
objref cells

proc setgid() {local i, gid
	for pcitr(&gid, &i) {
		pc.set_gid2node(gid, pc.id)

cells = new List()
proc mkcells() {local i, gid  localobj cell, nc, nil
	for pcitr(&gid, &i) {
		cell = new Cell()
		cell.position((cell.soma.L+5)*gid2ix(gid), (cell.soma.diam+5)*gid2iy(gid), 0)
		nc = cell.connect2target(nil)
		pc.cell(gid, nc)

// we added objref gaps[4] to Cell to hold its four gap junctions. The order
// 0,1,2,3 is right, up, left, down

// Gaps can be both rectifying and randomly change conductance
// parameters. Because of rectification, HalfGaps need to know their
// polarity since the voltage sensitive conductance depends on the
// voltage relative to the - side. ie. for both sides, voltage is positive
// if v(+side) - v(-side) is positive. If HalfGap.id > 0 then that is the
// +side. Because of randomness, and because it is necessary that
// corresponding HalfGap have identical conductance at all times. Both
// HalfGap sides must use a Random generator which produces the same
// stream of random numbers. We use abs(HalfGap.id) to
// specify the Random123 stream index. Right, up HalfGaps
// are defined to be -side (negative id) and Left, down HalfGaps are
// +side (positive id). Left,Up ids are (1 + 2*gid) and (1 + 2*gid+1)
// where gid is the gid of the cell of the other side of the gap.
// Right, up HalfGaps are -(1 + 2*gid) and -(1 + 2*gid+1) where gid is the
// gid of this cell. These ids also allow us
// to efficiently test that conductance on both sides of a gap are identical.

func gapid() {
	if ($1 >= 0) {
		return 1 + 2*$1 + $2
		return 0 // will not be creating a gap for this id.

proc mkgaps() {local i, gid, ix, iy, sgid  localobj cell, r
	r = new Random()
	if (pc.id == 0) printf("ran123 global index %d\n", r.Random123_globalindex())
	for pcitr(&gid, &i) {
		cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
	  cell.soma {
		ix = gid2ix(gid)
		iy = gid2iy(gid)
		sgid = gapsrcgid(ix, iy)
		if (sgid > -1) {// check not needed
			pc.source_var(&cell.soma.v(.5), sgid)
		sgid = gapsrcgid(ix+1, iy)
		mkgap(cell, 0, sgid, -gapid(gid, 0))
		sgid = gapsrcgid(ix, iy+1)
		mkgap(cell, 1, sgid, -gapid(gid, 1))
		sgid = gapsrcgid(ix-1, iy)
		mkgap(cell, 2, sgid, gapid(sgid, 0))
		sgid = gapsrcgid(ix, iy-1)
		mkgap(cell, 3, sgid, gapid(sgid, 1))
	setallgap(ggap, gsd, drift)
proc mkgap() {localobj gap, r
	if ($3 > -1) {
	    if (use_halfgapspk) {
		gap = new HalfGapSpk(.5)
		gap = new HalfGap(.5)
		$o1.gaps[$2] = gap
		pc.target_var(gap, &gap.vgap, $3)
		gap.id = $4
		r = new Random()
		$o1.rand[$2] = r
		r.Random123(abs($4), 0)
		r.normal(1, 1)
proc setallgap() {local gid, i, j  localobj cell, nil
	for pcitr(&gid, &i) {
		cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
		for j=0, 3 if (cell.gaps[j] != nil) {
			cell.gaps[j].meang = $1
			cell.gaps[j].gmax = $1
			cell.gaps[j].gmin = $1
			cell.gaps[j].g = $1
			cell.gaps[j].rg = $2

objref _nclist
_nclist = new List()

proc setup_halfgapspk() {local gid, i, j, spkgid  localobj cell, nil, nc
	if (!use_halfgapspk) { return }
	for pcitr(&gid, &i) {
		pc.threshold(gid, -20)
		cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
		for j=0, 3 if (cell.gaps[j] != nil) if (cell.gaps[j].rg > 0) {
			spkgid = gapspkgid(gid, j)
			if (spkgid > -1) {
				nc = pc.gid_connect(spkgid, cell.gaps[j])

// 9 args are (i,j) position, direction (0,1,2,3 means 
// right, bottom, left, top),  gmin,gmax conductance (nS),
// variance of gmax, mean time to change gmax, variance of the time, drift.
// Note that if gmin is 0 it will stay at 0, otherwise it will track gmax.
// Typically, the direction will be 0 or 1, and 2, 3 will be set automatically.
proc setgap() {local i, j, dir
	sethalfgap($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)
	if ($3 == 0)       { i += 1  dir=2
	}else if ($3 == 1) { j += 1  dir=3
	}else if ($3 == 2) { i -= 1  dir=0
	}else              { j -= 1  dir=1 }
	sethalfgap(i, j, dir, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)

proc sethalfgap() {local gid  localobj cell, nil, gap
printf("sethalfgap %d %d %d %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)
	gid = gapsrcgid($1, $2)
	if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) {
		cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
		gap = cell.gaps[$3]
		if (gap != nil) {
			gap.gmin = $4
			gap.gmax = $5
			gap.meang = $5
			gap.rg = $6
			gap.meant = $7
			gap.rt = $8
			gap.drift = $9

// print the gap conductances of cell i,j
proc pgap() {local gid, dir  localobj cell, nil
	gid = gapsrcgid($1, $2)
	if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) {
		cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
		for dir=0, 3 {
			if (cell.gaps[dir] != nil) {
  printf("%d gap %d %d %d %g +/- %g\n", pc.id, $1, $2, dir, cell.gaps[dir].g, cell.gaps[dir].rg)
  printf("%d gap %d %d %d ---\n", pc.id, $1, $2, dir)

proc mygap() {local gid, dir  localobj cell, nil
	gid = gapsrcgid($1, $2)
	if (pc.gid_exists(gid)) {
		cell = pc.gid2cell(gid)
			if (cell.gaps[$3] != nil) {
if (abs(cell.gaps[$3].id) == 744) {
  print cell.gaps[$3].id, " mygap ", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8
