# SimStep.py -- Performs all the calculations to be executed in one integration 
# step. 
# Author: Victor Pedrosa
# Imperial College London, London, UK - Dec 2017

import numpy as np

# ------------------------ Import parameters -------------------------------------

from imp import reload
import params; reload(params); import params as p

# ================================================================================
# Main code ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _rect (x): return x*(x>0.)

def _Iext (Ipre):
	taufilt = 20 # [ms] filtering time constant
	Iext = Ipre - (Ipre-_rect((np.random.normal(0,1.8,p.NE+1))**3.))*p.dt/taufilt
	Iext[-1] = Ipre[-1] - (Ipre[-1]-(9+_rect((np.random.normal(0,0.0001,1)))))*p.dt/taufilt
	return Iext

def SimStep (u,ref,xbar_pre,xbar_post,gSynE,WEE,Iext,s):
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# Takes as the input:
	#   u:         [NE] Membrane potential at time t
	#   xbar_pre:  [NE] synaptic traces for presynaptic events
	#   xbar_post: [NE] synaptic traces for postsynaptic events
	#   gSyn_E:    [NE] synaptic conductances fo excitatory connections
	#   WEE:       [NExNE] Excitatory synaptic weights
	#   Iext:      [NE] External current for each neuron
	#   s:         [str] "up" or "down" - state of the network
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# Returns as output: (all variables for time t+dt)
	#   u_out
	#   xbar_pre_out 
	#   xbar_post_out 
	#   gSynE_out 
	#   WEE_out
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	spikes = (u>p.Vth) # Verify all the neurons that fired an action potential
	spikesE = spikes[:p.NE] # Presynaptic neurons neurons
	ref += spikes*p.Tref  # update the refractory variable for those that spiked
	# Update synaptic conductances
	gSynE_out = gSynE + p.gBarEx * spikesE
	gSynE_out = gSynE_out - gSynE_out*p.step_tauSynEx
	# Update membrane potential
	IsynE = -(u[-1] - p.EsynE)*np.dot(WEE,gSynE)
	Isyn = IsynE 
	Iext = _Iext(Iext)
	u = u + (p.Vres-u)*spikes # reset the voltage for those who spiked
	u_out = u + (-u + p.R*Iext)*p.step_tau_m # presynaptic neurons receive only external input
	u_out[-1] = u_out[-1] + (Isyn)*p.step_tau_m # postsynaptic input receive inputs from presynaptic neurons
	u_out[(ref>0.001)] = p.Vres
	u_out = u_out + (p.Vspike-u_out+p.Vth)*(u_out>p.Vth) # add a constant to "see" the spikes
	ref = _rect(ref - p.dt)
	ref_out = ref
	# Update synaptic traces
	xbar_pre_out = xbar_pre + (10.-xbar_pre)*spikesE
	xbar_pre_out = _rect(xbar_pre_out - p.dt)
	xbar_post_out = xbar_post 
	# Update synaptic weights
	auxMat = np.ones((1,p.NE))
	WEE_out = WEE + p.a_pre[s]*(auxMat*spikesE) \
		+ (-1.*p.a_pre[s])*(auxMat*spikes[-1]) * (xbar_pre>0.)  
	if spikes[-1] > 0:
		xbar_pre_out[:] = 0.
	WEE_out = _rect(WEE_out) - _rect(WEE_out-p.w_max) # apply bounds
	return u_out,ref_out,xbar_pre_out,xbar_post_out,gSynE_out,WEE_out,Iext