import numpy as np
import pickle as pkl
from datetime import datetime
# Following generates uniformly distributed granule positions of fixed density within ball of diameter diam
def generate_grc_positions(density,diam):
# The average number of granule cells within a diam x diam x diam cube based on given density is:
avg_num_incube = int(diam**3*density)
grc_pos = np.random.uniform(low=-diam/2,high=diam/2,size=(avg_num_incube,3))
# Delete all granule cells that do not lie within ball:
grc_pos = grc_pos[np.where(np.sqrt(grc_pos[:,0]**2+grc_pos[:,1]**2+grc_pos[:,2]**2)<=(diam)/2)[0],:]
return grc_pos
# Following generates glomeruli positions
def generate_glom_positions(p_num_glom,glom_density,dx,dy,dz,diam):
# Average number of glomeruli on each mossy fiber:
avg_glom_per_mf = (p_num_glom * np.array(range(1,6))).sum()
# Average number of glomeruli in bug_diam x big_diam x big_diam cube:
big_diam = diam*3; # embed in big cube to avoid boundary effects
avg_total_glom_incube = big_diam**3*glom_density
# Average number of mossy fibers in big_diam x big_diam x big_diam cube:
avg_mf_incube = int(avg_total_glom_incube/avg_glom_per_mf)
# Generate the number of glomeruli that each mossy fiber has:
num_glom = draw_from_p_num_glom(p_num_glom,avg_mf_incube)
glom_mf_id = np.zeros((num_glom.sum()),int) # vector that indexes which mossy fiber is associated with each glomeruli
glom_pos = np.zeros((num_glom.sum(),3)); ix = 0
for k in range(0,avg_mf_incube):
glom_mf_id[ix:ix+num_glom[k]] = k
# For each mossy fiber, the first glomerulus is randomly (uniformly) positioned
glom_pos[ix,:] = np.random.uniform(low=-big_diam/2,high=big_diam/2,size=(3))
for j in range(1,int(num_glom[k])):
# Distance of each glomerulus belonging to mossy fiber k is exponentially distributed away from the previous glomerulus
glom_pos[ix+j] = glom_pos[ix+j-1,:] + [(-1)**np.round(np.random.uniform())*np.random.exponential(scale=dx),(-1)**np.round(np.random.uniform())*np.random.exponential(scale=dy),(-1)**np.round(np.random.uniform())*np.random.exponential(scale=dz)]
ix = ix + num_glom[k]
# Delete all glomeruli that do not lie within ball of diameter diam:
which_glom_in_ball = np.where(np.sqrt(glom_pos[:,0]**2+glom_pos[:,1]**2+glom_pos[:,2]**2)<=(diam)/2)[0]
glom_pos = glom_pos[which_glom_in_ball,:]; glom_mf_id = glom_mf_id[which_glom_in_ball]; glom_mf_id = renumber(glom_mf_id)
return glom_pos, glom_mf_id
def renumber(glom_mf_id):
N_glom = glom_mf_id.shape[0]; mfs = np.unique(glom_mf_id)
N_mf = mfs.shape[0]
glom_mf_id_new = np.zeros((N_glom),int)
count = 0
for k in range(N_mf):
glom_mf_id_new[np.where(glom_mf_id==mfs[k])[0]] = k
return glom_mf_id_new
def draw_from_p_num_glom(p,numsamples):
values = np.arange(1,len(p)+1.)
p_cum = np.cumsum(np.append([0],p[0:-1]))
samples = np.zeros((numsamples))
randvars = np.random.uniform(0,1,numsamples)
for k in range(0,numsamples):
samples[k] = values[np.where(randvars[k]>p_cum)[0][-1]]
return samples
def get_degreedist(glom_mf_id,N_grc,N_glom,d):
ddist = np.zeros((N_glom),int)
N_mf = np.unique(glom_mf_id).shape[0]
for g in range(N_grc):
# choose d random mossy fibers, without replacement
mf_chosen = np.random.choice(range(N_mf),size=d,replace=False)
# for each mossy fiber, choose a random granule cell
for j in range(d):
gl = np.random.choice(np.where(glom_mf_id == mf_chosen[j])[0])
ddist[gl] = ddist[gl] + 1
return ddist
# Find granule cell that is closest to being dlen away from a given glomeruli
# that is also not connected to that mossy fiber or that has more than d connections
def closest_allowed_grc(attached_grcs,grc_pos,this_glom_pos,conn_mat,d,dlen):
N_grc = grc_pos.shape[0]
grcs_not_yet_attached = [n for n in range(N_grc) if n not in attached_grcs]
grcs_not_yet_full = [n for n in range(N_grc) if conn_mat[:,n].sum() < d]
grcs_available = [n for n in grcs_not_yet_full if n in grcs_not_yet_attached]
dists_from_glom = np.sqrt(((grc_pos-this_glom_pos)**2).sum(axis=1))
dists = np.abs(dists_from_glom-dlen)
if len(dists[grcs_available])>0:
grc_closest = grcs_available[np.argmin(dists[grcs_available])]
grc_closest = -1
return grc_closest
# Checks that connectivity is valid, or throws an error if:
# 1. no granule cell is connected to multiple glomeruli from the same mossy fiber
# 2. degree distribution of glomeruli does not match ddist
# 3. any granule cell has >d connections
def check_valid_connectivity(conn_mat,ddist,glom_mf_id,d):
N_mf = np.unique(glom_mf_id).shape[0]
for mf in range(N_mf):
gloms = np.where(glom_mf_id == mf)[0]
assert(np.all(conn_mat[gloms,:].sum(axis=0)<=1)),'Mossy fiber '+str(mf)+' has multiple connections to same granule cell.'
