// utility functions to convert (Nx, Ny) to gid and also the
// gap junction indices.

func loc2gid() { local gid
	// because of different boundary conditions we want to properly
	// handle x and y locations of -1 and Nx, and Ny respectively
	// return -1 if the location is not in the domain
	$1 = bndry($1, Nx, xwrap)
	if ($1 < 0) { return -1 }
	$2 = bndry($2, Ny, ywrap)	
	if ($2 < 0) { return -1 }
	return $1 + $2*Nx
func bndry() {
	if ($3 == 1) { // wrap
		if ($1 < -1) { return -1 }
		if ($1 == -1) { return $2-1 }
		if ($1 > $2) { return -1 }
		if ($1 == $2) { return 0 }
	}else if ($3 == 2) { // mirror
		if ($1 < -1) { return -1 }
		if ($1 == -1) { return 1 }
		if ($1 > $2) { return -1 }
		if ($1 == $2) { return $2-2 }
	}else{ // cut
		if ($1 < 0) { return -1 }
		if ($1 >= $2) { return -1 }
	return $1
func gid2ix() {
	return $1 % Nx
func gid2iy() {
	return int($1/Nx)

// each cell has 4 gap junction targets and the cell voltage is the
// source for a target on each of the 4 adjacent cells.
// Since the assumption is one compartment per cell we can use the
// cell gid as the transfer srcgid. If cells become multicompartment
// this conceptual strategy will have to drastically change.

// what is the gap srcgid for a given cell location
func gapsrcgid() {
	return loc2gid($1, $2)
// Note that for a target (x,y) cell's HalfGaps we are interested in
// the gapsrcgid for the four sources (x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)
// whose global existence depends on the kind of boundary condition selected.

// given a cell gid and a gap index (0-3) for the half gaps associated
// with that cell, what is the gid of the cell
// that provides the spike to the gap for the purpose of randomly changing
// the conductance of the gap. Note it is critical for each side of a gap
// to get the same spikes. Cell gid provides spikes to the left and upper
// pair of gaps relative to that cell.
func gapspkgid() {
	if ($2 == 0) { // right
		return $1
	}else if ($2 == 1) { // upper
		return $1
	}else if ($2 == 1) { // left
		return loc2gid(gid2ix($1)-1, gid2iy($1))
	}else { // lower
		return loc2gid(gid2ix($1), gid2iy($1)-1)