// nFit
// (c) Charles CH Cohen, 2014-present
// this software is released to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 
// International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, in English).
// for any questions, please email c.cohen@gmx.com

// -------------------------------Variables----------------------------------------
objref cellular, somatic, basal, apical, axonal
objref aptrunk, praxonal, collateral, AIS
objref internodal, paranodal, interparanodal, nodal, axbleb
objref apic0, axon0, praxlist, prankvec, intlist

axbleb_exists = 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------Larger-purpose sectionlists------------------------------
proc bigsecl() {local countBas, countApic, countAxon

	cellular = new SectionList()
	somatic = new SectionList()
	basal = new SectionList()
	apical = new SectionList()
	axonal = new SectionList()

	countBas = 0
	countApic = 0
	countAxon = 0

	forall {

		ifsec "dend" {

			countBas += 1

		ifsec "apic" {

			countApic += 1

		ifsec "axon" {

			countAxon += 1

	// assign somatic sections
	soma {


	// assign basal dendritic sections
	for section = 0, countBas-1 dend[section] {


	// assign apical sections
	for section = 0, countApic-1 apic[section] {


	// assign axonal sections
	for section = 0, countAxon-1 axon[section] {

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------Smaller-purpose sectionlists-----------------------------
proc lilsecl() {

	// aptrunk sectionlist to exclude from sps application
	apic[0] apic0 = new SectionRef()
	// the aptrunk sectionlist
	aptrunk = new SectionList()
	// findtrunk exit code
	ftec = 1
	// number of times required to rerecall findtrunk beyond its in-built recursion
	// due to nstack overflow
	ftcount = 0
	while (ftec) {

		if (!ftcount) {
			findtrunk(apic0, aptrunk)
		} else {

			findtrunk(tsecref, aptrunk)

	// applicable sub-sectionlists of axonal to all axon types
	praxonal = new SectionList()
	collateral = new SectionList()

	// secref for axon
	axon[0] axon0 = new SectionRef()
	// findtrunk exit code
	ftec = 1
	// number of times required to rerecall findtrunk beyond its in-built recursion
	// due to nstack overflow
	ftcount = 0
	while (ftec) {

		if (!ftcount) {
			findtrunk(axon0, praxonal)
		} else {

			findtrunk(tsecref, praxonal)

	// define collateral as axonal without praxonal
	forsec axonal collateral.append()

	// store praxonal as strseclist
	praxlist = new List()
	seclist2list(praxonal, praxlist)

	// AIS
	AIS = new SectionList()
	forsec praxlist.o(0).label AIS.append()

	// does a non-myelinated primary axon end bleb exist?
	// initialize the corresponding endflag to 0
	endflag = 0
	axbleb_exists = getvarp(ses, "axbleb_exist.dat")
	if (axbleb_exists) {

		strdef axblebstr
		getstring(ses, "axbleb_loc.dat", axblebstr)
		axbleb = new SectionList()
		forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-1).label axbleb.append()
		endflag = 1

	axontype = getaxontype(0)
	internodal = new SectionList()
	nodal = new SectionList()

	// minimum internode to node length ratio
	mintnod = getvarp(ses, "mintnod.dat")

	// find nodes and internodes (excluding AIS and end section)
	for section = 1, praxlist.count-2 {

		forsec praxlist.o(section-1).label pre = L
		forsec praxlist.o(section).label cur = L
		forsec praxlist.o(section+1).label post = L

		if (section == 1) {

			if (cur/post > mintnod) {

				forsec praxlist.o(section).label internodal.append()

			} else {

				forsec praxlist.o(section).label nodal.append()
		} else if (endflag && section == praxlist.count-2) {
			if (cur/pre > mintnod) {

				forsec praxlist.o(section).label internodal.append()

			} else {

				forsec praxlist.o(section).label nodal.append()
		} else {

			if (cur/pre > mintnod && cur/post > mintnod) {

				forsec praxlist.o(section).label internodal.append()

			} else if (cur/pre < mintnod && cur/post < mintnod) {

				forsec praxlist.o(section).label nodal.append()

