function FiringRate = rasterPlotToFiringRate(RasterPlot, opt)
% rasterPlotToFiringRate
% RasterPlot - Assumes that this is an object instance of ManySlotBuffer
% with dimensions: nSlots x nEntry x nData.
% opt - Structure with fields:
% * nTrial - Number of trials.
% * nStim - Number of stimuli.
% * nCell - Number of cells.
% * nMaxSample - Maximum number of samples per cell.
% * dt - Time step in msec.
% FiringRate - Matrix with firing rates per trial, stimulus, and cell.
% The dimension of the matrix is:
% nTrial x nStim x nCell.
% Florian Raudies, 09/07/2014, Boston University.
nTrial = opt.nTrial;
nStim = opt.nStim;
nCell = opt.nCell;
nMaxSample = opt.nMaxSample;
dt = opt.dt;
% Use a stack container to gather all the samples.
FiringRate = zeros(nTrial,nStim,nCell);
FiringRateSamples = StackContainer(nTrial*nStim*nCell,nMaxSample);
% For all slots (which are all stimuli and hippocampal cells combined).
for iSlot = 1:nStim*nCell,
% Piece out the index for the stimulus and the hippocampal cell.
[iStim iHippo] = ind2sub([nStim nCell],iSlot);
DataTrialSpike = RasterPlot.getAllEntryForSlot(iSlot);
% Get the spike counts from index 3 to the end.
SpikeCount = sum(DataTrialSpike(:,3:end),2);
% Get the number of steps from the index 2.
Steps = DataTrialSpike(:,2);
% Get the trial numbers from index 1.
DataTrial = DataTrialSpike(:,1);
% Caclulcate the spike rate.
nSample = size(DataTrialSpike,1);
SpikeRate = SpikeCount./(Steps*dt);
% For each sample add the spike rate for this data point composed of
% trial, stimulus, and hippocampal cell index.
for iSample = 1:nSample,
iTrial = DataTrial(iSample);
iData = sub2ind([nTrial nStim nCell],iTrial,iStim,iHippo);
FiringRateSamples.push(iData, SpikeRate(iSample));
% Convert all the computed firing rates from one trial, which could include
% different stimuli, into a mean firing rate. This happens if the same
% stimulus occurs multiple times in a trial.
for iData = 1:nTrial*nStim*nCell,
sumFiringRate = 0;
nEntry = FiringRateSamples.numel(iData);
if nEntry,
while ~FiringRateSamples.empty(iData),
sumFiringRate = sumFiringRate + FiringRateSamples.pop(iData);
[iTrial,iStim,iHippo] = ind2sub([nTrial nStim nCell],iData);
FiringRate(iTrial,iStim,iHippo) = sumFiringRate/nEntry;