function w = stdpModel(~,w,opt)
% stdpModel
% t - Time in msec.
% w - This weight models the synaptic strength.
% opt - Structure with fields:
% * TimePre - Spiking times from the pre-synaptic cell.
% * TimePost - Spiking times from the post-synaptic cell.
% w - Adapted weight.
% Spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) model with synaptic
% potentiation and synaptic deperession.
% Florian Raudies, 09/07/2014, Boston University.
TAU_PLUS = 10; % msec
TAU_MINUS = 10; % msec
TAU_W = 10; % msec
A_PLUS = 1.2; % Amplitude for long term potentation (LTP).
A_MINUS = -.4; % Amplitude for long term depression (LTD).
W_MIN = 0; % Minimum weight value.
W_MAX = 1; % Maximum weight value.
eta = 1/(TAU_W/opt.dt); % Learning rate.
% Get time stamps of spikes of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic cells.
TimePre = opt.TimePre;
TimePost = opt.TimePost;
nPre = length(TimePre);
nPost = length(TimePost);
% Compute the time difference.
Delta = repmat(TimePost(:),[1 nPre]) - repmat(TimePre(:)',[nPost 1]);
Pos = Delta>0; % Pre before post.
Neg = Delta<0; % Post before pre.
% Note that W_MAX can be overshot when having a large input signal!
w = w + eta * ( (W_MAX-w)*A_PLUS*sum(exp(-Delta(Pos)/TAU_PLUS)) ...
- (W_MIN-w)*A_MINUS*sum(exp(+Delta(Neg)/TAU_MINUS)));