Bernhard Kaplan, 2014 For NEST 2.2.2 [for NEST 2.4.2 some changes to the .cpp and .sli files need to be done, see below] --First, set the environment variables export PYTHONPATH=/home/bernhard/Downloads/nest-2.2.2-build/lib/python2.7/site-packages export PATH=$PATH:/home/bernhard/Downloads/nest-2.2.2-build/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/bernhard/workspace/BCPNN-Module/lib/nest --Second, to add this module ('pt_module') to nest.Models(): rm -rf bootstrap-module-100725/ rm -rf build-module-100725/ ./ module-100725/ --then, ipython import nest nest.Models() // 'bcpnn_synapse', 'iaf_cond_alpha_bias' should NOT show up try: nest.Install('pt_module') except: nest.Install('pt_module') nest.Models() // now, 'bcpnn_synapse' is available --use the new synapse model! For Nest 2.4.2, some changes need to be done before compiling - In your module's main .cpp file, in the function ::commandstring(), change the returned string to just "(ml_module) run". - In your module's .sli file, remove the line with "provide-component" at the end. Also removed the line with require-component at the end in the ml:module.sli file to make it work.