% Conventions for variable names:
% - prefix "N" stands for "number of..."
% - prefix "e" stands for "excitatory"
% - prefix "i" stands for "inhibitory"
% - prefix "x" stands for "external"
% - prefix "e2e" stands for "excitatory to excitatory"
% - prefix "e2i" stands for "excitatory to inhibitory"
% - prefix "x2e" stands for "external to excitatory"
% - prefix "e2i" stands for "external to inhibitory"
% - "T" stands for greek letter "tau"
% Time resolution [ms]
net_COBN.Dt = 0.05;
% NETWORK PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------
% Number of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, eNnrn and iNnrn, and total number
% of neurons, totNnrn:
net_COBN.eNnrn = 4000;
net_COBN.iNnrn = 1000;
% Connectivity, i.e., connection probability, p:
net_COBN.p = 0.2;
% Membrane time constant, [ms]
net_COBN.eTm = 20;
net_COBN.iTm = 10;
% Leak membrane potential, [mV]
net_COBN.V_leaky = -70.;
% Membrane potential firing threshold, [mV]
net_COBN.Vthr = -52;
% the neuron fires following the following sequence:
% 1. the neuron potential is reset to a value Vres, [mV]:
net_COBN.eVres = -59;
net_COBN.iVres = -59;
% 2. the neuron cannot fire again for a refractory period, Trp, equal to
% 2ms for E neurons and 1ms for I neurons, [ms]:
net_COBN.eTrp = 2;
net_COBN.iTrp = 1;
% 3. all post-synaptic neurons receive a spike with a delay, Tl, equal to
% of 1ms after the time of threshold crossing, [ms]:
net_COBN.eTl = 1;
net_COBN.iTl = 1;
% Rise and deacy times, Tr and Td [ms]:
% - of E => E synaptic currents:
net_COBN.e2eTr = 0.4;
net_COBN.e2eTd = 2.;
% - of E => I synaptic currents:
net_COBN.e2iTr = 0.2;
net_COBN.e2iTd = 1.;
% - of I synaptic currents: rise and decay times are assumed idependent of
% the type of neuron they act on (excitatory or inhibitory)
net_COBN.iTr = 0.25;
net_COBN.iTd = 5.;
% Synaptic reversal potentials, [mV]
net_COBN.VsynAMPA = 0;
net_COBN.VsynGABA = -80;
% Synaptic conductances [nS]
% - on inhibitory neurons:
net_COBN.gi2i = 2.698602679456193;
net_COBN.ge2i = 0.233373613159943;
net_COBN.gx2i = 0.316721332145637;
% - on excitatory neurons:
net_COBN.gi2e = 2.008771996214003;
net_COBN.ge2e = 0.178441556321102;
net_COBN.gx2e = 0.233673466610967;
% Membrane resistances, [GOhm]
net_COBN.eRm = 0.04;
net_COBN.iRm = 0.05;