* bcpnn_connection.h
* Written by Philip Tully
/* BeginDocumentation
Name: bcpnn_synapse - Synapse type for incremental, Bayesian spike-timing
dependent plasticity.
bcpnn_synapse is a connector to create synapses with incremental, Bayesian
spike timing dependent plasticity.
tau_i double - Primary trace presynaptic time constant
tau_j double - Primary trace postsynaptic time constant
tau_e double - Secondary trace time constant
tau_p double - Tertiarty trace time constant
p_i double - \
p_j double - >- these 3 initial conditions determine weight, i.e. log(p_ij/(p_i * p_j)).
p_ij double - /
K_ double - Print-now signal // Neuromodulation. Turn off learning, K = 0.
fmax_ double - Frequency assumed as maximum firing, for match with abstract rule
epsilon_ double - lowest possible probability of spiking, e.g. lowest assumed firing rate
bias_ double - ANN interpretation. Only calculated here to demonstrate match to rule.
Will be eliminated in future versions, where bias will be calculated postsynaptically
gain_ double - Coefficient to scale weight as conductance, can be zero-ed out
Transmits: SpikeEvent
[1] Wahlgren and Lansner (2001) Biological Evaluation of a Hebbian-Bayesian
learning rule. Neurocomputing, 38-40, 433-438
[2] Bergel, Transforming the BCPNN Learning Rule for Spiking Units to a
Learning Rule for Non-Spiking Units (2010). KTH Masters Thesis.
FirstVersion: November 2011
CurrentVersion: March 2012
Author: Philip Tully
SeeAlso: synapsedict, stdp_synapse, tsodyks_synapse, static_synapse
/* for Debugging */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "connection_het_wd.h"
#include "archiving_node.h"
#include "generic_connector.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace mynest
class BCPNNConnection : public nest::ConnectionHetWD
/* Default Constructor. Sets default values for all parameters. Needed by GenericConnectorModel. */
/* Copy constructor. Needs to be defined properly in order for GenericConnector to work. */
BCPNNConnection(const BCPNNConnection &);
/* Default Destructor. */
~BCPNNConnection() {}
void check_connection(nest::Node & s, nest::Node & r, nest::port receptor_type, nest::double_t t_lastspike);
/* Get all properties of this connection and put them into a dictionary. */
void get_status(DictionaryDatum & d) const;
/* Set properties of this connection from the values given in dictionary. */
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum & d, nest::ConnectorModel &cm);
/* Set properties of this connection from position p in the properties array given in dictionary. */
void set_status(const DictionaryDatum & d, nest::index p, nest::ConnectorModel &cm);
/* Create new empty arrays for the properties of this connection in the given dictionary. It is assumed
that they do not exist before. */
void initialize_property_arrays(DictionaryDatum & d) const;
/* Append properties of this connection to the given dictionary. If the dictionary is empty, new arrays
are created first. */
void append_properties(DictionaryDatum & d) const;
/* Send an event to the receiver of this connection. */
void send(nest::Event& e, nest::double_t t_lastspike, const nest::CommonSynapseProperties &cp);
/* Overloaded for all supported event types. */
using nest::Connection::check_event;
void check_event(nest::SpikeEvent&) {}
/* data members of each connection */
nest::double_t yi_;
nest::double_t yj_;
nest::double_t taui_;
nest::double_t tauj_;
nest::double_t taue_;
nest::double_t taup_;
nest::double_t epsilon_;
nest::double_t K_;
nest::double_t bias_;
nest::double_t fmax_;
nest::double_t gain_;
nest::double_t zi_;
nest::double_t zj_;
nest::double_t ei_;
nest::double_t ej_;
nest::double_t eij_;
nest::double_t pi_;
nest::double_t pj_;
nest::double_t pij_;
nest::double_t t_k_;
std::vector<nest::double_t> times_k_changed;
std::vector<nest::double_t> post_spiketimes;
std::vector<nest::double_t> K_values_;
}; /* of class BCPNNConnection */
void BCPNNConnection::check_connection(nest::Node & s, nest::Node & r, nest::port receptor_type, nest::double_t t_lastspike)
nest::ConnectionHetWD::check_connection(s, r, receptor_type, t_lastspike);
// For a new synapse, t_lastspike contains the point in time of the last spike.
// So we initially read the history(t_last_spike - dendritic_delay, ..., T_spike-dendritic_delay]
// which increases the access counter for these entries.
// At registration, all entries' access counters of history[0, ..., t_last_spike - dendritic_delay] will be
// incremented by the following call to Archiving_Node::register_stdp_connection().
