone.hoc
    if(nModules>1) connectNetworkInterModules()
	//activeSynapsesZero()   //***placed in realone.hoc
	signallist=new List()

//set global index for Random123 (affects noisy stimulation delivered to cells)
proc setSeed() {
print "setSeed function running"
	rrr = new Random(0)
	rrr.Random123_globalindex(0) //sets global index of Random123 generator (need different global index for different simulations)
	for i=0, Npyr+Nbask+Nant-1 {
		rrr.Random123(0,0)  //sets index for different cells, so that different cells receive completely different noisy input

// =================================================================================================
// iterators
//		pyrIter
//		baskIter
//		olmIter
// =================================================================================================
iterator pyrIter() { local i, ii

	for ii = 0, nModules-1 {
		 print "Npyr = ",Npyr
		for i=0, Npyr-1 {
			$&1 = i
			$&2 = i+ii*N
//if (debugFlag) print "pyrIter"

iterator antIter() { local i, ii

	for ii = 0, nModules-1 {
		//print "Nant = ",Nant
		for i=0, Nant-1 {
			$&1 = i
			$&2 = i+Npyr+Nbask+ii*N
//if (debugFlag) print "antIter"

iterator baskIter() { local i, ii

	for ii = 0, nModules-1{
	for i=0,Nbask-1 {
		$&1 = i
		$&2 = i+Npyr+ii*N
//if (debugFlag) print "baskIter"

iterator olmIter() { local i, ii

	for ii = 0, nModules-1{
	for i=0,Nolm-1 {
		$&1 = i
		$&2 = i+Npyr+Nant+Nbask+ii*N
//if (debugFlag) print "OLMiter"

iterator noiseIter() { local i, ii

	for ii = 0, nModules-1{
	for i=0,Nnoise-1 {
		$&1 = i
		$&2 = i+Npyr+Nbask+Nolm+ii*N
//if (debugFlag) print "Noiseiter"

// =================================================================================================
// assignGIDs()
// not called, rather the round_robin is called
// =================================================================================================
proc assignGIDs() { local i, gid
	i   = 0
	gid = 0
	if (debugFlag) print "ID#", pnm.pc.id, " NHOST:", pnm.pc.nhost
	if (pnm.pc.nhost>1) {
		for pyrIter(&i, &gid)   pnm.set_gid2node(gid, i%(pnm.pc.nhost-1))
		for baskIter(&i,&gid)   pnm.set_gid2node(gid, pnm.pc.nhost-1)
		for olmIter(&i, &gid)   pnm.set_gid2node(gid, pnm.pc.nhost-1)
		for noiseIter(&i, &gid)   pnm.set_gid2node(gid, pnm.pc.nhost-1)

		for pyrIter(&i, &gid)   pnm.set_gid2node(gid, 0)
		for baskIter(&i,&gid)   pnm.set_gid2node(gid, 0)
		for olmIter(&i, &gid)   pnm.set_gid2node(gid, 0)
		for noiseIter(&i, &gid) pnm.set_gid2node(gid, 0)

// =================================================================================================
// createCells()    Now this also reads in xyz.dat to create the 3d placement of the cells
// =================================================================================================
proc createCells() {local gc, i, pNN, gid, x3, y3, z3, num localobj parRef, fo

 print "createCells"
	synParamSet = new SynParamSet(pnm.pc.id)
	noisySynParamSet = new NoisySynParamSet(pnm.pc.id)	
		pNN = 0			
		for i=0,  synCellSet.cellSet.count()-1 {				
			if(strcmp(synCellSet.cellSet.object(i).name, "Pyr")==0) {							
				parRef = synCellSet.cellSet.object(i)
				pNN = pNN + 1
		if(pNN!=1) print "ERROR pNN PYR"
		pNN = 0		
		for i=0,  synCellSet.cellSet.count()-1 {				
			if(strcmp(synCellSet.cellSet.object(i).name, "Bask")==0) {							
				parRef = synCellSet.cellSet.object(i)
				pNN = pNN + 1
		if(pNN!=1) print "ERROR pNN BASK"	
			pNN = 0			
		for i=0,  synCellSet.cellSet.count()-1 {				
			if(strcmp(synCellSet.cellSet.object(i).name, "Ant")==0) {							
				parRef = synCellSet.cellSet.object(i)
				pNN = pNN + 1
		if(pNN!=1) print "ERROR pNN Ant"
		pNN = 0			
		for i=0,  synCellSet.cellSet.count()-1 {				
			if(strcmp(synCellSet.cellSet.object(i).name, "OLM")==0) {							
				parRef = synCellSet.cellSet.object(i)
				pNN = pNN + 1
		if(pNN!=1) print "ERROR pNN OLM"		

    for ii=0, nModules-1 {   //no method yet how to do this for different Modules
	fo = new File()
	fo.ropen("parameters/chrisxyz.dat")   //this way each Module will have same xyz, will have to re-set with an ii factor 
	if (dFlag) print " +++++++++++++++++++==================translating.............."
	while( !fo.eof() ) {	
		fo.gets( xyzStr )		
		num = sscanf( xyzStr, "%d %d %d %d", &gid, &x3, &y3, &z3)

		if (dFlag){
					//print ".....................this is before translating"
					//print gid, pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid)
					pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).soma {
					//	print secname()
					//	for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					if (gid<Npyr) {  //only for pyr cells
 					  pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).Bdend {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					  pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).Adend1 {
					//	print secname()
					//	for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					  pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).Adend3 {
					//	print secname()
					//	for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					} //gid < 81
		} //if dFlag

			translate(x3, y3, z3)


			if (dFlag){
					//print "......................AFTER translating"		
					//print gid, pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid)
					pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).soma {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					if (gid<Npyr) {  //only for pyr cells
 					  pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).Bdend {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					  pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).Adend1 {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					  pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).Adend3 {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					} //gid < 81
		} //if dFlag

