from brian import *
from brian.library.ionic_currents import *
from brian.library.IF import *
import numpy as np
import time
import math
from brian.library.electrophysiology import *

reinit(states = True)
clear(erase = True, all = True)
def synchronous_input(A, N_pre):
    C = []
    for jj in range(len(A)):
        for ll in xrange(N_pre):
            B = list(A[jj])
            B[0] = ll
            B = tuple(B)
    C.sort(key = lambda tup: tup[1])
    return C

I_injected = range(-20, 22, 5)
I_injected = [0]
Spikes = np.zeros(len(I_injected))
Vpeak  = np.zeros(len(I_injected))

for i in range(len(I_injected)):

    reinit(states = True)
    clear(erase = True, all = True)
    # Number of presynaptic neurons
    N_pre  = 1
    N_hipp = 1

    # Parameters
    gl_h      =   1.930  * nS # leakage conductance
    El_h      = -59      * mV # reversal-resting potential
    Cm_h      =  0.1084  * nF # membrane capacitance
    v_th_h    = -50      * mV # threshold potential
    v_reset_h = -56      * mV # reset potential
    DeltaT_h  =   2      * mV # slope factor

    # Synaptic Reversal Potentials
    E_nmda       =  0  * mV  # NMDA reversal potential
    E_ampa       =  0  * mV  # AMPA reversal potential
    E_gaba       = -70 * mV  # GABA reversal potential

    # AMPA/NMDA/GABA Model Parameters
    gama         = 0.072 * mV**-1
    alpha_nmda   = 0.5   * ms**-1
    alpha_ampa   = 1     * ms**-1
    alpha_gaba   = 1     * ms**-1

    # Input to HIPP from Perforant Path(EC) (AMPA/NMDA kinetics from Kneisler, Dingledine, 1995 Hippocampus)
    g_ampa       =   0.22 * nS      # AMPA maximum conductance
    g_nmda       =   1.15 * g_ampa  # NMDA maximum conductance

    t_nmda_decay = 110    * ms  # NMDA decay time constant
    t_nmda_rise  =   4.8  * ms  # NMDA rise time constant
    t_ampa_decay =  11.0  * ms  # AMPA decay time constant
    t_ampa_rise  =   2.0  * ms  # AMPA rise time constant

    # GABAergic Input
    g_gaba         =   1.6  * nS  # GABA maximum conductance
    t_gaba_decay   =   5.5  * ms  # GABA decay time constant
    t_gaba_rise    =   0.26 * ms  # GABA rise time constant

    # Synaptic current equations
    eq_soma_h = Equations('''
    I_syn_h  = I_nmda + I_ampa + I_gaba - I_inj - clamp*i_inj         : amp
    I_nmda = g_nmda*(vm - E_nmda)*s_nmda*1./(1 + exp(-gama*vm)/3.57)  : amp
    I_ampa = g_ampa*(vm - E_ampa)*s_ampa                              : amp
    I_gaba = g_gaba*(vm - E_gaba)*s_gaba                              : amp
    I_inj                                                             : amp
    s_nmda                                                            : 1
    s_ampa                                                            : 1
    s_gaba                                                            : 1
    clamp                                                             : 1

    # Brette-Gerstner
    hipp_eqs  = Brette_Gerstner(Cm_h, gl_h, El_h, v_th_h, DeltaT_h, tauw = 93 * ms, a = .82 * nS)
    hipp_eqs += IonicCurrent('I = I_syn_h : amp')
    hipp_eqs += eq_soma_h
    hipp_eqs += voltage_clamp(v_cmd = -70*mV)

    hipp = NeuronGroup(N_hipp, model = hipp_eqs, threshold = EmpiricalThreshold(threshold = v_th_h,refractory = 3*ms),
                         reset = AdaptiveReset(Vr=v_reset_h, b = 0.009*nA), compile = True, freeze = True)

    # Initialization of membrane potential
    hipp.vm = El_h
    hipp.clamp = 1

    # Input stochastic for each run
    P0 = PoissonGroup(N_pre)
    tspike = 500 * ms
    spiketimes = [(0, tspike)]
    time_int = 0.1 * ms
#    for dummy_ii in xrange(20):
#        spiketimes.append((0, 500*ms + time_int))
#        time_int += 0.1 * ms
    spiketimes = synchronous_input(spiketimes, N_pre)
#    spiketimes = [(ii, tspike) for ii in xrange(N_pre)]
    P0 = SpikeGeneratorGroup(N_pre, spiketimes)


    # # The NMDA/AMPA synapses

    # Synapses at 1st branch
    nmda_eqs = '''
    dj/dt = -j / t_nmda_decay + alpha_nmda * x * (1 - j) : 1
    dx/dt = -x / t_nmda_rise                             : 1
    wNMDA                                                : 1

    syn_NMDA = Synapses(P0, hipp, model = nmda_eqs, pre = 'x += wNMDA', implicit=True, freeze=True)
    hipp.s_nmda = syn_NMDA.j
    syn_NMDA[:, :]        = True
    syn_NMDA.wNMDA[:, :]  = 1.0
    syn_NMDA.delay[:, :]  = 3.3 * ms

    ampa_eqs = '''
    dy/dt = -y / t_ampa_decay + alpha_ampa * h * (1 - y) : 1
    dh/dt = -h / t_ampa_rise                             : 1
    wAMPA                                                : 1

    syn_AMPA = Synapses(P0, hipp, model = ampa_eqs, pre = 'h += wAMPA', implicit=True, freeze=True)
    hipp.s_ampa = syn_AMPA.y
    syn_AMPA[:, :]        = True
    syn_AMPA.wAMPA[:, :]  = 1.0
    syn_AMPA.delay[:, :]  = 3.3 * ms