// See bug #218 for details.
r.register_stdp_connection(t_lastspike - nest::Time(nest::Time::step(delay_)).get_ms());
/* Send an event to the receiver of this connection.
* \param e The event to send
* \param p The port under which this connection is stored in the Connector.
* \param t_lastspike Time point of last spike emitted
note: every time this method is called by an outside function, a presynaptic
event has occured and is being transmitted to the postsynaptic side. */
void BCPNNConnection::send(nest::Event& e, nest::double_t t_lastspike, const nest::CommonSynapseProperties &)
nest::double_t t_spike = e.get_stamp().get_ms(); /* time stamp of current spike event */
nest::double_t dendritic_delay = nest::Time(nest::Time::step(delay_)).get_ms(); /* delay from dendrite -> soma */
nest::double_t resolution = nest::Time::get_resolution().get_ms(); /* nest.GetKernelStatus('resolution') simulation timestep */
nest::int_t spike_width = 10; /* assume spike width of 1ms, resolution is 0.1 so mult by 10 */
nest::double_t spike_height = 1000.0 / fmax_; /* normalizing to match this spiking rule to abstract = 1000/FMAX (Hz)*/
nest::int_t counter = 0; /* ensuring traces reverberate for duration of the spike width */
nest::double_t min_weight = epsilon_/std::pow(0.5 ,2); /* theoretical minimum weight = epsilon/(0.5*0.5) */
// cout << "t_lastspike: " << t_lastspike << " t_spike: " << t_spike << " K_values.size(): " << K_values_.size() << endl;
/*STEP ONE: Get all timings of pre and postsynaptic spikes. Post store in dynamically allocated array */
/* get spike history in relevant range (t1, t2] from post-synaptic neuron */
std::deque<nest::histentry>::iterator start;
std::deque<nest::histentry>::iterator finish;
/* Initially read the history(t_last_spike - dendritic_delay, ..., T_spike-dendritic_delay] which increases the
access counter for these entries. At registration, all entries' access counters of history[0, ...,
t_last_spike - dendritic_delay] have been incremented by Archiving_Node::register_stdp_connection().
See bug #218 for details. */
target_->get_history(t_lastspike - dendritic_delay, t_spike - dendritic_delay, &start, &finish);
/* For spike order pre-post, if dopamine present facilitate else depress.
Pre spikes: | | t_lastpike is the last pre spike and t_spike is the current pre spike
Post spikes | || start is a pointer to the first post spike in the interval between the
two pre spikes. It is then iterated until the last post spike in the interval */
while (start != finish) {/* loop until you get to last post spike */
} /* of while */
/* STEP TWO: Consider the presynaptic firing window, delta t resolution, and update the traces */
/* nest stores with ms precision the timing of the spike. */
/* the following loop iterates through the presynaptic spike difference window */
counter = 0;
nest::int_t number_iterations = (nest::int_t)((t_spike - t_lastspike)/resolution);
// This if+else is to account for the case when K_ is initialized with 1 and K_ is changed via set_status /before/ the simulation starts
std::vector<nest::double_t> K_vec (number_iterations, K_values_.front());
if((nest::int_t)t_lastspike == 0) {
K_vec = std::vector<nest::double_t> (number_iterations, K_values_.back());
std::vector<nest::double_t>::iterator post_it = post_spiketimes.begin();
std::vector<nest::double_t>::iterator time_it = times_k_changed.end();
std::vector<nest::double_t>::iterator K_it = K_values_.end();
if (K_values_.size() > 1) { // only if a set_status has ever been called --> TODO
if (times_k_changed.back() >= t_lastspike){ // if K has changed since the last pre-synaptic spike has occured
// --> find out when changes occured and set the K_vec values right
K_it--; // move iterator one element to the left, because .end() returns iterator just past the last element
nest::int_t idx_first = (nest::int_t) ((t_spike - t_lastspike) / resolution);
nest::int_t idx_second;
while (*time_it > t_lastspike){
idx_second = (nest::int_t) ((*time_it - t_lastspike)/ resolution);
// n_constant_K = (nest::int_t) ((idx_first - idx_second) / resolution);
