function [PerCorrect FiringRate FIndex W12perTrial W23perTrial RasterPlot] = ...
% spikingNetworkContextLearning
% nTrial - Number of trials. Numerous other parameters are specified in
% the function itself.
% PerCorrect - Percent correct with dimensions: nTrial x 1.
% FiringRate - Firing rate with dimensions: nTrial x nStim x nHippo.
% FIndex - Functional index as binary matrix. A strong weight
% connection from the 1st to 2nd layer indicates this
% connection being funcational. This index has the
% dimensions: 1 x nHippo.
% W12PerTrial - Weight matrix from 1st to 2nd layer for all trials. This
% matrix has the dimensions: nTrial x nInput x nHippo.
% W23PerTrial - Weight matrix from 2nd to 3rd layer for all trials. This
% matrix has the dimensions: nTrial x nHippo x nOutput.
% This is the main network simulation. It inlcude the
% - initialization of the network
% - the spiking simulation for each trial with its phase of the trial and
% phase of reply.
% - during replay the synaptic weights between 1st/2nd and 2nd/3rd layer
% are adapted.
% Florian Raudies, 09/07/2014, Boston University.
IntvlTrial = [0 4000]; % ms
IntvlReplay = [0 400]; % ms
dt = 0.5; % time step
dtWindow = 10; % ms
TimeTrial = ( IntvlTrial(1) : dt : IntvlTrial(2) )';
TimeReplay = ( IntvlReplay(1) : dt : IntvlReplay(2) )';
nTimeTrial = length(TimeTrial);
nTimeReplay = length(TimeReplay);
nWindow = dtWindow/dt;
V_PEAK = 0; % in Volts, these are 0 mV.
V_TH = -50*10^-3; % in Volts, these are -50 mV.
V_RESET = -70*10^-3; % in Volts, these are -70 mV.
ETA = 10^-6; % Threshold for equal
% Context and Place Odor
% Input for: A1 | B1 | A2 | B2 | X | Y
InVec = [1 0 0 0 1 0];
% Per definition the rewarded stimuli are: A1X A2X B1Y B2Y.
reward = @(X) (X(1) && X(5)) || (X(3) && X(5)) ...
|| (X(2) && X(6)) || (X(4) && X(6));
stimulusIndex = @(X) 1*X(1)+2*X(2)+3*X(3)+4*X(4)+4*X(6);
% Output action vector: Dig | Move
OutVec = [0 0];
% Number of neurons to simulate the hippocampus.
nHippo = 8;
nIn = length(InVec);
nOut = length(OutVec);
nStim = 8;
% Randomly initialize the synaptic coupling strengths (weights).
% Per random some of these have place cell selectivity.
W12 = rand(nIn,nHippo);
W23 = rand(nHippo,nOut);
W22 = ones(nHippo,nHippo) -eye(nHippo); % Inhibition weights
W33 = ones(nOut,nOut) -eye(nOut);
% Number of steps in the history.
nHist = 2;
InVecHst = zeros(nHist,nIn);
HippoVecHst = zeros(nHist,nHippo);
OutVecHst = zeros(nHist,nOut);
% Buffer for spikes within the STDP window.
nMaxSpike = 10;
T1 = TimeBuffer(nMaxSpike,nIn,dtWindow);
T2 = TimeBuffer(nMaxSpike,nHippo,dtWindow);
T3 = TimeBuffer(nMaxSpike,nOut,dtWindow);
% For performance reasons randomize all indices.
Index = rand(nTrial,2);
% Percent correct detected.
PerCorrect = zeros(nTrial,1);
nMaxTime = 1200;
nMaxSample = 100;
RasterPlot = ManySlotBuffer(nStim*nHippo,nMaxSample,nMaxTime);
% Set the options for the LIF neuron and STDP rule.
opt.V_PEAK = V_PEAK;
opt.V_TH = V_TH;
opt.dt = dt;
% Define matrices for weights per trial.
W12perTrial = zeros(nTrial,nIn,nHippo);
W23perTrial = zeros(nTrial,nHippo,nOut);
% *************************************************************************
% Loop over all trials.
% *************************************************************************
for iTrial = 1:nTrial,
% Start trial in a random state.
InVec = zeros(1,nIn);
InVec(1+round(Index(iTrial,1)*3)) = 1;
InVec(1+4+(Index(iTrial,2)>0.5)) = 1;
% Reset counter for buffers.
nHistCount = 0;
InVecHst(1+nHistCount,:) = InVec;
TraceV1 = nan(nTimeTrial,nIn);
TraceV2 = nan(nTimeTrial,nHippo);
TraceV3 = nan(nTimeTrial,nOut);
rewarded = 0;
nMoveSpike = 0;
nDigSpike = 0;
% Initialize membrane potentials.
V1 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nIn]);
V2 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nHippo]);
V3 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nOut]);
NoiseV1 = 10^-6*randn(nTimeTrial,1);
NoiseV2 = 10^-6*randn(nTimeTrial,1);
NoiseV3 = 10^-6*randn(nTimeTrial,1);
nThDigSpike = 5;
nThMoveSpike = 5;
iLastTime = 1;
for iTime = 1 : nTimeTrial,
t = TimeTrial(iTime);
opt.I = InVec;
opt.G = repmat(.1,[1 nIn]);
V1 = lifModel(t, V1,opt) + NoiseV1(iTime);
[~,mi] = max((V1-V_RESET)*W12 - (V2-V_RESET)*W22);
opt.I = zeros(1,nHippo);
opt.I(mi) = .98; % nA
V2 = lifModel(t, V2,opt) + NoiseV2(iTime);
[~,mi] = max((V2-V_RESET)*W23 - (V3-V_RESET)*W33);
opt.I = zeros(1,nOut);
opt.I(mi) = .96; % nA
V3 = lifModel(t, V3,opt) + NoiseV3(iTime);
TraceV1(iTime,:) = V1;
TraceV2(iTime,:) = V2;
TraceV3(iTime,:) = V3;
% Register any spikes at the output in the output vector.
