# CelegansInterMotorNeuronsModels
The folder contains the codes for reproducing the figures of the papers:
Biophysical modeling of the whole-cell dynamics of C. elegans motor and interneurons families
by M. Nicoletti et al. *PloS ONE*, 19(3): e0298105.
The repository contains python codes and NEURON `.mod` files for Hodgkin-Huxley models of
AVAL, AVAR, VA5, VB6, VD5, AIY, and RIM C.elegans neurons.
The `.mod` files allow to model 22 ionic currents
and the intracellular calcium.
The Python files are organized for each neuron (AVAL, AVAR, AIY, RIM, VA5, VB6, VD5) as follows:
1. file for simulating voltage and current clamp responses entitled "`NeuronName_simulation.py`"
2.two files containing the functions for voltage and current clamp protocols entitled
"`NeuronName_simulation_vclamp.py`" and "`NeuronName_simulation_iclamp.py`", respectively
To reproduce the WT whole-cell behavior:
1. compile the NEURON `.mod` files in the same folder of the python codes
2. excute the file "`NeuronName_simulation.py`"
To simulate knock-out responses set to zero the conductance of the corresponding current.