     # # Monitors
    pre0 = SpikeMonitor(P0)
    S    = SpikeMonitor(hipp)

    M0  = StateMonitor(hipp, 'vm', record = True)

    M1  = StateMonitor(syn_NMDA, 'j', record = True)
    M2  = StateMonitor(syn_NMDA, 'x', record = True)
    M3  = StateMonitor(syn_AMPA, 'y', record = True)
    M4  = StateMonitor(syn_AMPA, 'y', record = True)

    M5  = StateMonitor(hipp, 'I_gaba', record = True)
    M6  = StateMonitor(hipp, 'I_ampa', record = True)
    M7  = StateMonitor(hipp, 'I_nmda', record = True)
    M8  = StateMonitor(hipp, 'I_syn_h', record = True)
    M9  = StateMonitor(hipp, 'i_inj', record = True)
    M10  = StateMonitor(hipp, 'w', record = True)


    #Simulation run
    simt  = 200 * ms
    total_simt = 5*simt
    rateA =  0 * Hz
    rateB =  40 * Hz
    t_stim_init = 300
    t_stim_end  = 1300

#    @network_operation
#    def apply_soma_injections():
#        if (defaultclock.t>t_stim_init * ms) and (defaultclock.t<=t_stim_end*ms):
#            hipp.I_inj = I_injected[i] * pA
#        else:
#            hipp.I_inj = 0 * pA
#    @network_operation
#    def apply_poisson_rates():
#        if (defaultclock.t>t_stim_init * ms) and (defaultclock.t<=t_stim_end*ms):
#            P0.rate = rateB
#        else:
#            P0.rate = rateA

    print "Simulation running..."
    start_time = time.time()
    duration = time.time() - start_time

    print "Number of somatic spikes: " + str(S.nspikes)
    print "Simulation time: ", duration, "seconds"

#    if I_injected[i] < 0:
#        print "Input Resistance: " + str((M0[0][22000] * volt - El_h)/(I_injected[i]*pA))
#        print
#        print "Sag ratio: " + str((M0[0][22000]*volt - El_h)/(min(M0[0])*volt - El_h))
#    else:
#        print "Slow AHP: " + str((min(M0[0]) * volt - El_h))
#        print
#    #peak voltage
#    if I_injected[i] > 0:
#        Vpeak[i] = 1000*(max(M0[0])  - El_h / volt) # in mvolts
#    else:
#        Vpeak[i] = 1000*(min(M0[0])  - El_h/ volt) # in mvolts
    print "EPSC: " + str(min(M6[0]) * amp)    # for AMPA
    print "EPSC: " + str(min(M6[0] + min(M7[0])) * amp)    # for NMDA + AMPA
# Visualization

doVisualise = 0
step = 500
if doVisualise == 1:
    fig = figure(1)
    ylabel('# of input cells')
    xticks(range(0, int(total_simt/msecond) + step, step))
    ylabel('# of hipp cells')
    xticks(range(0, int(total_simt/msecond) + step, step))
#    savefig('raster_plots(2).png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi = 1080)

    fig = figure(2)
    vm_soma = M0[0]
    for _,t in S.spikes:
        i = int(t / defaultclock.dt)
        vm_soma[i] = (El_h + 90*mV)
    plot(M0.times / ms, vm_soma / mV)
    ylabel('V_soma (mV)')
    xlabel('time (ms)')
#    savefig('hipp_Iinj.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi = 1080)

    fig = figure(3)
    for i in range(len(P0)):
        plot(M1.times / ms, M1[i])
    xlabel('time (ms)')

    fig = figure(4)
    for i in range(len(P0)):
        plot(M2.times / ms, M2[i])
    ylabel('x NMDA')
    xlabel('time (ms)')

    fig = figure(5)
    for i in range(len(P0)):
        plot(M3.times / ms, M3[i])
    xlabel('time (ms)')

    fig = figure(6)
    for i in range(size(hipp)):
        plot(M5.times / ms, M5[i] / pA)
    ylabel('I_gaba (pA)')
    xlabel('time (ms)')

    fig = figure(7)
    for i in range(size(hipp)):
        plot(M6.times / ms, M6[i] / pA)
    ylabel('I_ampa (pA)')
    xlabel('time (ms)')

    fig = figure(8)
    for i in range(size(hipp)):
        plot(M7.times / ms, M7[i] / pA)
    ylabel('I_nmda (pA)')
    xlabel('time (ms)')

    fig = figure(9)
    for i in range(size(hipp)):
        plot(M8.times / ms, M8[i] / pA)
    ylabel('I_syn (pA)')
    xlabel('time (ms)')

    fig = figure(10)
    for i in range(size(hipp)):
        plot(M9.times / ms, M9[i] / pA)
    ylabel('i_inj (pA)')
    xlabel('time (ms)')


doData = 0
if doData == 1:
    fig = figure(1)
    plot(I_injected, Vpeak, '.')
    xlabel('Iinj (pA)')
    ylabel('Peak voltage from rest (mV)')

    ax = gca()
    ax.xaxis.set_label_text('I (pA)')
    ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(1, .26)
    ax.yaxis.set_label_text('V (mV)')
    ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(0.22, 0.8)
#    savefig('hippCell.png', bbox_inches = 'tight', dpi = 1080)