	}  //while
		for j=Npyr+Nbask, Npyr+Nbask+Nant-1 {
			if (j%2) {
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(j).soma {			
					//translate(0, -200 + ((400/Nant)*(j-Npyr-Nbask)), 0)
					translate(0, -500 + ((1000/Nant)*(j-Npyr-Nbask)), 0)

			} else {
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(j).soma {			
					//translate(0, 0, -200 + ((400/Nant)*(j-Npyr-Nbask)))   //(j-150) * 4)
					translate(0, 0, -500 + ((1000/Nant)*(j-Npyr-Nbask)))   

			if (dFlag){
				//print "......................AFTER translating"		
				//print j, pnm.pc.gid2obj(j)
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(j).soma {
					//print secname()
					//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(j).Bdend {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(j).Adend1 {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(j).Adend3 {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
			}   //if dFlag

		} //for j

     }  //for ii
	if (debugFlag) print "finished createcells"

//   translate(x in um, y in um, z in um)

proc translate() { local ii
  for ii=0,n3d()-1 {   // n3d:::::Description:Return the number of 3d locations stored in the currently accessed section.
    //pt3dchange(ii, x3d(ii)+$1, y3d(ii)+$2, z3d(ii)+$3, diam3d(ii))  //this one ruins the positioning, because the z3d is set as a (+100 label) 
	//pt3dchange(ii, $1, $2, $3, diam3d(ii))  //when I did it this way, it reset every piece of the soma to one position
	pt3dchange(ii, x3d(ii)+$1, y3d(ii)+$2, $3, diam3d(ii))  //this one works, but only because of how this implementation goes, which puts all cellular data into xy and position into z.  So I use explicit z and relative xy
	//print "SECTION NAME"
	//print secname()
//print x3d(ii)+$1," ","",y3d(ii)+$2," ",$3," ", diam3d(ii)
 //s= new Shape()


// =================================================================================================
// createPyrCells( CellParam (object))
// =================================================================================================
proc createPyrCells() {local i, j localobj c, r
	print "createPyrCells function running"
	r = new Random(pnm.pc.id+startsw())	
	i   = 0
	gid = 0

    for pyrIter(&i, &gid) {    	
    	if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {		
			c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, 0, r.uniform($o1.iappAl, $o1.iappAh), 0, $o1.iappUnits)
			if (0) {
				if (gid%N<12/40*N && int(gid/N)<2 ) {					
					c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, $o1.iappSsd, r.uniform(330, 349), $o1.iappAsd, $o1.iappUnits)
					//c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, $o1.iappSsd, r.uniform(300, 310), $o1.iappAsd, $o1.iappUnits)
				} else {				
					if (gid%N<12/40*N && int(gid/N)>=2) {					
						//c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, $o1.iappSsd, r.uniform(820, 849), $o1.iappAsd, $o1.iappUnits)			
						c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, $o1.iappSsd, r.uniform(350, 400), $o1.iappAsd, $o1.iappUnits)			
						c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, $o1.iappSsd, r.uniform($o1.iappAl, $o1.iappAh), $o1.iappAsd, $o1.iappUnits)
				} //if gid%N<12/40*N
			}  //If 0
		pnm.register_cell(gid, c )
	//	if (debugFlag) print "Cell # ", gid, " is a pyr cell"
		addSyn(synParamSet, gid, "Pyr")	
		addNoisySyn(noisySynParamSet,gid,"Pyr") //CF: this function adds the noisesyn synapses
		pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).gid = gid

		c.soma {
			//translate(gid, gid*2, gid*3)
	if (dFlag){
		//print gid, "pyr   ", c
		c.soma {
			//print secname()
			//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
		c.Bdend {
			//print secname()
			//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
		c.Adend1 {
			//print secname()
			//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
		c.Adend3 {
			//print secname()
			//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
		if (gid==-1) {   // no longer used, was for testing on the fly
			c.soma {
				define_shape()  //this is necessary to translate the connected sections
				//print secname(), "             ............NOW REDONE   "
			//	for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
			c.Bdend {
		//		print secname()
	//			for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
			c.Adend1 {
				//print secname()
			//	for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
			c.Adend3 {
				//print secname()
				//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
			}  //adend3
		} // if gid== -1
	}// if dFlag


// =================================================================================================
// createAntCells( CellParam (object)); this is just a copied, then revised version of createPyrCells
// =================================================================================================

proc createAntCells() { local i, j localobj c, r
	print "createAntCells function running"
	r = new Random(pnm.pc.id+startsw())	
	i   = 0
	gid = 0

    	for antIter(&i, &gid) {    	//antIter iterates over all modules and all cells within each module
    	    if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {				
			//c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, $o1.iappSsd, r.uniform($o1.iappAl, $o1.iappAh), $o1.iappAsd, $o1.iappUnits)
			c = new PYRkop(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh)+0*(gid*80/400+250)*2.5e-1, 0, r.uniform($o1.iappAl, $o1.iappAh), 0, $o1.iappUnits)			
			pnm.register_cell(gid, c )  //***this is very important: it actually creates the cell defined above as 'c'
			//addSyn defined approximately 700 lines later
			addSyn(synParamSet, gid, "Pyr")	
			addNoisySyn(noisySynParamSet,gid,"Ant") //CF: this function adds the noisesyn synapses
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).gid = gid

