% This code generates a trajectory for the rat
% within the square maze, for the main model Model_GridCell.m
% Luisa Castro, FCUP
% luisa.castro@fc.up.pt
mean_v=0.08; % m/s, rat's mean velocity
v=mean_v+0.0*randn(1,bins); % m/s, vector of rat's velocity for the rat walk
h=1000./(v*dt); % /m, adjusted in order to have a mean velocity of v (1/h is the distance travelled in each time step)
x=zeros(bins,2); % initialization of positions vector
x(1,:)=[x1 y1]; % m, initial point of rat walk, defined in main model Model_GridCell.m
alf=zeros(1,bins); % radians, stores the effective directions of movement
direc=pi/120; % tuned according to dt and v
for t=2:T/dt
x(t,:)=x(t-1,:)+[cos(alf(t))/h(t) sin(alf(t))/h(t)];
while (x(t,1) > side || x(t,2) > side || x(t,1) < 0 || x(t,2) < 0 )
x(t,:)=x(t-1,:)+[cos(alf(t))/h(t) sin(alf(t))/h(t)]; % the virtual rat makes an aprox 90deg turn if he hits the wall
figure %Fig. 2b
title('Trajectory of the virtual rat')
xlim([0 side]); xlabel('m'); set(gca,'XTick',[0 1])
ylim([0 side]); ylabel('m'); set(gca,'YTick',[0 1]); axis square
% Computing path's length = travelled distance and mean velocity
path_m=sum(sqrt(dx.*dx+dy.*dy)); % m
velocity_ms=path_m/(T/1000) % m/s