// Copyright 2007, The University Of Pennsylvania
// 	School of Engineering & Applied Science.
//   All rights reserved.
//   For research use only; commercial use prohibited.
//   Distribution without permission of Maciej T. Lazarewicz not permitted.
//   mlazarew@seas.upenn.edu

begintemplate IApp

public set, get, getloc, set_random, getConv, setValue, set_random_play

objref  iapp, iappR, loc, rR, rC, rD

// =================================================================================================
// init()
// ================================================================================================= 
proc init() {

    loc = new SectionRef()
	loc.sec iappR = new IClamp(0.5)
    loc.sec iapp  = new IClamp(0.5)

// =================================================================================================
// set()
// ================================================================================================= 
proc set() {
    //print "SET"
    if (numarg()==1 || numarg()==2) {
        iapp.dur = 1e9        
        iapp.del = 0

        if (numarg()==2) iapp.del = $2

        loc.sec iapp.amp = $1 * area(0.5) * 1e-5
    } else {
        print "USAGE: set( i (uA/cm2) )"

// =================================================================================================
// getConv()
// ================================================================================================= 
func getConv() { local c

    loc.sec  c = area(0.5) * 1e-5 
    return c

// ========================================================================
// setValue( i [nA], { del [ms]} )
// ========================================================================
proc setValue() {
    //print "SETVALUE"
    if (numarg()==1 || numarg()==2) {
        iapp.dur = 1e9        
        iapp.del = 0

        if (numarg()==2) iapp.del = $2

        loc.sec iapp.amp = $1
    } else {
        print "USAGE: set( i (nA) )"

// =================================================================================================
// set_random_play(mean, sd, isUnitsPerCm2, gid)
// ================================================================================================= 
proc set_random_play() {local mean, sd
   		mean          = $1
   		sd            = $2
   		isUnitsPerCm2 = $3
   		//loc.sec print secname(), " mean=", mean, " sd=", sd, "UNITS:", isUnitsPerCm2
   		if (isUnitsPerCm2) {
   		// conversion from uA/cm2 to nA
   			loc.sec mean = 1e-5 * mean * area(0.5)
 			loc.sec	sd   = 1e-5 * sd   * area(0.5)
   		//	loc.sec print secname(), " mena=", mean, " sd=", sd 
   		// otherwise mean and sd are in pA, and need to be converted to nA
   			mean = 1e-3 * mean
   			sd   = 1e-3 * sd
   			//loc.sec print secname(), " mean=", mean, " sd=", sd 
        rD       = new Random((startsw()+$4)%10000)
        iappR.del     = 0 //rD.uniform(0, 750) //###changed to 0 7/8/8
        iappR.dur     = 1e9
        //loc.sec print secname(), iappR.del
        rR = new Random((startsw()*$4)%10000)
        rR.normal(mean, sd*sd)

// =================================================================================================
// set_random()
// ================================================================================================= 
proc set_random() {
        rC       = new Random((startsw()+$1)%10000)
        iapp.dur = rC.uniform(0, 500)      
        iapp.del = 0
        loc.sec iapp.amp = rC.uniform(-5, 5) * area(0.5) * 1e-5
        //print "amp: ", iappR.amp, secname(), $1

// =================================================================================================
// getloc()
// ================================================================================================= 
proc getloc() {
    loc.sec print secname() 

// =================================================================================================
// get()
// ================================================================================================= 
proc get() {
    loc.sec printf("iapp = %g (nA), loc= %s\n", iapp.amp, secname())

endtemplate IApp