%% mean-field model
% IC
rint = 0;
vint = 0;
wint = b*vint;
sint = 0;
sint = sint + (1-sint).*(sint>1); % to bound sm in [0,1];
%% network
% IC
v = zeros(N,1); % membrane potentials
v_mean = zeros(1,tend/dt+1);% evolution of the mean membrane potential
w = b*v; % recovery variable
w_mean = zeros(1,tend/dt+1);%
s = zeros(N,1); % synaptic gating variable (proportion)
s = s + (1-s).*(s>1); % to bound s in [0,1] because the synaptic
% current is g*s(t)*(er-v), not J*s(t) in [Montbrio2015]
sstore = zeros(1,tend/dt+1); % store the synaptic variable of the first neuron
% because of all-to-all connectivity, the
% synaptic variable of each neuron is the same
% store the spike time and index of neuron to plot the rasterplot
firings = [];
% The end