% By Liang Chen, May 12, 2021
% Updated on May 20, 2022
% Simulation of the two-population network of Izhikevich neurons
% dimensional form of eqs.
% heterogeneous parameters with the Cauchy/Lorentzian distribution
% ref: Liang Chen, Sue Ann Campbell, Exact mean-field models for spiking
% neural networks with adaptation
% preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.08341
%% values of the parameters
a2 = 10*a1; % for dimensionless model
%but if from dimensionanl model, 10 times changes because of numerical error
vpeak = 200; vreset = -vpeak;
vinf = 200;
%% Euler integration parameters
dt = 10^(-3);
tend =1200;
time = 0:dt:tend;
Tend = tend/(k1*abs(VR)/C);% Total simulation time, dimensional time (ms)
%% heterogeneous parameter, Lorentzian distribution
mu1 = 0.05; mu2 = 0.05; % centre
hw1 = 0.02; hw2 = 0.02; % half width
% random generation
eta1 = cauchyrnd(mu1,hw1,N1,1);
eta2 = cauchyrnd(mu2,hw2,N2,1);
% % deterministic generation, typo in [Montbrio2015], "tan", not "atan"
% eta1 = zeros(N1,1);
% for j = 1:N1
% eta1(j) = mu1 + hw1*tan(pi/2*(2*j-N1-1)/(N1+1));
% end
% eta2 = zeros(N2,1);
% for j = 1:N2
% eta2(j) = mu2 + hw2*tan(pi/2*(2*j-N2-1)/(N2+1));
% end
%% mean-field model
%Izh_SAWA_mf; % Euler method to integrate ODEs
Izh_SAWA_mf_ode % ODE45
%% network model (see details in run.m of the folder Simulation_QIF)
%% save data
%% plot figures
%% ============= The end ============