assert(np.all(conn_mat.sum(axis=1) - ddist==0)),'Glomeruli degree distribution does not match desired distribution.'
assert(np.all(conn_mat.sum(axis=0) == d)),'Granule cells do not all have ' +str(d)+ ' dendrites.'
# Connection the following swapping procedure:
# 1. Choose an incomplete glomerulus (i) and an incomplete granule cell (A) connected to it
# 2. Choose a complete glomerulus (ii) that is not connected to grc A through any mossy fibers
# 3. Choose a complete granule cell (B) that is connected to glom ii
# 4. Delete connection ii -> B
# 5. Connect i -> B and ii -> A
# Choose the swap that minimizes (dist(i,B)-dlen)^2 + (dist(ii,A)-dlen)^2
def optswap(glom_incomplete,grcs_incomplete,grcs_swappable,grc_pos,glom_pos,conn_mat,dlen):
N_glom = glom_pos.shape[0]; N_grc = grc_pos.shape[0]
# First make list of glomeruli that can be swapped from an eligible granule cell to an incomplete granule cell
gloms_swappable = []
for j in range(len(grcs_incomplete)):
gloms = [];
for k in range(len(grcs_swappable)):
# glomeruli that are connected to grcs_swappable[j] but not to grcs_incomplete[j] (through any gloms on that mf)
gloms.append([gl for gl in range(N_glom) if (conn_mat[gl,grcs_swappable[k]]==1 and conn_mat[np.where(glom_mf_id==glom_mf_id[gl])[0],grcs_incomplete[j]].sum()==0)])
# Next, make table of
deviation = np.zeros((len(grcs_incomplete),len(grcs_swappable)),float)
index_ii = np.zeros((len(grcs_incomplete),len(grcs_swappable)),int)
glom_i = glom_pos[glom_incomplete]
for i in range(len(grcs_incomplete)):
grc_A = grc_pos[grcs_incomplete[i]]
for j in range(len(grcs_swappable)):
grc_B = grc_pos[grcs_swappable[j]]
dist_iB = np.sqrt(((glom_i - grc_B)**2).sum())
gloms = gloms_swappable[i][j]
deviation_temp = np.zeros((len(gloms)),float)
for k in range(len(gloms)):
glom_ii = glom_pos[gloms[k]]
dist_iiA = np.sqrt(((glom_ii - grc_A)**2).sum())
deviation_temp[k] = (dlen - dist_iB)**2 + (dlen - dist_iiA)**2
deviation[i,j] = deviation_temp.min()
index_ii[i,j] = deviation_temp.argmin()
# Best swap:
index = np.where(deviation == deviation.min())
index_A = index[0][0]; index_B = index[1][0]
opt_grc_A = grcs_incomplete[index_A]
opt_grc_B = grcs_swappable[index_B]
opt_glom_ii = gloms_swappable[index_A][index_B][index_ii[index_A,index_B]]
# Sanity check on selected gloms and grcs
assert(conn_mat[opt_glom_ii,opt_grc_B]==1),'Something is wrong with function optswap: glom ii is not connected to grc B.'
assert(conn_mat[glom_incomplete,opt_grc_A]==1 ),'Something is wrong with function optswap: glom i is not connected to grc A.'
assert(conn_mat[opt_glom_ii,opt_grc_A]==0),'Something is wrong with function optswap: glom ii is connected to grc A.'