		//	if (debugFlag) print "Cell # ", gid, " is a Antenna cell"
			c.soma {
				//translate(gid, gid*2, gid*3)
			if (dFlag){
				//print gid, "ant   ", c
				c.soma {
					//print secname()
					//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
				c.Bdend {
					//print secname()
					//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
				c.Adend1 {
					//print secname()
					//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
				c.Adend3 {
					//print secname()
					//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					//print "GIDGGGG=",gid
				if (gid==-1) {   // no longer used, was for testing on the fly
					c.soma {
						define_shape()  //this is necessary to translate the connected sections
						print secname(), "             ............NOW REDONE   "
						for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					c.Bdend {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					c.Adend1 {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					c.Adend3 {
						//print secname()
						//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
					}  //adend3
				} // if gid== -1
			} // if dFlag
		} //gidexists
	} //antiter
	if(debugFlag) print "finished creating Ant cells"
} //function

// =================================================================================================
// createBaskCells(cell param object)
// =================================================================================================
proc createBaskCells() {local i, j, gid localobj c, r, fo
	print "createBaskCells function running"
	r = new Random(pnm.pc.id+startsw())
	i      = 0
	gid    = 0

    for baskIter(&i, &gid) if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {
		c = new Bwb(gid, r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh), 0, $o1.iappUnits)
		pnm.register_cell(gid, c )
		//if (debugFlag) print "Cell # ", gid, " is a basket cell"

	 	//if (debugFlag) print "Adding Basket synapses"
		addSyn(synParamSet, gid, "Bask")
		addNoisySyn(noisySynParamSet,gid,"Bask") //CF: this function adds the noisesyn synapses
		pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).gid = gid

		c.soma define_shape()
		//print gid, "bask   ", c
		c.soma {
			//print secname()
			//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)
		//print "                   ..... now baskets redone "
		c.soma {
			translate(234, 345, 456)
			//print secname()
			//for i=0,n3d()-1 print i,x3d(i), y3d(i), z3d(i), diam3d(i)

// =================================================================================================
// createOLMCells(men, sd)
// =================================================================================================
proc createOLMCells() {local i, j, gid localobj c, r, fo
	r = new Random(pnm.pc.id+startsw())
	i   = 0
	gid = 0
	print "OLMcells function running"

    for olmIter(&i, &gid) if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {
		//c = new Ok(gid,  r.uniform($o1.iappSl, $o1.iappSh), $o1.iappSsd, $o1.iappUnits)
		c= new Ok(gid, 0,0,0)
		pnm.register_cell(gid, c )
		addSyn(synParamSet, gid, "OLM")
		if (debugFlag) "creating OLM cells"

// =================================================================================================
// createNoiseStim()
// =================================================================================================
proc createNoiseStim() {local i, j, gid localobj c 

print "createNoiseStim function running"
	i   = 0
	gid = 0

    for noiseIter(&i, &gid) if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {
		c = new NetStim()

		pnm.register_cell(gid, c )
// as of 5/26/08, the noise cells are 121-201 (to pyr) and 202-221 (to bask)
//as of 6/08 this is no longer used, and the netstims are just NULLOBJECTs	

iterator ltr() {local i, cnt
	for i = 0, $o2.count - 1 {
		$o1 = $o2.object(i)

strdef cmd
// =================================================================================================
// activeSynapsesZero()
// =================================================================================================
proc activeSynapsesZero() {localobj xo, co
	co = pnm.nclist
	//if ($1) print "synapse ACTIVATION at ", pnm.pc.id, co.count()
	for ltr(xo, co) {
		//if ($1) print pnm.pc.id, xo.precell, xo.postcell, xo.syn, xo.weight
		sprint(cmd, "%s", xo.postcell)
		if(strcmp(cmd,"NULLobject")!=0) xo.active(0)
objref synR
// =================================================================================================
// randomPyrThenStim()   to have the pyr cells firing randomly and lightly up to certain time, 
//      then start some input at that time
// =================================================================================================

//deleted this non-useless function

// =================================================================================================
// activeSynapsesRandom()     This is the main function for producing noise, both in SR and CR simulations
// =================================================================================================

//deleted non-useless function

// =================================================================================================
// shortspikes()     This is the main function for producing noise in pyr cell axons for brief periods
// =================================================================================================

//deleted non-useless function

// =================================================================================================
// signalSynapse()
// =================================================================================================

//deleted this non-useless function

// =================================================================================================
// addGap(g, gid)  this function is not working, it is done in a different fashion
// =================================================================================================

proc addGap() {
	print "addGap does not work! "
	// all are set to the number listed in createPyrCells now


strdef modFileName
// =================================================================================================
// addSyn(synParam, gid)
// =================================================================================================
proc addSyn() { local i, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLocSec, synLoc, gid, ind, synID, r localobj synParamSet

