% Shuffle activity patterns x with population correlation cov_x
% to a HIGHER desired population correlation, cov_desired
function [x,cov_new,var_new] = part_shuffle_higher(x,cov_x,cov_desired)
[N,T] = size(x);
if cov_desired <= cov_x
error('Cannot decrease correlations. Use part_shuffle.m instead.')
% Find cells that are not always on or always off
% Only shuffles these cells
switch_cells = zeros(N,1);
for i = 1:N
if length(unique(x(i,:))) > 1
whichswitch = find(switch_cells);
% means of cells
mu = mean(x,2);
while cov_new < cov_desired
% Switch time pairs of all cells so that the lower values are in one
% time bin, and the higher values are in the other time bin
Ts = randsample(T,2); % 1st is low, 2nd is high
for i = 1:sum(switch_cells)
x_T1 = x(whichswitch(i),Ts(1));
x_T2 = x(whichswitch(i),Ts(2));
% Switch activities if they are in the wrong bin
% T1 should have lower value, T2 should have higher value
if x_T1 > mu(whichswitch(i)) && x_T2 < mu(whichswitch(i))
x(whichswitch(i),Ts(1)) = x_T2;
x(whichswitch(i),Ts(2)) = x_T1;
% Following can be uncommented to account for hetereogeneity
% of cell variances
%x_temp = x;
%for i = 1:N
% if sum(x(i,:)) > 0
% x_temp(i,:) = x(i,:)/std(x(i,:));
% end
%[~,L] = eig(cov(x_temp')); L = real(sqrt(diag(L)));
[~,L] = eig(cov(x')); L = real(sqrt(diag(L)));
cov_new = (max(L)/sum(L) - 1./N)/(1-1/N);
[~,L] = eig(cov(x')); L =real(sqrt(diag(L)));
var_new = sum(L.^2);