	// check if end is nodal or internodal...
	if (!endflag) {

		forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-2).label pre = L
		forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-1).label cur = L

		if (cur/pre > mintnod) {

			forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-1).label internodal.append()

		} else {

			forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-1).label nodal.append()

	// if paranodes...
	paranod = getvarp(ses, "paranod.dat")

	if (paranod) {

		// implies that edge nodal sections, adjacent to internodes, are paranodal.
		// applies to such edge nodal sections only.
		paranodal = new SectionList()		
		preIntflag = 0
		postIntflag = 0

		for section = 1, praxlist.count-2 forsec praxlist.o(section).label ifsec nodal {

			forsec praxlist.o(section-1).label ifsec internodal preIntflag = 1
			forsec praxlist.o(section+1).label ifsec internodal postIntflag = 1

			if (preIntflag || postIntflag) forsec praxlist.o(section).label paranodal.append()

			preIntflag = 0
			postIntflag = 0

		// check if end is paranodal...
		if (!endflag) forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-1).label ifsec nodal {

			forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-2).label ifsec internodal preIntflag = 1
			if (preIntflag) {

				forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-2).label pre = L
				forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-1).label cur = L

				if (cur/pre < mintnod) forsec praxlist.o(praxlist.count-1).label paranodal.append()
	// cleanup:
	// create interparanodal sectionlist and add those sections between paranodes (within the internode) in it
	interparanodal = new SectionList()
	forsec internodal interparanodal.append()
	// add paranodes to internodal sectionlist, by definition.
	forsec paranodal internodal.append()
	// remove paranodal from nodal.
	// check for unusual remaining sections and add them if necessary
	templist = new SectionList()
	forsec AIS templist.append()
	forsec internodal templist.append()
	forsec nodal templist.append()
	if (endflag) forsec axbleb templist.append()
	tempseclist = new SectionList()
	forsec praxonal tempseclist.append()
	forsec tempseclist nodal.append()
	// check total subsection numbers
	praxcount = 0
	forsec AIS praxcount += 1
	forsec internodal praxcount += 1
	forsec nodal praxcount += 1
	if (endflag) praxcount += 1

	if (praxcount != praxlist.count) print "Error: primary axon sub-sectionlists incomplete"

	// order internodal sections
	tempseclist = new SectionList()

	forsec praxonal tempseclist.append()

	if (axbleb_exists) tempseclist.remove(axbleb)

	internodal = new SectionList()
	forsec tempseclist internodal.append()

	objref templist, tempseclist	
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------crintlist--------------------------------------
func crintlist() {local k, m, q localobj tempseclist, templist

	intlist = new List()
	crveclist(100, intlist)
	for k = 0, intlist.count-1 intlist.o(k).x[0] = -1
	tempseclist = new SectionList()

	forsec praxonal tempseclist.append()


	templist = new List()
	seclist2list(tempseclist, templist)

	if (axbleb_exists) tempseclist.remove(axbleb)

	m = -1

	if (paranod) {

		k = 0
		while (k < templist.count) {

			forsec templist.o(k).label ifsec paranodal {

				m += 1
				intlist.o(m).x[0] = sec2secnum(templist.o(k).label)
				k += 1
				intlist.o(m).x[1] = sec2secnum(templist.o(k).label)
				q = 0
				while (q < templist.count-k) {

					k += 1
					forsec templist.o(k).label ifsec paranodal {

						intlist.o(m).x[intlist.o(m).size-1] = sec2secnum(templist.o(k).label)
						q = templist.count-k

					if (axbleb_exists) forsec templist.o(k).label ifsec axbleb q = templist.count-k

					forsec templist.o(k).label ifsec tempseclist {
						print "impossible"
						intlist.o(m).x[intlist.o(m).size-1] = sec2secnum(templist.o(k).label)
						q += 1

			k += 1

	k = intlist.count-1 
	while (k >= 0) {
		if (intlist.o(k).x[0] == -1) intlist.remove(k)
		k -= 1

	return intlist.count
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------------------End defsec------------------------------------------