# Update connectivity matrix to reflect swap
conn_mat[opt_glom_ii,opt_grc_B] = 0
conn_mat[opt_glom_ii,opt_grc_A] = 1
conn_mat[glom_incomplete,opt_grc_B] = 1
return conn_mat
def shuffle_conns(grc_pos,glom_pos,d,dlen,gloms_incomplete,conn_mat,ddist):
N_grc = grc_pos.shape[0]
for gl in gloms_incomplete:
incomplete_conns = ddist[gl] - conn_mat[gl,:].sum()
for conn in range(incomplete_conns):
# list of granule cells that are incomplete (have <d dendrites)
grcs_incomplete = [n for n in range(N_grc) if conn_mat[:,n].sum() < d]
# list of granule cells that could be swapped, i.e., have = d dendrites
# and that are not connected to the glomerulus in question
grcs_swappable = [n for n in range(N_grc) if (n not in grcs_incomplete and conn_mat[gl,n]==0 )]
# find optimal "swap", update connectivity matrix
conn_mat = optswap(gl,grcs_incomplete,grcs_swappable,grc_pos,glom_pos,conn_mat,dlen)
return conn_mat
# Connect granule cells and glomeruli according desired degree distribution, to fulfill all desired properties
def alg_connections(grc_pos,glom_pos,glom_mf_id,d,dlen):
N_grc = grc_pos.shape[0]; N_glom = glom_pos.shape[0]
ddist = get_degreedist(glom_mf_id,N_grc,N_glom,d)
conn_mat = np.zeros((N_glom,N_grc),int)
for conn in range(1,ddist.max()+1):
for gl in range(N_glom):
if conn <= ddist[gl]:
mf = glom_mf_id[gl]
# all glom on same mf
glom_on_mf = np.where(glom_mf_id==mf)[0]
# find all grcs that are attached to that mf
attached_grcs = np.where(conn_mat[glom_on_mf].sum(axis=0))[0]
this_grc = closest_allowed_grc(attached_grcs,grc_pos,glom_pos[gl,:],conn_mat,d,dlen)
if this_grc >= 0:
conn_mat[gl,this_grc] = 1
# If ddist is not fully satisfied, label which glomeruli are incompletely connected
if not np.all(conn_mat.sum(axis=1) - ddist==0):
gloms_incomplete = np.where(conn_mat.sum(axis=1) != ddist)[0]
conn_mat = shuffle_conns(grc_pos,glom_pos,d,dlen,gloms_incomplete,conn_mat,ddist)
# Make sure connectivity matrix is valid
return conn_mat
# First, set up positions of the glomeruli and granule cells in a sphere
glom_density = 6.6*10**-4 # per cubic um
glom_dx = 60; glom_dy = 20; glom_dz = 2;
grc_density = 1.9*10**-3 # per cubic um
diam = 80 # diameter of ball in um
dlen = 15 # target length of granule cell dendrites in um
N_syn_range = range(1,21) # range of dendrites/synapses per cell
# This gives the probability of each mossy fiber having 1, 2, 3, etc. glomeruli
# Taken from Sultan et al.
p_num_glom = np.array([0.0,45.0,17.0,8.0,5.0])
p_num_glom = p_num_glom / p_num_glom.sum()
assert ( p_num_glom.sum() == 1)
# Find randomly placed positions of the granule cells and glomeruli
grc_pos = generate_grc_positions(grc_density,diam)
glom_pos, glom_mf_id = generate_glom_positions(p_num_glom,glom_density,glom_dx,glom_dy,glom_dz,diam)
N_glom = glom_pos.shape[0]; N_grc = grc_pos.shape[0]
for d in N_syn_range:
# Connect granule cells to each other
print('Number of dendrites: '+str(d))
startTime =
conn_mat = alg_connections(grc_pos,glom_pos,glom_mf_id,d,dlen)
print - startTime
# Glomerular degrees
ddist = conn_mat.sum(axis=1)
# Dendritic lengths
dlens = np.zeros((d*N_grc),float); ix=0
for gl in range(N_glom):
for grc in range(N_grc):
if conn_mat[gl,grc] == 1:
dlens[ix] = np.sqrt(((grc_pos[grc,:]-glom_pos[gl,:])**2).sum())
ix = ix+1
# Save to file
file = open('GCLconnectivity_'+str(d)+'.pkl','w')
p = {'conn_mat':conn_mat,'ddist':ddist,'dlens':dlens,'glom_pos':glom_pos,'grc_pos':grc_pos,'glom_mf_id':glom_mf_id}
pkl.dump(p,file); file.close()