//print "addSyn function running"
	synParamSet = $o1
	gid         = $2
	for i=0, synParamSet.synSet.count()-1 {
		if (!strcmp(synParamSet.synSet.object(i).postCell, $s3)) {		
			tao1        = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).tao1
			tao2        = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).tao2
			Erev        = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).Erev
			modFileName = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).modFileName
			synLocSec   = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synLocSec
			synLoc      = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synLoc
			synID       = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID
			r           = synParamSet.synSet.object(i).r
//print synParamSet.synSet.object(i).preCell ," ", synID," ",synParamSet.synSet.object(i).postCell , i
//first time through synID is all -2, then become 0,1,2,3. The precells::i are-- Bask::0 OLM::3 Noise::7 Pyr::9
//on the baskets, there are also 0,1,2,3 a bask 1, NMDA pyr 2, and OLM 4, and noise 8
//and on OLM there are 0,1, bask and NMDA pyr
			// Assign synID
			if (synLocSec==0) {
       			synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID = pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addSynS( tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLoc)
			if (synLocSec==-1) {
       			synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID = pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addSynB( tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLoc)
			if (synLocSec==1) {
       			synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID = pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addSynA1( tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLoc)
			if (synLocSec==2) {
       			synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID = pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addSynA2( tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLoc)
			if (synLocSec==3) {
       			synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID = pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addSynA3( tao1, tao2, Erev, modFileName, synLoc)
			if(r>-1) pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).synlist.object(synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID).r = r
			if(synParamSet.synSet.object(i).synID<0) print "ERROR!!!!!!!!*********************"

// ========== this is a copied and modified version of addSyn (above)
// addNoisySyn(synParam, gid)
// =================================================================================================
proc addNoisySyn() { local i, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLocSec, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean localobj noisySynParamSet
	//print "addNoisySyn function running"
	noisySynParamSet = $o1  //noisySynParamSet object, which just contains the general information from noisysynapses.par
	gid         = $2   //gid
	for i=0, noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.count()-1 {
		if (!strcmp(noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).postCell, $s3)) {
			modFileName		= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).modFileName
			start			= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).start
			tao1			= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).tao1
			tao2			= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).tao2
			Erev			= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).Erev
			synLocSec		= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).synLocSec
			synLoc			= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).synLoc
			spikedur		= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).spikedur
			spikefreq		= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).spikefreq
			normalmean		= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).normalmean
			normalstd		= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).normalstd
			weight			= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).weight
			poisson_mean	= noisySynParamSet.noisySynSet.object(i).poisson_mean

			//if (debugFlag) print gid, $s3, modFileName, spikedur, spikefreq, weight, start

			if (synLocSec==0) {  //addSynS defined in pyrkop.tem
       			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addNoisySynS( modFileName, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean)
			if (synLocSec==-1) {
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addNoisySynB( modFileName, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean)
			if (synLocSec==1) { 
       			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addNoisySynA1( modFileName, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean)
			if (synLocSec==2) { 
       			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addNoisySynA2( modFileName, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean)
			if (synLocSec==3) { 
       			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).addNoisySynA3( modFileName, start, tao1, tao2, Erev, synLoc, spikedur, spikefreq, normalmean, normalstd, weight, poisson_mean)

proc addAntennaDC() { local i, gid
print "addAntennaDC function running"
	i = 0
	gid = 0
	for antIter(&i,&gid) {
		if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).setSomaIamp($1, 0)   //amplitude, delay  This hits the ant cells with a DC pulse current

//this function sets the spike_tau value for the noisy synapses on pyramidal cells; this is meant to be called from hoc
proc activatePyrSynapses() { local i, gid
print "activatePyrSynapses function running"
	i = 0
	gid = 0
	for pyrIter(&i,&gid) {
		if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {	
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).spike_tau = $1
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).nospike_tau = $2

proc activateAntSynapses() { local i, gid
	print "activateAntSynapses function running"
	i = 0
	gid = 0
	for antIter(&i,&gid) {
		if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {	
			//print pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).A
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).spike_tau = $1
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).nospike_tau = $2

//this function sets the spike_tau value for the noisy synapses on basket cells; this is meant to be called from hoc
proc activateBaskSynapses() { local i, gid
print "activateBaskSynapses fun running"
	i = 0
	gid = 0
	for baskIter(&i,&gid) {
		if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) {
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).spike_tau = $1
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).nospike_tau = $2

proc sado(){ 

print "tau1=",pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).tau1
print "i=",pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).i
//print "g=", pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).g
//print "A=", pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).A
//print "B=",pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).noisysynlist.o(0).B

// =================================================================================================
// recordVoltages()
// =================================================================================================
proc recordVoltages() { local i, ii
	print "recordVoltages function running"
	for i=0,Npyr-1 {
		if (pnm.gid_exists(i)) {
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).fieldrec()  //creates extraRec[i] and TRec[i] for extracellular potentials
			//print "pnm=",pnm
					//has each section individually into vectors

	for i=Npyr, Npyr+Nbask-1 {
		if (pnm.gid_exists(i)) {
	}    // adding basket contribution is negligible, but it works
	//cvode.record(&vrec, electrodeRec, recordT)   // wasn't going to work easily

	for i=Npyr+Nbask,Npyr+Nbask+Nant-1 {
		if (pnm.gid_exists(i)) {
			//pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).recordVoltage() //defined in bwb.tem, pyrkop.tem, and ok.tem
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).fieldrec()  //creates extraRec[i] and TRec[i] for extracellular potentials
					//has each section individually into vectors
//	pnm.pc.gid2obj(80).recordVoltage()  //basket cells
//	pnm.pc.gid2obj(81).recordVoltage()  //basket cells
//	pnm.pc.gid2obj(100).recordVoltage()  //to look at one of the ant cells
//	pnm.pc.gid2obj(101).recordVoltage()

print "In recordVoltages()"

