%Title: Phasic dopamine changes and Hebbian mechanisms during probabilistic
%reversal learning in striatal circuits: a computational study
%Description:Script for training synapses during the Reversal Learning
% To be run after Basal_Training_synapses_2_channels.m. The script loads
% simulations result obtained from Basal_Training_synapses_2_channels.m.
% Each epoch consists of the two stimuli, S1 = [1 0.3] and S2 = [0.3 1].
% Reversal consists in the same inputs S1 and S2, randomly permuted at each
% epoch, but with the opposite associated reward probabilities: action 1 is
% associated with P_small reward probability after the presentation of the
% stimulus S1 and with P_high reward probability after S2; action 2 is
% associated with P_high and P_small reward probabilities after S1 and S2,
% respectively.
% Reversal learning was attempted at different moments: after 50 epochs and
% after 75 epochs of previous learning. To be indicated in line 100.
% The user chooses the Hebb rule by entering the corresponding value.
% The results are saved in a .mat file which indicates:
% The type of learning (Rev = Reversal Learning); The name of the rule
% used; The number of the learning procedure, with ii procedure index.
% (ex: Reversal Learning, Post Post Rule , ii = 1
% 'Rev_W_tot_post_post_1.mat')
% The results can be shown by running the program
% 'plot_training_synapses_2_ch.m'
% Mauro Ursino, Miriam Schirru Jan. 2022
clear all
close all
oldpath = path;
selpath = uigetdir;
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % Initialisation
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
P_high = 0.8; % probability of reward for the best choice
P_small = 0.3; % probability of reward for the small choice
answer = input('choose the rule (1 = post-post, 2 = post-pre, 3 = pre-pre, 4 = total, 5 = Oja, 6 = post-adapt) ');
%% basal stimuli
% Ns stimuli may be applied to the network
Ns = 2;
Nc = 2;
S_high = 1.0;
S_small = 0.3;
%S1: stimulus 1
S1(1) = S_high;
S1(2) = S_small;
S1 = S1';
Correct_winner_1 = 2;
Small_winner_1 = 1;
%S2: stimulus 2
S2(1) = S_small;
S2(2) = S_high;
S2 = S2';
Correct_winner_2 = 1;
Small_winner_2 = 2;
N_training = 10;
% Training synapses
for ii = 1:N_training
switch answer
case 1
name = strcat('W_tot_post_post_',num2str(ii));
case 2
name = strcat('W_tot_post_pre_',num2str(ii));
case 3
name = strcat('W_tot_pre_pre_',num2str(ii));
case 4
name = strcat('W_tot_total_',num2str(ii));
case 5
name = strcat('W_tot_oja_',num2str(ii));
case 6
name = strcat('W_tot_post_adapt_',num2str(ii));
Epoch = 75; %50
Wgc = squeeze(Wgc_epocs(:,:,2*Epoch));
Wgs = squeeze(Wgs_epocs(:,:,2*Epoch));
Wnc = squeeze(Wnc_epocs(:,:,2*Epoch));
Wns = squeeze(Wns_epocs(:,:,2*Epoch));
N_epochs = 400;
Dop_tonic = 1.0; % value of the dopaminergic input used during training, default 1.0
gain_drop_dop = 0.5; %1.0 %1.5
Wgc_epocs = zeros(Nc,Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
Wgs_epocs= zeros(Nc,Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
Wnc_epocs = zeros(Nc,Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
Wns_epocs = zeros(Nc,Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
Wgc_epocs(:,:,1) = Wgc;
Wgs_epocs(:,:,1) = Wgs;
Wnc_epocs(:,:,1) = Wnc;
Wns_epocs(:,:,1) = Wns;
vett_reward = zeros(Ns*N_epochs,1);
vett_punishment = zeros(Ns*N_epochs,1);
vett_small_winn = zeros(Ns*N_epochs,1);
vett_no_risposta = zeros(Ns*N_epochs,1);
S_vett = zeros(Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
S1_vett = zeros(Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
S2_vett = zeros(Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
noise1 = zeros(Nc,Ns*N_epochs);
noise1(1:Ns,1:Ns*N_epochs) = 0.20*randn(Ns,Ns*N_epochs);
for i = 1:N_epochs
action = randperm (Ns);
for j = 1:Ns
Wgc = squeeze(Wgc_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)));
Wgs = squeeze(Wgs_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)));
