function [ha hl] = errorarea(X,MeanValue,StdValue,colorArea,colorLine)
% errorarea
% X - Horizontal axis.
% MeanValue - Values of mean.
% StdValue - Values of standard deviation.
% colorArea - Color for the area, which covers +- 1 STD.
% colorLine - Color for the line line, which shows the mean.
% ha - Handle to area.
% hl - Handle to line.
% Florian Raudies, 09/07/2014, Boston University.
if nargin<4, colorArea = 'b'; end
if nargin<5, colorLine = 'k'; end
Xd = [X(:); flipud(X(:))];
Yd = [MeanValue(:)-StdValue(:); flipud(MeanValue(:)+StdValue(:))];
ha = fill(Xd,Yd,colorArea,'LineStyle','none'); hold on;
hl = plot(X(:),MeanValue(:),'-','LineWidth',2.0,'Color',colorLine); hold off;