// =================================================================================================
// writeVoltages()              1/31/08 I am altering this section
// =================================================================================================
proc writeVoltages() { local i, ii, j  localobj fo,fo2,fo3,fo4, ve, m,mm,mm2,mm3,mm4, dip, dip1, vrec, vrecactive, vrecantenna 
print "writeVoltages function running"
print "In writeVoltages()"

mm= new Matrix(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size(), 2)   //I added, not (if.existed)
	mm2=new Matrix(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size(), 2)
	mm3=new Matrix(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size(), 2)
	mm4=new Matrix(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size(), 2)
print "size=",pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size()
	ve = new Vector(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size())
	dip = new Vector(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size())
	dip1 = new Vector(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size())
	vrec = new Vector(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size())   //was originally TRec[0], but then I removed the cvode.record for space
	print "vrec in writeVoltages=",vrec
	//print pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size()
	vrecactive = new Vector(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size())
	vrecantenna = new Vector(pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0].size())

	mm.setcol(0, pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0])
	mm2.setcol(0, pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0])
	mm3.setcol(0, pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0])
	mm4.setcol(0, pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).recordT[0])
	for i=0, Npyr-1{  
		if (pnm.gid_exists(i)) {			
				ve.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[0])	//prior to may 2011, this was actually 1, or the Bdend voltage
	}     //adds voltages from all pyramidal cells together
	ve.mul(1/(Npyr-1))   //then averages them
	mm.setcol(1, ve)   //then sets them into the matrix that will be saves as the "sum" file
	fo = new File()
	fo2 = new File()
	fo3=new File()
	fo4=new File()
	//print dipoleFlag   //also used for vrec

	//generate intracellular voltage traces of individual cells
	/* pnm.pc.gid2obj(0).writeVoltage(0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5)
	pnm.pc.gid2obj(68).writeVoltage(68,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) */
	//VERY IMPORTANT: for this to work, must include line 'pnm.pc.gid2obj(####).recordVoltage()' in recordVoltages() above, except for regular pyramidal cells(this is necessary in order for recordT to exist)
	pnm.pc.gid2obj(9).writeField(9,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) */

	if (dipoleFlag) {
		print "entered dipole"
		for i=0, Npyr-1{
				dip.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[1])  // Bdend
				dip.sub(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[4])  // A3
				dip1.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[1])  //Bdend
				dip1.sub(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[2])  //A1        Dipoles are done to all cells once, including neighbor cells

				for j=0,4 {
					vrec.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).extraRec[j])    //vrec uses all active pyr cells PLUS....
					vrecactive.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).extraRec[j])   //vrecactive is all active pyr cells (plus baskets)
		for i=Npyr+Nbask,Npyr+Nbask+Nant-1 {         //the antenna cells
			//for j=0,4 {
			//	print "number of Nant is equalto",Nant
			//	weightedvec=pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).extraRec[j]
			//	vrecantenna.add(weightedvec)  //in case you want to add multiple of the antenna signal
			//	weightedvec.mul(1)
			//	vrec.add(weightedvec)     //vrec adds all antenna cells, with a weight (now 1)

				//dip.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[1])  // Bdend
				//dip.sub(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[4])  // A3
				//dip1.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[1])  //Bdend
				//dip1.sub(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[2])  //A1        

				for j=0,4 {
					vrec.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).extraRec[j])    //vrec uses all antenna pyr cells PLUS....
					vrecantenna.add(pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).extraRec[j])   //vrecantenna is all antenna pyr cells 
		for i=Npyr,Npyr+Nbask-1 {
				//print pnm.pc.gid2obj(i)
				vrec.add(weightedvec)     //vrec adds all baskets
				vrecactive.add(weightedvec)   //vrecactive also adds all baskets
		}  //baskets are negligible, but they work
		if (debugFlag) print vrec.size(), vrecactive.size(), vrecantenna.size(), dip.size(), dip1.size(), "after all cells"

		sprint(cmd, "data/extra_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d.dat",$1,$2,$3,$4)  //extracellular voltage
		if($5 < 1e-6) { 
		} else { fo.aopen(cmd) } 
		mm.setcol(1, vrec)
		mm.fprint(0, fo, "%9.6lf ")

		sprint(cmd, "data/extra_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d_SUM.dat",$1,$2,$3,$4)  //extracellular voltage
					mm2.setcol(1, vrec)
		mm2.fprint(0, fo2, "%9.6lf ")
		sprint(cmd, "data/extraactive_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d.dat",$1,$2,$3,$4)  //extracellular voltage
		if($5 < 1e-6) { 
		} else { fo.aopen(cmd) } 
		mm.setcol(1, vrecactive)
		mm.fprint(0, fo, "%9.6lf ")
		sprint(cmd, "data/extraactive_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d_SUM.dat",$1,$2,$3,$4)  //extracellular voltage
		mm3.setcol(1, vrecactive)
		mm3.fprint(0, fo3, "%9.6lf ")