OutVec = zeros(1,nOut);
OutVec(abs(V3-V_PEAK)<=ETA) = 1;
% Keep the history of the states/firings.
if any(abs(V2-V_PEAK)<=ETA)
HippoVecHst(1+nHistCount,:) = double(abs(V2-V_PEAK)<=ETA);
if any(abs(V3-V_PEAK)<=ETA)
OutVecHst(1+nHistCount,:) = double(abs(V3-V_PEAK)<=ETA);
nMoveSpike = nMoveSpike + OutVec(2);
nDigSpike = nDigSpike + OutVec(1);
% Dig ?
if nDigSpike>=nThDigSpike,
OutVec(1) = 1;
OutVecHst(1+nHistCount,:) = OutVec;
rewarded = reward(InVec);
for iHippo = 1:nHippo,
iSlot = sub2ind([nStim nHippo],stimulusIndex(InVec),iHippo);
DataRow = [iTrial; iTime-iLastTime+1; ...
% Move?
if nMoveSpike>=nThMoveSpike,
nThMoveSpike = 5;
nThDigSpike = max(nThDigSpike - 1, 0);
nMoveSpike = 0;
OutVec(2) = 1;
OutVecHst(1+nHistCount,:) = OutVec;
for iHippo = 1:nHippo,
iSlot = sub2ind([nStim nHippo],stimulusIndex(InVec),iHippo);
DataRow = [iTrial; iTime-iLastTime+1; ...
iLastTime = iTime+1;
% Move to the other place.
Tmp = InVec(3:4);
InVec(3:4) = InVec(1:2);
InVec(1:2) = Tmp;
% Then percept changes too.
InVec(5) = InVec(6);
InVec(6) = ~InVec(5);
% Increment the counter for the buffer.
nHistCount = mod(nHistCount + 1,nHist);
InVecHst(1+nHistCount,:) = InVec;
% Assume there is a break and all the membrane potential return
% to their resting state.
V1 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nIn]);
V2 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nHippo]);
V3 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nOut]);
PerCorrect(iTrial) = rewarded;
% Replay the sequence with the last 1+nHistCount steps.
for iHist = 1 : (1+nHistCount),
InVec = InVecHst(iHist,:);
HippoVec = HippoVecHst(iHist,:);
OutVec = OutVecHst(iHist,:);
% Assume there was a break and all membrane potentials return
% to their resting state value.
V1 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nIn]);
V2 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nHippo]);
V3 = repmat(V_RESET,[1 nOut]);
TraceV1 = nan(nTimeReplay,nIn);
TraceV2 = nan(nTimeReplay,nHippo);
TraceV3 = nan(nTimeReplay,nOut);
TraceW12 = nan(nTimeReplay,nIn,nHippo);
TraceW23 = nan(nTimeReplay,nHippo,nOut);
% Clear out any remaining spike times.
% Start the replay sequence.
for iTime = 1 : nTimeReplay,
t = TimeReplay(iTime);
% Replay in forward direction --- per STDP strenghening
if rewarded,
opt.I = InVec;
V1 = lifModel(t, V1, opt);
opt.I = .98*HippoVec;
V2 = lifModel(t, V2, opt);
opt.I = .96*OutVec;
V3 = lifModel(t, V3, opt);
% Replay in inverse direction --- per STDP weakening
opt.I = .96*InVec;
V1 = lifModel(t, V1, opt);
opt.I = .98*HippoVec;
V2 = lifModel(t, V2, opt);
opt.I = OutVec;
V3 = lifModel(t, V3, opt);
% Retire spike times which are too old.
% Register new spike times.
% Update the synaptic weights.
if iTime >= nWindow,
for iIn = 1:nIn,
TimePre = T1.time(iIn);
nPre = length(TimePre);
if nPre==0, continue; end
for iHippo = 1:nHippo,
TimePost = T2.time(iHippo);
nPost = length(TimePost);
% Are there any spikes for the pre- and the
% post-synaptic neuron in the time window?
if nPre>0 && nPost>0,
opt.TimePre = TimePre;
opt.TimePost = TimePost;
W12(iIn,iHippo) = stdpModel(...
for iHippo = 1:nHippo,
TimePre = T2.time(iHippo);
nPre = length(TimePre);
if nPre==0, continue; end
for iOut = 1:nOut,
TimePost = T3.time(iOut);
nPost = length(TimePost);
% Are there any spikes for the pre- and the
% post-synaptic neuron in the time window?
if nPre>0 && nPost>0,
opt.TimePre = TimePre;
opt.TimePost = TimePost;
W23(iHippo,iOut) = stdpModel(...
TraceV1(iTime,:) = V1;
TraceV2(iTime,:) = V2;
TraceV3(iTime,:) = V3;
TraceW12(iTime,:,:) = W12;
TraceW23(iTime,:,:) = W23;
W12perTrial(iTrial,:,:) = W12;
W23perTrial(iTrial,:,:) = W23;
opt.nTrial = nTrial;
opt.nStim = nStim;
opt.nCell = nHippo;
opt.nMaxSample = nMaxSample;
% Calculate the firing rate for each hippocampal cell, trial, and stimulus.
FiringRate = rasterPlotToFiringRate(RasterPlot, opt);
% Calculate a binary vector indicating whether a hippocampal cell is part
% of the functional network or not.
FIndex = max(W12,[],1)>(1-ETA);