// cout << "New spike at *time_it: " << *time_it << " t_lastspike: " << t_lastspike << endl;
for (nest::int_t i_k=idx_first-1; i_k >= idx_second; --i_k) {
// alternative implementation would be to create a temporary vector with the correct K-values and assign this to K_vec
// cout << "debug size K_vec = " << K_vec.size() << " i_k = " << i_k << " idx_first: " << idx_first << " idx_second: " << idx_second << " times_k_changed.size=" << times_k_changed.size() << " t_lastspike=" << t_lastspike << endl;
K_vec.at(i_k) = *K_it;
idx_first = idx_second;
} // end of while
// K_ = *(K_values_.end()); // update the private K_ value
nest::int_t idx_spike;
/* Create a vector to represent the post spikes as a trace */
std::vector<nest::double_t> post_active (number_iterations + spike_width, 0.);
// std::vector<nest::double_t double> bar (5,0);
// cout << "weight at send t_spike " << t_spike << " number_iterations: " << number_iterations << " t_lastspike: " << t_lastspike << endl;
cout << "START PRINTOUT" << endl;
// cout << t_spike << "\t" << number_iterations << "\t" << t_lastspike << endl;
for (nest::int_t timestep = 0; timestep < number_iterations; timestep++)
/* CASE: Default. Neither Pre nor Post spike. */
yi_ = 0.0;
yj_ = 0.0;
/* CASE: Pre without (*OR WITH post) spike - synchronous events handled automatically. */
// if(timestep < spike_width && (nest::int_t)t_lastspike != 0) {
if(timestep == 0 && t_lastspike != 0.) {
yi_ = spike_height * spike_width;
// if you have any post spike at all
if (post_spiketimes.size() > 0) {
if (post_it != post_spiketimes.end()) {
if (timestep == (nest::int_t)((*post_it) - t_lastspike) / resolution){
yj_ = spike_height * spike_width;
/* Primary synaptic traces. Noise - commented out*/
zi_ += (yi_ - zi_ + epsilon_ /*+ (0.01 + (double)rand() / RAND_MAX * (0.05 - 0.01))*/ ) * resolution / taui_;
// zj_ += (spike_height * post_active.at(timestep) - zj_ + epsilon_ /*+ (0.01 + (double)rand() / RAND_MAX * (0.05 - 0.01))*/ ) * resolution / tauj_;
zj_ += (yj_ - zj_ + epsilon_ /*+ (0.01 + (double)rand() / RAND_MAX * (0.05 - 0.01))*/ ) * resolution / tauj_;
/* Secondary synaptic traces */
ei_ += (zi_ - ei_) * resolution / taue_;
ej_ += (zj_ - ej_) * resolution / taue_;
eij_ += (zi_ * zj_ - eij_) * resolution / taue_;
/* Tertiary synaptic traces. Commented is from Wahlgren paper. */
// pi_ += K_ * (ei_ - pi_) * resolution / taup_/* * eij_*/;
// pj_ += K_ * (ej_ - pj_) * resolution / taup_/* * eij_*/;
// pij_ += K_ * (eij_ - pij_) * resolution / taup_/* * eij_*/;
pi_ += K_vec[timestep] * (ei_ - pi_) * resolution / taup_;
pj_ += K_vec[timestep] * (ej_ - pj_) * resolution / taup_;
pij_ += K_vec[timestep] * (eij_ - pij_) * resolution / taup_;
weight_ = gain_ * std::log(pij_ / (pi_ * pj_)) /*- std::log(min_weight)*/;
cout << timestep << "\t" << zi_ << "\t" << zj_ << "\t" << ei_ << "\t" << "\t" << ej_ << "\t" << eij_ << "\t" << pi_ << "\t" << pj_ << "\t" << pij_ << "\t" << weight_ << "\t" << t_spike << "\t" << yj_ << "\t" << yi_ << endl;
} /* of for */
cout << "END PRINTOUT" << endl;
/* Update the weight & bias before event is sent. Use commented normalization to
implement soft weight bounds, this way the weight will never go below 0 because
you push all weights up by the most negative weight possible. */
bias_ = std::log(pj_);
weight_ = gain_ * (std::log(pij_ / (pi_ * pj_)) /*- std::log(min_weight) */);
/* STEP THREE. Implement hard weight bounds. NOTE if using above normalization, weights
are soft-bounded above zero already. */
/*weight_ = (weight_ < 0) ? weight_ : 0.0;
nest::double_t Wmax = ...;
weight_ = (weight_ > Wmax) ? weight_ : Wmax;*/
/* Send the spike to the target */
/* final clean up */
// before clearing it, remember the last spike, for the case that the post synaptic spike is just before the next presynaptic spike
// nest::double_t t_temp = post_spiketimes.back();
// post_spiketimes.push_back(0.);
// cout << "after send, post_spiketimes holds: " << post_spiketimes.front() << endl;
// K_vec.clear();
} /* of BCPNNConnection::send */
} /* of namespace mynest */
#endif /* of #ifndef BCPNN_CONNECTION_H */