		sprint(cmd, "data/extraantenna_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d.dat",$1,$2,$3,$4)  //extracellular voltage
		if($5 < 1e-6) { 
		} else { fo.aopen(cmd) }
		mm.setcol(1, vrecantenna)
		mm.fprint(0, fo, "%9.6lf ")
		sprint(cmd, "data/extraantenna_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d_SUM.dat",$1,$2,$3,$4)  //extracellular voltage
		mm4.setcol(1, vrecantenna)
		mm4.fprint(0, fo4, "%9.6lf ")
		//CF: I added the following lines so that the memory consumed by these recording vectors doesn't increase without bound throughout the run
	for i=0, Npyr-1{
			for j=0,4 {
	for i=Npyr+Nbask, Npyr+Nbask+Nant-1{
			for j=0,4 {
				pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS[j].resize(0) //don't need this bc. voltages of antenna cells are not being recorded
	for i=Npyr,Npyr+Nbask-1 {
			pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).voltageRecS.resize(0)  //don't need this bc. voltages of basket cells are not being recorded
	for i=0,Npyr-1 {
	for i=Npyr+Nbask,Npyr+Nbask+Nant-1 {
	for i=Npyr,Npyr+Nbask-1 {

// =================================================================================================
// writesingleVoltage()              12/18/08 for when there is just a single pyr cell conn
// =================================================================================================

//delete this non-useless function


//CF: add new function to write all the important parameters to a single file
proc writeParameters() { localobj fo

	fo = new File()
	sprint(cmd, "data/parameters_b%4.2f_p%4.2f_g%d_f%d.dat",$1,$2,$3,$4)
	sprint(cmd, "bask_spike_tau=%9.6f", $1)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "pyr_spike_tau=%9.6f", $2)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "gapstyle=%d", $3)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "sigfreq=%d", $4)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "bask_spike_tau=%9.6f", $5)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "pyr_spike_tau=%9.6f", $6)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "antennaDC=%9.6f", $7)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "Tstop=%9.6f", $8)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "t_seg=%9.6f", $9)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "Npyr=%d", Npyr)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "Nbask=%d", Nbask)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "Nolm=%d", Nolm)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)
	sprint(cmd, "Nant=%d", Nant)
	fo.printf("%s \n",cmd)

proc recordnoise() { 
print "recordnoise fun running"

proc totalVecSize() {local i, s localobj vlist
print "totalVecSize function running"
	vlist = new List("Vector")
	for i=1,vlist.count-1 {
		s += vlist.o(i).size
		//if (vlist.o(i).size > 500) print vlist.o(i).size, vlist.o(i)  // this shows that there are thousands of vectors recording every time point (i.e. 20001 long for a 500 ms recording)
		if (vlist.o(i).size > max1) {
			max2=max1   //this only takes the second biggest vector, not the 1000's that are tied for longest vector
			max1 = vlist.o(i).size
		//print vlist.o(i)  // REALLY long
print "# Vectors: ", vlist.count, " total size: ", s, " top 2: ", max1, max2 //, " top: ", vlist.o(max3)  // not useful, many that long

// =================================================================================================
// writenoise()              12/18/08 to determine noise input variance
// =================================================================================================
proc writenoise() { localobj fo,  mm   

//$1 is the pyrthresh 
//I am assuming the cell we are recording is "GID= 1"
print "writenoise function running"
	fo= new File()
	if (pnm.gid_exists(1)){
		mm= new Matrix(pnm.pc.gid2obj(1).recordT[1].size(), 2)   
		mm.setcol(0, pnm.pc.gid2obj(1).recordT[1])
		mm.setcol(1, pnm.pc.gid2obj(1).iRec)
		sprint(cmd, "data/noise_b%d.dat",$1) 
		mm.fprint(0, fo, "%6.3lf ")


// =================================================================================================
// setScatteredVoltages(low, high)
// =================================================================================================
proc setScatteredVoltages() { local low, high

print "setScatteredVoltages function running"
  low  = $1
  high = $2

  i   = 0
  gid = 0
  for pyrIter(&i,&gid)  if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).setScatteredVoltages(low, high)  
//for pyrIter(&i,&gid)  if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).setScatteredVoltages(-56, -55)
  for baskIter(&i,&gid) if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).setScatteredVoltages(low, high)
  for olmIter(&i,&gid)  if (pnm.gid_exists(gid)) pnm.pc.gid2obj(gid).setScatteredVoltages(low, high)

//if (debugFlag) print "not stuck there"

// =================================================================================================
// makePyrgCaScattered( flag ) flag = {0,1}
// =================================================================================================
proc makePyrgCaScattered() { local i, low, high, gid localobj rand

print "makePyrgCaScattered function running"
	gCaScattered = $1	
	gid = 0
	i   = 0
	rand = new Random(startsw())
	if (gCaScattered==0) {	
		low  = 10
		high = 10		
		low  =  9
		high = 11	
	rand.uniform(low, high)
    for pyrIter(&i, &gid) if (pnm.gid_exists(i)) pnm.pc.gid2obj(i).den.gca_icapr = rand.repick()

strdef lineStr

// =================================================================================================
// connectNetwork()
// =================================================================================================
proc connectNetwork() { local sgid, i, ii, thr, Erev, g, cellArea, num, cnt, countSyn, preGID, postGID, noiseGID, synID, globalID, ind, gmax, gmaxUnits, delay, Npre, gapcon, rng, connthr localobj fo, randomconn
	print "connectNetwork function running"
	preGID   = 0
	postGID  = 0
	noiseGID = 0
	globalID = 0
	cellArea = 0
	rng=0  //will be used with randomconn.repick()
	connthr=$1 //if rng<connthr, the connection will be made

	randomconn = new Random ( startsw() )

