Activity-dependent downscaling of subthreshold synaptic
inputs during slow wave sleep-like activity in vivo
Ana Gonzalez-Rueda, Victor Pedrosa, Rachael Feord,
Claudia Clopath and Ole Paulsen
General description
Simulates a feedforward network of excitatory neurons as in:
[1] González-Rueda, A., Pedrosa, V., Feord, R., Clopath, C., Paulsen, O. Activity-dependent
downscaling of subthreshold synaptic inputs during slow wave sleep-like activity in vivo.
Neuron (2018).
Code written by: Victor Pedrosa
Imperial College London, London, UK - Dec 2017
Figure 4CD
List of files
This file runs all the code in steps 1,2 and 3, generating the data in 'Data/' and the
figures in 'Figures/'.
(2) Step1-wake_learning/
Simulates a feedforward network of integrate-and-fire neurons with plastic excitatory
synapses. The synapses are updated following a standard STDP rule and some neurons receive
50% stronger currents than the others. This code uses functions and parameters in and
(3) Step2-sleep_learning/
Simulates a feedforward network of integrate-and-fire neurons with plastic excitatory
synapses. Synaptic weights are initiated as the final weights from (1). Those weights are
updated followin the Up-state-mediated plasticity described in [1]. This code uses
functions and parameters in and
(4) Step3-figures/
Plots and save the figure generated with the data produced from (1) and (2). Figures are
saved in Figures/.
To simulate the network and plot the figures
1. run (1): simulates the network, saves the results and generate figure 4CD (below);
Figure 4E
List of files
This file runs UP-state-mediated_plast_fig4E for 200 trials, which creates all the data
in Data/
Simulates the network and saves the data in Data/
Gets the data in Data/ as input, generate the figure and save it in Figures/
Functions to be used in each integration time step. These fundtions are called from (2)
Parameters used by (2)
To simulate the network and plot the figures
1. run (1): simulates the network, saves the results and generate figure 4E (below);