Wnc = squeeze(Wnc_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)));
Wns = squeeze(Wns_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)));
% resto = rem(i,4);% try with switch
noise = 0.0*randn(4,1);
noiseC = noise1(:,j+Ns*(i-1));
num_rand = rand(1,1);
Correct_winner = [];
Small_winner = [];
switch action (j)
case 1
S = S1;
S(1) = S(1)+noise(1);
S(2) = S(2)+noise(2);
if num_rand < P_high
Correct_winner = Correct_winner_1;
if num_rand < P_small
Correct_winner = Correct_winner_1;
Small_winner = Small_winner_1;
case 2
S = S2;
S(1) = S(1)+noise(1);
S(2) = S(2)+noise(2);
if num_rand < P_high
Correct_winner = Correct_winner_2;
if num_rand < P_small
Correct_winner = Correct_winner_2;
Small_winner = Small_winner_2;
S(find(S>1)) = 1;
S(find(S<0)) = 0;
% S(3:4) = 0;
% Call to the function which simulates the basal ganglia response
switch answer
case 1
[Uc,C,Ugo,Go,IGo_DA_Ach,Unogo,NoGo,INoGo_DA_Ach,Ugpe,Gpe,Ugpi,Gpi,Ut,T,Ustn,STN,E,t,Wgc_post,Wgs_post,Wnc_post,Wns_post,r,k_reward,ChI,sw] = BG_model_function_Ach_post_post(S,Wgc,Wgs,Wnc,Wns,Correct_winner,Small_winner,Dop_tonic,noiseC,gain_drop_dop);
case 2
[Uc,C,Ugo,Go,IGo_DA_Ach,Unogo,NoGo,INoGo_DA_Ach,Ugpe,Gpe,Ugpi,Gpi,Ut,T,Ustn,STN,E,t,Wgc_post,Wgs_post,Wnc_post,Wns_post,r,k_reward,ChI,sw] = BG_model_function_Ach_post_pre(S,Wgc,Wgs,Wnc,Wns,Correct_winner,Small_winner,Dop_tonic,noiseC,gain_drop_dop);
case 3
[Uc,C,Ugo,Go,IGo_DA_Ach,Unogo,NoGo,INoGo_DA_Ach,Ugpe,Gpe,Ugpi,Gpi,Ut,T,Ustn,STN,E,t,Wgc_post,Wgs_post,Wnc_post,Wns_post,r,k_reward,ChI,sw] = BG_model_function_Ach_pre_pre(S,Wgc,Wgs,Wnc,Wns,Correct_winner,Small_winner,Dop_tonic,noiseC,gain_drop_dop);
case 4
[Uc,C,Ugo,Go,IGo_DA_Ach,Unogo,NoGo,INoGo_DA_Ach,Ugpe,Gpe,Ugpi,Gpi,Ut,T,Ustn,STN,E,t,Wgc_post,Wgs_post,Wnc_post,Wns_post,r,k_reward,ChI,sw] = BG_model_function_Ach_total(S,Wgc,Wgs,Wnc,Wns,Correct_winner,Small_winner,Dop_tonic,noiseC,gain_drop_dop);
case 5
[Uc,C,Ugo,Go,IGo_DA_Ach,Unogo,NoGo,INoGo_DA_Ach,Ugpe,Gpe,Ugpi,Gpi,Ut,T,Ustn,STN,E,t,Wgc_post,Wgs_post,Wnc_post,Wns_post,r,k_reward,ChI,sw] = BG_model_function_Ach_Oja(S,Wgc,Wgs,Wnc,Wns,Correct_winner,Small_winner,Dop_tonic,noiseC,gain_drop_dop);
case 6
[Uc,C,Ugo,Go,IGo_DA_Ach,Unogo,NoGo,INoGo_DA_Ach,Ugpe,Gpe,Ugpi,Gpi,Ut,T,Ustn,STN,E,t,Wgc_post,Wgs_post,Wnc_post,Wns_post,r,k_reward,ChI,sw] = BG_model_function_Ach_post_adapt(S,Wgc,Wgs,Wnc,Wns,Correct_winner,Small_winner,Dop_tonic,noiseC,gain_drop_dop); %
exitC(1,j) = C(1,end);%C(1,end); %exit cortex ch 1
exitC(2,j) = C(2,end);
[i r]
if r==1 & sw==1
vett_reward(j+Ns*(i-1)) = 1;
elseif r==-1 & sw==0
vett_punishment(j+Ns*(i-1)) = 1;
elseif r==1 & sw==2
vett_small_winn(j+Ns*(i-1)) = 1;
vett_no_risposta(j+Ns*(i-1)) = 1;
S_vett(1,j+Ns*(i-1)) = S(1);
S_vett(2,j+Ns*(i-1)) = S(2);
Wgc_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)+1) = Wgc_post;
Wgs_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)+1) = Wgs_post;
Wnc_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)+1) = Wnc_post;
Wns_epocs(:,:,j+Ns*(i-1)+1) = Wns_post;
exitC_tot (:,Ns*i-(Ns-1):Ns*i) = exitC;
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
clear Wgc Wgs Wnc Wns
v = zeros(1,Ns*N_epochs);
idx_corr_act = find((~(sum (exitC_tot>=0.9)> 1)) & (~(sum(exitC_tot < 0.9)>Ns-1)) );
idx_wrong_act = find((sum (exitC_tot>=0.9)> 1) | (sum(exitC_tot < 0.9)>Ns-1));
v (idx_wrong_act) = NaN;
[row,col] = find(exitC_tot(:,idx_corr_act) >= 0.9);
v (idx_corr_act) = row;
for jj = 1 : length(v)
if isnan (v(jj))
choices (jj)= NaN;
choices(jj) = S_vett(v(jj),jj);
reward_tot = sum(vett_reward)
punishment_tot = sum(vett_punishment)
%no answers
no_answer_tot = sum(vett_no_risposta)
%small reward
small_reward_tot = sum(vett_small_winn)
% save the date to the file named W_tot_new. This name can be subsequently changed
save (strcat('Rev_',name), 'Wgc_epocs', 'Wgs_epocs', 'Wnc_epocs', 'Wns_epocs', 'vett_reward', 'vett_punishment', 'vett_no_risposta', 'vett_small_winn', 'S_vett', 'Dop_tonic', 'N_epochs','exitC_tot','choices')