    Npyr  = synCellSet.cellSet.object(0).N   //I think this is not supposed to have +1 for 80 cells
    Nbask = synCellSet.cellSet.object(1).N
    Nolm  = synCellSet.cellSet.object(2).N
    Nant  = synCellSet.cellSet.object(3).N
   par_gaps=new List()    //makes a gap junction list

   for ii=0, nModules-1 {
	fo = new File()
	countSyn = 0
	countGap = 0

        //forcibly set all baskets to all pyr cells, with % connection of connthr (100 = all connections made) 
	for i=Npyr, Npyr + Nbask-1 {
		for j=0,Npyr-1 {	
			preGID=i + ii* N
			postGID=j + ii*N
			globalID = 0	//do this bc. in synapses.par, the globalID for basket to pyr cells is 0
		  if(pnm.gid_exists(preGID) || pnm.gid_exists(postGID)) {
			gmax  = $2 //this allows for sweeping over various values of gmax for bask->pyr connections
			delay = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).delay
			synID = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).synID
			gmaxUnits = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).gmaxUnits
			Erev  = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).Erev
			if ( pnm.gid_exists(postGID)) cellArea = pnm.pc.gid2cell(postGID).getTotalArea()
			if(gmaxUnits==1) {
				g = cellArea * gmax * 1e-5   //cellArea is 100 in bask, so g=gmax*.001	
				g = gmax * 1e-3
			Npre = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).Npre
			if (Npre==-1) {   //CF: I'm pretty sure that if Npre==-1, then you assume all-to-all connectivity; in this case, you assume each pyr cell receives a synapse from every single basket cell
				pN = -1
				pNN = 0				
				for k=0,  synCellSet.cellSet.count()-1 {			
					if(strcmp(synCellSet.cellSet.object(k).name, synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).preCell)==0)	{		
						pN = synCellSet.cellSet.object(k).N
						pNN = pNN + 1
				if(pNN!=1 || pN==-1) print "ERROR pNN"
				Npre = pN				
			g = g / Npre
			rng=50  //uniform 0-100
			if (rng <= connthr) {
					 //if(cnt%2)   { // ###this is to make only every other one go if placed before the bracket
				ind   = pnm.nc_append(preGID, postGID, synID, g, delay) 
				countSyn = countSyn + 1	
				if (debugFlag) print "connecting these two cells: ",pnm.pc.gid2obj(preGID), pnm.pc.gid2obj(postGID), synID, g, delay			
  			thr=pnm.pc.threshold(preGID,-20)  //can add (preGID, -10) to change it. At 0, lost many conns
		  }//if pre/post GIDs exist
		} //for j -- stepping through pyr cells

   // now for ANT cells

		for j=Npyr+Nbask,Npyr+Nbask+Nant-1 {	//now do the same thing for the ANT cells, still using the i from baskets
			preGID=i + ii* N
			postGID=j + ii*N
			globalID = 0	//do this bc. in synapses.par, the globalID for basket to pyr cells is 0
		   if(pnm.gid_exists(preGID) || pnm.gid_exists(postGID)) {
			gmax  = $2 //this allows for sweeping over various values of gmax for bask->pyr connections
			delay = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).delay
			synID = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).synID
			gmaxUnits = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).gmaxUnits
			Erev  = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).Erev
			if ( pnm.gid_exists(postGID)) cellArea = pnm.pc.gid2cell(postGID).getTotalArea()
			if(gmaxUnits==1) {
				g = cellArea * gmax * 1e-5   //cellArea is 100 in bask, so g=gmax*.001							
				g = gmax * 1e-3
			Npre = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).Npre
			if (Npre==-1) {   //CF: I'm pretty sure that if Npre==-1, then you assume all-to-all connectivity; in this case, you assume each pyr cell receives a synapse from every single basket cell
				pN = -1
				pNN = 0				
				for k=0,  synCellSet.cellSet.count()-1 {			
					if(strcmp(synCellSet.cellSet.object(k).name, synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).preCell)==0)	{		
						pN = synCellSet.cellSet.object(k).N
						pNN = pNN + 1
				if(pNN!=1 || pN==-1) print "ERROR pNN"
				Npre = pN				
			g = g / Npre
			rng=50   //uniform 0-100
			if (rng <= connthr) {
					 //if(cnt%2)   { // ###this is to make only every other one go if placed before the bracket
				ind   = pnm.nc_append(preGID, postGID, synID, g, delay) 
				countSyn = countSyn + 1	
				if (debugFlag) print "connecting these two cells: ",pnm.pc.gid2obj(preGID), pnm.pc.gid2obj(postGID), synID, g, delay			
  			thr=pnm.pc.threshold(preGID,-20)  //can add (preGID, -10) to change it. At 0, lost many conns
		  }//if pre/post GIDs exist
		} //for j  --ant cells
	} // for i  -- stepping through baskets

	while( !fo.eof() ) {
		fo.gets( lineStr )
		num = sscanf( lineStr, "%d, %d, %d", &preGID, &postGID, &globalID)
		preGID  = preGID  + ii * N
		postGID = postGID + ii * N    // has GABA (globalID 0) from each bask to pyr once
							// then has random NMDA pyr to bask (GlobalID 2, which is NOT synID)
							// these are the corresponding 0 and 2 rows of the synapses.par file
							// I have now made GlobalID 7 the noise->pyr AMPA,  and 8 noise-> bask
							// 9 signal->pyr 10 pyr-pyr gaps, 11 bask-bask gaps
		if(num!=3) print "ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"		
		//gAMPAdend * taPyr * 1e-5

		// Do only if source or target are on the node
		if(pnm.gid_exists(preGID) || pnm.gid_exists(postGID)) {

			gmax  = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).gmax
			delay = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).delay
			synID = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).synID
					// these get set in AddSyn
			gmaxUnits = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).gmaxUnits
			Erev  = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).Erev
			if ((manParamFlag==1) && (globalID==0) ) {
					print "manual param flag ", preGID, postGID
					//gmax=	gmax_basktopyr

			if ( pnm.gid_exists(postGID)) cellArea = pnm.pc.gid2cell(postGID).getTotalArea()
				if(gmaxUnits==1) {
					// Convert gmax from mS/cm2 to uS
					g = cellArea * gmax * 1e-5   //cellArea is 100 in bask, so g=gmax*.001
					// Convert gmax from nS to uS
					g = gmax * 1e-3
				// Normalize by the presynaptic number of cells
				Npre = synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).Npre
				if (Npre==-1) {   //CF: I'm pretty sure that if Npre==-1, then you assume all-to-all connectivity; in this case, you assume each pyr cell receives a synapse from every single basket cell
					pN = -1
					pNN = 0				
					for i=0,  synCellSet.cellSet.count()-1 {			
						if(strcmp(synCellSet.cellSet.object(i).name, synParamSet.synSet.object(globalID).preCell)==0)	{				
							pN = synCellSet.cellSet.object(i).N
							pNN = pNN + 1
					if(pNN!=1 || pN==-1) print "ERROR pNN"
					Npre = pN				
			g = g / Npre
					// the gmax is divided by 1000, then by the presyn cells (20 in case of bask-pyr GABA)

			if (globalID<10) {
//*******  Basket to Pyr connections *******
				rng=50   //uniform 0-100
				if(globalID==0){    //this is for the basket-pyr AMPA synapses, which I can split into 2 
				   if (rng <= connthr) {
			            { //if(cnt%2)   { // ###this is to make only every other one go if placed before the bracket
				        ind   = pnm.nc_append(preGID, postGID, synID, g, delay) 
						countSyn = countSyn + 1	
						print "this shouldn't be happening, it is already set above"						
//********  all other regular synapses ****************
                } else { ind   = pnm.nc_append(preGID, postGID, synID, g, delay)
					countSyn = countSyn + 1
					//print preGID, postGID, synID, g, delay 
			} else {	

			// globalID 10 and 11 are gaps.  we've already read in the gmax of the gap, rest is garbage

				if (globalID == 10) { //for baskbask gaps
					par_gap_create(preGID, 0 ,postGID, 0, gmax )   //the 2nd and 4th are locations
					countGap = countGap+1					// 0 means soma, 1 means A1 for now
				}  //globalID 10
				if (globalID == 11) { //for pyrpyr gaps
					if (manParamFlag==1) {
						print "manual param flag ", preGID, postGID
						//gmax=	gmax_pyrgap
					}  //manParamFlag

					par_gap_create(preGID, 0 ,postGID, 0, gmax )   //the 2nd and 4th are locations
					countGap = countGap+1					// 0 means soma, 1 means A1 for now
				}  //globalID 11
			} //else
			//countSyn = countSyn + 1  // no longer needed here, done within each instance, which also separated out the gaps
			thr=pnm.pc.threshold(preGID,-20)  //can add (preGID, -10) to change it. At 0, lost many conns
		}//if pre/post GIDs exist
	} //while f.!eof

   } // ii

//countSyn=countSyn-countGap //to correct for increments of Syn that were actually Gap above--no longer needed
	printf("%d synapses and %d gaps were set\n\n", countSyn, totalGaps)

// =================================================================================================
// connectNetworkInterModules()     THIS SECTION NOT UTILIZED IN THIS MODEL
// =================================================================================================

// Delete this non-useless function
// =================================================================================================
// par_gap_create()
//  taken from NEURON implementation of Traub's 2005 thalamocortical model
// =================================================================================================

gap_src_gid = 2
func par_gap_create() {
	gap_src_gid += 2

	if (pnm.gid_exists($1)) { 
		par_gap_create1($1, $2, gap_src_gid + 1, gap_src_gid, $5)
	if (pnm.gid_exists($3)) {
		par_gap_create1($3, $4, gap_src_gid, gap_src_gid + 1, $5)
	return totalGaps + 1
proc par_gap_create1() {localobj c, g, gaploc
	c = pnm.pc.gid2obj($1)
	if ($2==0) {gaploc=c.getlocoS()}
	if ($2==1) {gaploc=c.getlocoA1()}
	gaploc.sec {      
			g = new gGapPar(.5)
			//print pnm.pc.gid2obj($1), gaploc, $3, $4, par_gaps.count()
			pnm.pc.target_var(&g.vgap, $3)
			pnm.pc.source_var(&v(.5), $4)
			g.g = $5		

endtemplate TGbignet2